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RE: Why I Flag ozchartart

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

So you believe that ozchartart's posts are quality and not botty/spammy/fakish? I have had ozchartart's posts in my list of auto upvotes on my steemvoter account for a while and now I am wondering whether or not I should remove him...

edit: Or are you making the point that even if it is fairly automated botty posts he should still have the right to post them and is deserving of payouts?


No, I really have no opinion on it because I'm not a chartist. I however, don't think that accusations of abuse should be made just because someone doesn't like his work or his type of work.

I can tell you that in my personal conversation with him @ozchartart seemed like a sincere contributor who values his work and who truly believes that people who follow his work also value it. IMO, one of the founders of the platform attacking him from a position of explicit and implicit authority is not the right approach, regardless of whether we think his chart analysis is accurate or not. It will likely, as similar actions have in the past, drive away yet another (at least up until now) sincere and devoted contributor and supporter of Steem. Not the way to build a community.

IMO, one of the founders of the platform attacking him from a position of explicit and implicit authority is not the right approach ... Not the way to build a community.

I could not agree more with this sentiment.

I followed it for a week before the first time I flagged it, a couple of weeks ago. It rarely had 4 or 5 views before making over $50 from automatic voters.

@whatup I support however you want to vote on it. My posts get quite a bit of instant voting from automatic voters as do dan's and many others. In fact for a while even my comments were getting a whole bunch of automatic votes, though whatever bot(s) were doing that seem to have stopped. It's hardly unique to @ozchartart; and is simply the nature of the platform. (Lot of automatic bot votes happen on reddit too btw.)

I have never considered investing in Reddit.

I think I agree because even if his posts are mostly cut and past/automated I enjoy looking at the charts he posts because I don't have to go and look them up myself. The content may not be very in depth but it has been useful for me.

Right. It's like a financial news letter/ radio-/tv- station. While most of us may not enjoy it, there still might be some value in it.

I think I agree because even if his posts are mostly cut and past/automated I enjoy looking at the charts he posts because I don't have to go and look them up myself.

While that may be true, is that slight convenience worth $300.00 in Steem earnings from the daily reward pool?

Now, consider that people, like myself (whom also happens to be a chartist), will put in just as much time/ effort, perhaps even much more (if his posts are mostly automated), and get something like a 10 ~ 20 cent payout. I'm not going to take the stance that it's unfair, whatever that word means, but I do think that this can lead to some user retention issues, now and in the future.

I think it behooves the whales/ guilds to "spread around the love" a bit within the various tags and sub-tags, if only to show a little appreciation of hard work. People like to feel loved/ appreciated. One upvote can go a long ways. Similarly too many upvotes towards a single user can send a bad message to the overlooked/ underappreciated.

To stick to this @ozchartart example, I've already seen many better chartists (IMO, of course) stop posting their works here on steemit, presumably because they get very little rewards (cents) for high-dollar efforts. Then I look at @ozchartart's works, with its very basic technical-analysis profile (not that there's anything wrong with keeping to the basics, but obviously not a lot of time is put into it), and it consistently earns $80+.

So, we have high dollar efforts receiving cents, and cents efforts receiving high dollars. Is that good for the platform? honest with yourself now.

Do we really want only one chartist to dominate earnings day over day, week over week, month over month, therefore losing a lot of real talent in that area from Steemit, likely for good?

It should be fairly obvious that Steemit's best chance for success is to spread rewards between the upper talents of their respective "fields" not to pick one cash cow out of each of them at the exclusion of all the rest.

may I ask how the repetitive chart posting is more interesting and "steemit material" then krnels post from a few days ago?

I don't post either but I think there's a deeper element to consider in krnels post vs nerd stats and data

if it's auto upvote related then I retract my question

I actually addressed that in response to a comment on one of @krnel's posts. It addresses a larger, broader, and proven market. People like to trade and that includes paying attention to market reports and chart analysis. Not everyone likes that but it is far, far larger draw than long-form philosophy. Nor did I repeatedly and relentlessly downvote every single @krnel post and do so with multiple accounts..

