Lessons from the elite; grow assets like Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago


The wealthy don't have jobs, but they never worry about what they will eat, how to pay the phone bill or their pay their medical expenses – why? Most will answer, “Because they have more money.” This is an unfortunate mirage! They almost NEVER use money; they have assets, intangible assets.

When you have nothing, nobody wants to give you anything: When you have everything, everybody wants to give you something!

Those in power prosper by taking a long term approach. Along with living day-to-day, they forge time to create assets that will make everything easier, more enjoyable, and more profitable for them in the future. As time goes by, they have more and more assets, and the effects start to multiply – to the point where they achieve exponentially more with less effort than they had ever thought possible.

Assets can be owned by a person or a company; it can also be a person or a company – there are tangible assets (such as buildings and equipment) and intangible assets (virtual property; copyrights, trademarks, franchises, software, stocks and bonds). What really pays to know is that all of the tangible assets are made of non-tangible parts!

A property developer buys property in the expectation of profiting from selling or renting it in future. An investor buys stocks in the expectation of future dividends. Both trade their money for some X amount, people see the money was traded and record X as the value. In this way, one can observe that the value was created (or re-created) from two intangible parts; future and expectation. It's even better when you can know (or set) the currency for the trade, and what was that dollar amount for taxes? Oh, I don't have or use dollars, I have a million of X though! Nice. I hope one can see how cryptocurrency may fit in here.

If you’re depending on a job, as most of us know, it's like waves coming in on the tide. Ups and downs with corporatocracy creeping in, eroding away your footing. But the more assets you have, the more money, connections and opportunities will flow to you – and the easier it will be to get your own surfboard.

As a creator, you can create your own assets just as the banksters do. Out of thin air and your life energy.

What types of assets can you create? Well, let's concentrate on what you can build on Steemit, they are the same intangibles used by the upper echelon. (I'll put some of their examples here.)

Creative work – your signature asset; a portfolio of the work you are most proud of. (investment portfolios)

Social assets – a network; an audience (news agencies)

Reputation assets – a brand; association with prestigious brands (the fame and glamour of Hollywood, record labels etc); prizes and awards

Online assets – cryptocurrency; a blog; a podcast; a mailing list; a social media profile
intellectual property assets.

Systemic assets – a productivity system; a model that generates value (life energy) for your network and your business. (the banking system, utilities, education)

Business assets – a product range; your company

Creation begins and ends with you. So the very existence of all your other creative assets depends on you.

In short, it depends on:

Your being and presence.
Your time!
Your knowledge and skills.
Your vibrancy, zest for life
Your character.
Your wisdom, and empathy.

This is why the successful creators make working on themselves their biggest priority.

Here’s a framework to help you do that:

  1. Take a little time to reflect on what will make you safe and relaxed (happy is too subjective), and the combination of money, fame and reputation that will help you achieve them. Don't fall into the trap of thinking to be rid of what makes you unsafe and stressed. Many people people believe, “If I didn't have this, I would be happy.” That just confirms what is unpleasant.

  2. Next, decide on the kind of assets that will help you achieve your ambitions. Understand that intangible assets grant you more freedom. Here is another abstract to keep in mind, one that the elite keep to themselves; intangible assets are very hard to count but very easy to steal from yourself! As an asset grows, steal some of it from yourself (you can even pose as another entity) and put the profits to work elsewhere.

  3. After this, carve out time each week to start creating the assets that will help you get there. How much time? As much as you can afford – in terms of energy and time away from the things you do to pay the bills. At times it will be hard to devote energy towards it, but at least 15 minutes a day. If you can't put the 15 in, then you make time for an hour to do it in.

  4. Build one asset at a time. Make sure it is worthy, make sure it will still be valid 5 years from now. Only once you are up and running with one asset, should you consider starting another one.

  5. When you move to creating your next asset, keep asking yourself what elements of the old one can be applied to the new one. Can you count something twice, have something do double duty? Observe your asset as an outsider and think of what they could take for themselves. Do this in reverse as well.

  6. When you have trouble along the way, look first inwards for answers before looking outward.
    It's much easier and more self-serving to confirm truths than try to detect lies from the outside.


Good article; interesting ideas I have considered myself, but find difficult to put into motion sometimes.. thanks.

Very valuable advice. A very complete and well organized post. Thank you.

Nice post! It reminds me of Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad book. Buy assets-like silver and Steem!

Thank you!

And the elite do not own those assets in their own name. They are owned by trusts and corporations which they control. This protects from lawsuits and limited taxation. Back when Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge and a woman in the car died, her family tried the sue the Kennedy. But the Kennedy's did not own any thing so they only got the money from the liability insurance on the car.

Hello, leave a lot to learn, regards

If you aren't the Kennedy, you're the shoeshine boy

excellent advice, sweetland. It is so easy to work trading dollars (or any other currency) for hours. Not the best use of time! Create assets that spin off money over and over. Thank you for the reminder and the wise way you put forth your ideas. Upvoted and following you now.

Thanks for this. Just curious how does it work for comments, is there an optimal amount of comments to do per day?

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