Do you know which country has the longest coastline in the world?
Hello all!
Have you ever heard a sentence like #maritime?
Of course you often hear the sentence!
The term maritime is pinned on one of the countries that have a vast ocean, in this world the territory of Indonesia is classified as one of the maritime countries because Indonesia itself has a vast ocean.

The language of science is often heard when we are still in school if not mistaken when sitting in 7th grade junior high. I still remember when a teacher explained that, the maritime country itself is one of the countries that are in a vast sea area. In addition, maritime countries are usually countries that have many islands, such as Indonesia. In general, people know that Indonesia has various islands from small islands to large islands flanked by large oceans.
Then our teacher added that Indonesia is geographically an island nation with two-thirds of the sea area larger than the mainland, meaning that in the case of the country Indonesia itself has more sea than land.
Then the interesting thing is that Indonesia itself ranks second after Canada as the country that has the longest coastline in the world. This is supported by having the longest coastline of about 81,716 kilo meters.

Experts have examined the state of the oceans in the world, although they are not fully explored. However, in the expedition to get some accurate data about countries that have the longest coastlines, for more details, let's follow some countries that have the longest coastline.
Number | Country | The size of the beach |
1 | Canada | 202.080 km |
2 | Indonesia | 81.716 km |
3 | Greenland | 44.087 km |
4 | Rusia | 37.653 km |
5 | Filipina | 36.289 km |
6 | Jepang | 29.751 km |
7 | Australia | 25.760 km |
8 | Norwegia | 25,148 km |
9 | Amerika Serikat | 19.924 km |
10 | Selandia Baru | 15.134 km |

By having a long and wide stretch of coastal garia the country also has a large amount of marine wealth. Because of its size, several countries with wide land in the world fall into this category. Also island nations. Among others, Indonesia. But what a pity that Indonesia has a vast sea area but its people live in poverty, this is all due to greedy people or corruptors who always enrich themselves with public money.
Seas that have extraordinary natural resources should be able to prosper the people in the country but the opposite is true.
In addition, every country that has oceans also has a charm of extraordinary natural beauty and has high potential value.
Thus a brief description of the ocean and other interesting things contained therein. Thank you very much.
Photo | classification |
Camera | VIVO Y12 |
Settings | Type Profesional |
Photo light | Otomatis |
Photografer | @syuhada73 |
Location photos | Aceh, Indonesia |