Now I'm not here to shill for @ozchartart. Frankly his content isn't my thing and that's not why I am against what Dan has been doing and the way Dan justifies his actions.

I haven't started posting yet, but I think when I post some long form philosophy I'll promise a chart at the end, and of course a photo of a kitten.

Edit; Not to get a lot of votes, but to prevent down votes or flags.

2nd edit; (because of 6 post down)
As reply to @mrwang
Well it's a little joke but.... to be fair.
I could just as well turn the sentence around. Like this.

I haven't started posting yet, but I think when I post some charts I'll promise some long form philosophy at the end, and of course a photo of a kitten.

But I guess that what started as a joke ends up being booooooooooring philosophy ;)

aww, lmao... @wordsword that's hilarious.

@smooth gotcha

Did you have a similar personal conversation with @krnel? (and the 200+ readers of his content?)

I don't see why you think Dan should take responsibility for user retention and you shouldn't. He may be a bigger fish than you and he may be a co founder, but that's irrelevant to the fact that your interests should be aligned since you are both heavily invested.

Did you have a similar personal conversation with @krnel?

No, but he is welcome to reach out to me as @ozchartart did (as is anyone)

I don't see why you think Dan should take responsibility for user retention and you shouldn't.

Dan can do what he wants. I'm expressing my opinion on it.

I'm not employed by Steem/Steemit in any manner, with the possible exception of running a witness node (arguably whether that constitutes being 'employed'). This is not my job and i'm not "responsible" for anything about it. I'm a stakeholder, investor, and a user. Trying to equate my role with that of a founder and lead developer is nonsensical. Yes we are both large-ish stakeholders but the similarity begins and ends there.

For the responsibility you refuse to take I would argue that nobody should be voting for you as witness.

I wouldn't suggest noone should vote for you as of yet, and I still do even though I made the decission a long time ago and have little influence.

But I would agree that with being a witness comes, and should in my opinion come an even greater, social responsibility.

I personally always suggest noone should vote for anyone who'm they disagree with on what they themselves consider important issues, no matter if they are directly related to technicalities such as running a node or not.

Quality is subjective. They are easy to digest and I use them to show new investors when they have questions about how to price steem.
@ozchartart's posts help me sell steem and steemit to people who otherwise would not be interested. It's your decision on whether or not that report, automated or not is worth your upvote. It is mine on days I'm looking at it. Then again I don't have anyone on autovote either.

Some whales have this on autovote and vote for multiple charts every single day. There is no way a serious trader needs those 3 or 4 posts, each day.

Agreed, but it's the way our system works. Trending authors trend, because curation rewards exist. If you know that whales are going to vote something you'd have to be acting in an irrational manner not to vote with the whales and to do so before the whales.

Whales for the most part don't have a lot of time to curate by hand so some accounts are on auto upvote.

There is no problem with this because it's by design.
However if there were no curation rewards, then this would not be as much of a problem.

It is exactly the reason, I would not invest nor bring anyone I know here.

@williambanks I'm sorry, but they've been being flagged for months and you only noticed yesterday... Very few people even noticed even when they remained on the trending page AFTER flagging. Barely anybody showed interest because nobody noticed because practically nobody retains value from those 4 time daily posts.


[the other reply to a different comment I guess before an edit]

I have had ozchartart's posts in my list of auto upvotes on my steemvoter account for a while

Why? I have not autoupvoted ozchartart, nor anyone else for quite some time.

If you like his posts, fine, if you don't like his posts that's fine too. No one is forcing you to support them with autovotes. Your call.

Or are you making the point that even if it is fairly automated botty posts he should still have the right to post them and is deserving of payouts?

Up to the voters (including you).

"Why? I have not autoupvoted ozchartart, nor anyone else for quite some time."

Just for the sake of supporting him and my own curation rewards.

"If you like his posts, fine, if you don't like his posts that's fine too. No one is forcing you to support the."

I mean I'm wondering if the posts are willfully misleading people or something. For example tricking people into pumping or dumping coins at a loss.

I don't think anyone has even alleged that.

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