Darknet- the darkest and mysterious part of internet

in #steemit6 years ago

Darknet - incorrectly called Deepweb, dark, huge and mysterious.

But, for sure? Known topic, but I'd like to show it from  different perspective of long-term user.

What is a Darknet? First, let me introduce you with it, but first lets start with DeepWeb.
DeepWeb is everything that you can't reach directly. It's a wall on facebook or twitter, some accounts on istagram that you need to follow first. Hope you know what I mean :)

While Darknet is an totally different planet. World without censor (still monitored by police etc whole time), place of free trade of everything (literally). To enter here you need to have knowledge and specific internet browser. What you can expect here? I have few years of experience in this environment, and I can tell you that everything. Do you want to buy a weapon? No one ask for what, and you don't ask from where, simple ;) Drugs are also easy to get. Also you can even buy a child. Really, its happening.

Ok, we know what is what, but you could ask, for what? First associations that you could have is mostly criminals, drugs, something dirty and illegal. Mosty yes, you're right of course, but not everything. Darknet can give you an anonymity that can help with illegal stuff, but that's not only things that you can use for it. Everywhere and everything is censored, companies control contents, what force some people to go underground (like Wikileaks).
Terrorists - oh yea! Pedophiles - sure, you can find them. One I've found a forum of evading taxes and rape techniques. This, and much more - its simple to find on darknet.

Now, the best part! Myths, facts and a story (really mine :) )

Darknet guarantee anonymity. They will never find me! - If you're clever and do everything to protect yourself - they can have a problem, but its not impossible. For sure, they won't care about tourist ;) They're mostly focused on shops, terrorists, criminals and other dangerous people.

I can buy everything cheap! I'll buy AK-47 and kill everyone! - Trading here is not that easy. You need to know people, have good opinions and knowledge about market. You can't just enter to shop like and ebay and buy a gun. If you see site like an amazon or something like that in darkweb, you can be sure that's a fake.

Oh no! I have bought phone and there was someones data! Its stolen :o - Yup, thats true. You can buy stolen phone but not always. If you did - just throw it away. If phone is worth 800$, and you buy it for 100, it's stolen from someone. Legit price is about half of normal price.
But where is it from?
Electronics - It is mostly transported in containers per thousands of pieces. Loss happens. Workers stole few of items that company won't even notice it, and he'll sell it later.
Weapons - New is really rare. Guns are mostly from corrupted countries. You know, someone will pay to someone for papers. Gun is "destroyed" but Vladimir will sell it for 10x more than he paid ;)

I'll hire an assassin! - Sure you can, but most of advertisements or pages are fake. To talk with real assassin you need to have very good connections and alot of money. In 2016, you needed to pay 20-30k $ for killing an civil in  unfortunate accident.

Internet is like an iceberg. - Popular, but now its wrong. Clearnet and Deepweb is growing all the time of hundreds of pages and other data per day. Dark side is not THAT BIG. Its pretty stable - when one page die, next one will be created. Nothing changed, just replaced. The edge reached! :)

MYSTERY BOXES from DARKNET! - Recently popular, but totally fake. NO ONE will make shit like that here. I've watched 2 videos, and it made me laugh. That how they showed it, like a crime or smth... just totally embarrassment

Once I've bought few things, ofc electronics ;)
Bought it in legit place that I was sure about.
It was really cool and easy. Only acceptable money are crypto. If your seller is a cool guy, that he'll prepare legit shipping details that will allow to cross the border. If you really think about buying anything, you need to know to give fake delivery address. Just close enough to you, that you could drive few streets and get it from courier.
Few items lost somewhere (2 iphones and 1 ipad), probably on border. Rest was good, but not best. Scratches on screen, no headphones or no original package. Can I recommend it? I'm not sure. Original items for half of price seems good, but can cause troubles. Never resell, use it only by yourself. 

Ok, ok. Let's enter! - Chill :D First you need to know some important rules:

  • Javascript always OFF- Never launch it there, NEVER
  • Configured browser - (tutorial a bit later)
  • Sense - just care what you're going to do
  • Think - alot about your next steps
  • NEVER DOWNLOAD thing that you're not sure - Videos, pdf's can also have viruses. Never trust anyone or anything there.

Ok, now we can :)

Enter here:
Download TOR browser. It's just a remaked firefox.

After launch we can see this:

Click "Connect", if you're use proxy for better security, take "Configure".
We got our main page. Click button that arrow shows, set "Safest" - that give you few clicks less.

Next click "S!" and press "Options..."
In "Embeddings" tab, check all options that start "Forbid..."

Close everything to main page, in adress box type "about:config" and accept risk.
In search box, type javascript.enabled and look for it in results.
Click twice on it to change value "true" to "false".

And thats it. We can explore darkweb! If its your first trip, and you won't "live here", thats enough. If not, you need to know more. Look for tutorials for content that you want to explore. There's no universal technique to protect yourself. Every environment got specific exploits, behaviors and programs that can be danger or useful for their users.

Sadly, theres no google. But there's some other explorers. Every search engine can contain different data, cause searching system is based on hand added links by owner or other users. 

Here's a links to cool pages :)

[Search engines]

[Interesting pages]   I do not recommend to use. Just showing ;)

Thats all. In case of questions/help, just ask in comments. Thank you for your attention, let me know if you liked it ;)

All pictures/screens have free-use license. Rest I made by myself


This is a valuable post. I like this kind of topics. Congratulations!

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