Holy Crap! Steemit is Booming! When a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

in #steemit8 years ago

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Three months ago, none of my friends were on steemit, none of my Facebook friends either, except from Gabe @piedpieper. As you might have guessed, I tried to tell everyone about steemit. Some joined immediately, some told me they heard about it and that they will check it out later, some said that they checked it out but they remained skeptical, and some never answered.

Fast forward to August 9th. My Birthday.

I log on to a steemit Facebook group, and here’s what I found:

Spoiler alert, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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Three months ago, I wouldn't had any mutual friends in there. See how far steemit has gone? And by the way, this is only the friends that joined this particular group, my Facebook feed is now all about steemit!.

Remmeber when I said "Steemit to The Moon!" two months ago?

Not only it's heading for that moon, but it's going to make it home!

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The truth is, I’ve seen this before and I have reason to believe that the best is yet to come.

In my first year in the university I was hanging out one night in a highly popular club in my city. Out of nowhere a man that I’ve never seen before asked me to come with him outside because he wanted to talk to me. I didn’t know what he wanted at the time.

He told me he was the owner of a bar that was located right in the corner, I was familiar with the bar, it looked really cool but there was hardly in costumers in there, ever. He told me that his bar was struggling, and that he saw that I knew a lot of people in the club so he wanted me to organize some student parties in his bars.

So I gave it a shot.

I printed some posters, placed them strategically, had some friends give away flyers to people they knew and I did the same. I also called all my friends and told them I was organizing a student party and that they should come.

I didn’t expect anything really, but it turned out to be a total hit!

We started doing that every Thursday and before I knew it, it became the place to be every Thursday.

So one of those Thursdays I caught the manager harassing some lady and her friends outside, so I told him that he should stop. He fired me immediately and he continued to insult the women.

I kept telling him that he shouldn’t talk to them like that, and he just kept firing me… Little did he know that I didn’t give a shit about a job, and that for me integrity and human decency trumps everything.

I’ve never been fired so many times in my life!

He fired me like 28 times in 5 minutes. The very next day I’ve got a call from the owner who wanted to invite me to eat Paella, he didn’t tell me why on the phone. It turned out that those women were close friends of his wife and that they told her everything that happened that night.

We had a very nice lunch. We talked about life, the future…It was a totally nonchalant conversation. And then after he paid the check, he tossed me the keys of the bar and told me: You’re the new manager!

He told me that the bar was stocked, and that everything I need to know I had to learn it for myself. He told me that he spent way too much money and effort in that bar and that he has a lot of different business that are actually bringing him money.

He gave me one month and if it keeps failing he would close it for good.

That was a Friday afternoon and I didn’t know even where the lights were, I called everyone I knew to tell them I was the new manager, they couldn’t believe it because I couldn’t believe it either. But I told them to come and that we were going to have the same fun as our famous Thursday nights.

Except it wasn’t.

My first night as a bar manager didn’t go as I planned, at all!

We sold 8 Euros worth of beer, that’s it 8, the whole night. That’s all we made that night, not even double digits.
I remember this night exactly. After all, how can I forget?

The only clients were a couple that ordered two small beers (half a pint) and then ordered another round, and they went their merry way. But before they left, the guy left me with this gem:

This is the best bar in the entire city!

How so? I said in total state of shock.

He told me that it’s the only bar where he can bring girls without his wife or any other person finding out, that it was total ghost town and that’s why he loved it.

Not the best kind of support one can expect.

Now, what I failed to mention is that during the entire night there were a lot of people I know were coming to check it out, only that they find it empty and then they leave and say that they will return later.

But I never judged them, I just switched strategies and then we boomed, all my friends were there all the time.

And that’s why I didn’t insist when many of my friends were skeptical about steemit in the beginning, because I knew that steemit was already awesome, and that it will be only a matter of time until people start migrating here in droves.

Bottom line, sometimes all you need to do is to reach critical mass. And once you do that, then everything starts to moving really fast.

Sometimes all that people need to adopt a new trend is to see enough of their friends adopting it.

I’m going to keep it short today because it’s my Birthday today, but I wish you all a fantastic evening!

Happy Tuesday!


That's a great birthday present. And here's an upvote so you can buy a drink. Happy happy!

Thank you Richard! I look for your posts everyday, part of my daily steemit routine, you Tom, and a few others.

I loved the last post last week I think :) Thank you by the way!

@the-alien nice post, thanks for your information

Happy Birthday man! That screenshot has got to feel as good as getting the keys to that bar! Pretty soon we're going to be talking about 10k's of new users weekly, and that's just the moon's orbit, next is mars :)

Thank you!

Yeah it's booming! :)

Happy birthday man!

Thanks for everything you've done for Steemit!
Really exciting times ahead :)

Thanks man! I'haven't done anything, I just try to do my best every day! :)

Exciting indeed!

Happy Birthday! I started shouting about Bitcoin from the rooftops way back in late 2012 when I got into it. Nobody believed me and they don't believe me about Steemit either. Oh well, I'm thinking on getting my $1300 comment framed for the den. Lol

Haha the frame idea is genius! Thank you @cryptobarry!

Happy birthday! You have many reasons for a huge celebration :)

Another long and interesting story. I am learning from you all the time. Thank you!

Thank you! I'm really glad that I can be of service, I'll try to keep it up!

Yes! I don't know what else to say, but I love everything you just put here. Humor, integrity honesty. My goodness, if there is an "alert when this person posts" notification on my phone when the app inevitably drops, I will definitely follow you through it. I love how you were

I kept telling him that he shouldn’t talk to them like that, and he just kept firing me… Little did he know that I didn’t give a shit about a job, and that for me integrity and human decency trumps everything.

That's both hilarious and something I respect you for at the same time.

I'd love if you could take a look at the article I did on money being the root of all evil. It's a more serious piece than I usually write, but since I respect your opinion I'd love to hear it. Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

It took a lot of edits and rewrites and time photoshopping, but regardless of how it does, I value anyone's opinion that has the time to read it.

I doubt I even need to say this, but keep up the funny, engaging work. One of my favorite bloggers here. Would love to work with you and @piedpiper on something sometime if schedules permit. Feel free to add me on fb ([email protected]).

I don't know where to start! Thank you so much for this comment!

I'll be happy for a collab, I'll send you an email tomorrow, and tell you my take of your post as well, upvoted :) But if it's ok I'll read tomorrow since I'm busy today :)

But again thank you for comment!

No problem. I definitely have FOMO (Fear of missing out) because I love creating articles to share with others that I feel are important, and also want to be reading all the great articles here at the same time. It's a good kind of dilemma though and I'm glad to have started branching out a bit and reaching others.

First of all, happy birthday! :)
Second, good job defending those women. We need more men like you.
Third, you are absolutely right about critical mass. I don't know why but the zombie apocalypse came into mind. After a certain point everyone is a zombie! hehhe

Thank you for the kind words!

I wish I had an answer for that Zombie apocalypse :P

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