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RE: 5 Different Types of Steemit Users And Different Visions About The Future of Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

One thought in regards to the users who don't post, but are mainly here to interact through consuming content (which is very needed and important imo) while commenting and voting.

@the-ego-is-you is a perfect example of this.

Personally, I'm a big fan of this user type..i usually call them content consumers. I was at best a reddit lurker, can't really remember making any posts or comments, but i still ended up there a lot. This was part of my motivation in a few past posts to note ways for new users to interact and ideally grow (sp a little) outside of purely posting. Participating in contests/challenges/games, commenting (which I'm stoked to see being curated again), and voting themselves are really the main methods available right now. While it may not negatively impact everyone in this group, I do expect a lot of their motivation to be lost if they aren't building sp at all, even slow growth is a plus in my mind. The end goal imo is getting them integrated into the community itself (through above methods) or even just in the various voice chats.


I think we need to find a way to reward these users better. They are a very important part of the community but it seems that they get forgotten a lot of the time. Perhaps some sort of weekly contests or votes with SP prizes/incentives for this type of activity could help.

Thanks. I think people like @sykochica have been saying this kind of thing for a while but I'm not sure if anyone has noticed. If I had the money I would fund it myself - maybe some day:)

It takes a will of some whales to support them! And someone to find them and refer them :-)

Honestly, I don't see why we couldn't pool some Steem together from users who are willing to donate 10-20 steem here and there into a pool for things like this. Much like we see with the crowd funded whale accounts that have gotten build up. It really doesn't take a whole lot for a new person to find it very meaningful (and ideally motivating.)

Little things like suddenly seeing the vote slider bar go a long way for somebody new to the site. (imo)

Sykochica, what's a "vote slider?" (I'm rather new.)
And cryptofiend, I see you are correct in that, "a few Steem is not worth much." - for now.

However, I look at FB < ugh>. Many seemed to have thought < what's his name?> Zuckerberg was such a forward-thinking person to invent FB (or a fool). How long did it take to develop into a company which almost drives Wall Street (with Zuckerberg laughing at the bank)? Several years.

Steemit is truly innovative - forward-thinking - not designed to drive any one person to the prison of Wall Street, but to chauffer many, with the initiative, to true financial freedom (skipping the bank - ha, ha). Whether that design will succeed or fail, time will tell; rarely is a goal a straight-arrow shot, especially one which involves masses of people. The intent and vehicle are present, but it requires the support of the masses.

Sorry, got philosophical; it's one of those nights.

Good point - although I think a lot of people look at the dollar value and right now a few Steem is not worth much. We could try it though.

@sophiamanimen totally no problem...great question.

Once you get to roughly 450 Steem Power, when you go to upvote you will see a slider bar pop up that lets you choose between 1% and 100%. Prior to this, every vote is automatically made at 100%. (We are currently able to make 40 100% votes a day without our vote power percentage falling due to about 1.5% regenerating each hour. This vote power percentage effects how much our upvotes are worth and how much curation reward we can receive on posts. Feel free to ask more on this part if you like.)

The slider bar allows us to break up our 'full votes' into smaller pieces so we can make more of them, for example: I could make 80 50% votes a day without by vote power % falling faster then the regeneration rate. If I cast 80 100% a day, my vote power % would be really low, and I couldn't really add much to the payouts of other authors.

Feel free to ask for any clarification, I didn't want to put to much in there and cause information overload.

I agree on that a lot :-) I met few such users (content consumers/the observers) during Steem Fest. Awesome folk :-)

Amen!! Well said. I hope you read my main reply in this thread, it is dedicated to not only the author, but people like you! I appreciate what you do.

That's an awesome post!! Thx for letting me know about it!

I hope people don't mind. IDK any other way to communicate with people really but on here. I finally learned how to sign into LOL! And I still received no conf. e/m from either. #RookieProblems - did you see my sloth meme from today? LOL! is probably one of the best communication methods. 2nd best I'd say would be via discord. Here is the discord invite link for the one I'm an admin of for Steemit Talk Podcast:

I can be easily messaged in there too. But feel free to message me in either...typically easier through those two vs the post comments. (which I don't mind in anyway either, no worries there.)

Oh, I'll take a look at the meme :)

I know of one "content consumer" who likes to find what s/he deems the "best of the best," to resteem and curate. S/he has done this with another website and found a lucrative pastime for both him/her AND his/her subjects. S/he drives more traffic to the current subject and boosts funding for the subject through that traffic. S/he not only receives a slice of the pie for him/herself, but gives a larger slice to the subject.
I am not liberty to disclose this person (It is not me). But I agree, some "content consumers" CAN help the community.

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