"Steem/Steemit Succeeded The Very Moment Your Perched On It"; Let Me Explain My Statement With #ulog & ULOGS.ORG

in #steemit7 years ago

One thing that hasn't been fully known is; "https://ulogs.org will amplify steem's very beauty in the full spanlessness of its extent"

Have you heard me say this a ton of times; "we take steem to the moon; we don't follow steem to the moon?"

Well, look at my very words here in this utmostly fun video delivered by @ankarlie: 


Excerpts from the video above:

What am I saying here? 
"Instead of spending too much time dwelling on possible reasons why  steem is likely to fail, take the high road instead, focusing on how  steem can't fail, for the sole reason that "you" are here". 
hahaha, what exactly am I saying? 
"if you own steem and you are here gidigbamly as owner, then why should steem fail?" 
Now, I @ankarlie, am here as well, so why should steem fail? "oh, it won't fail, for we stick solidly around". 
"steem to the moon!" say it with me......I can't hear you! "louder".... 

Read more here!!!

Then, look at this post from when i was minnow (when i had just over 1,000 SP) or read excerpts below:

 When I look at it, regardless; the first law of steemit states that: 

 "If you bunch up creators; innovators; great minds and especially "humans" etc, out of their own hearty volition, to mine steem with  their minds, while making them stakeholders, co-owners etc of steem  technology; then this is equal to or greater than; 'a never-ending mini-dream'. @surpassinggoogle

 So how about, we look at steemit and steem technology as oursInvestors here, most definitely; convincingly see steem technology as if it is theirs. Whales, dolphins etc; definitely see steem technology as theirs!  

How about steemians like me, with say 1,000 steem power and below? 
How about if we started to treat steemit, like the co-owners that we actually are, as well! 

My point is, if you own a house and you get tenants in it and they misuse the furniture and puncture the walls etc; do we hastily react and pull down the house? Do you leave the house out of tiredness and abandon ownership of it; to the tenants? Most likely, no! We will passionately put in effort to renovate it; to fix it and if it is only one room in the entire building that we own, we will renovate and fix that room! 

I am not trying to teach! I am mostly talking of me as a steemian.

I have like a little bit over 1000 steem power and it may be un-cut comedy; but i am co-owner of steem technology. 

Now, "steemit is beautiful!" If my dear little portion of steemit, is starting to grow scars, do i quit? I don't intend to! "I will try donate my portion to fix the entire steemit or fix my tiny portion of steemit!" 

Steemit isn't build to fail! But if it does fail; in my case, there can't have been a loss! The "mining with minds" will continue endlessly! Only the token changes! 

For an investor here, it may not be that easy! Therefore, the solution is; "We must make sure it doesn't fail and we can!" 

Steemit and steem technology means alot to different people and for  some steemians; amongst many other things, steemit is a means to GIVE; "A means to inspire, influence, touch someone out there; by means of a simple upvote or by means of a timely comment". 

If I had the means, I would buy steem, just to give it out in upvotes. 

If giving has become as easy as an upvote; "Then we have all given". "If we have all given; then we have not lost!" 

 On today's internet, a true community of great minds is luxury. It doesn't exist anywhere! 

Steemit is ours and if it is fading, we will fix it, enhance it, etc; and if we are a bit tired but we maintain community at the very least; someone out there, will fix it or create something to fix it! 

Now, i will just pinpoint something quickly, drawn from the excerpt above; "if you have carried out that simple upvote action even once, you have "given" and if you have given, "steem has succeeded".

It is dropdead-gorgeously simple, if steem was a house and we had rooms and we fixed our rooms at least, then steem is crumble-less. These aren't poems; "these are Toems "where "T" is terry" and Toems and all that i have come to constitute is "beautiful disruption"; not "disruption"!

If while you are sleep-ful/py, another is sleepless, then steem has always been headed moon-wards
If we can't all be sleep-ful/py at the same moment, then steem has been headed moon-wards all along. "Otherwise", doesn't apply.

Why do i so say? Well, a major power of steem is its community. It exists! It is genius! It is human! It exists. 

Ulogs.org will amplify this even more and strengthen daily, what exists of our very existing community. It will remind us of our rooms; real-time; daily. We will smile; shine; fly and without even knowing it, we will shake and displace steem by 2,000,000km at 2,0000,000km/hr non-stopping-ly moon-wards.

It is happening. It has been happening. It will happen even more as https://ulogs.org enters fruition-state. 

Yes, we will seek to give as many ULOGGERS and their projects "rooms" on https://ulogs.org and "rooms" or even just the feeling of owning a room (your room), can do great things for its owner. 

"The feeling of ownership is great for fly-state and once we attain fly-state; that has been all that steem needs to fly too".

Look at this video:

@eveningart spoke of a ULOG-zoo in the comments. Little did she know that, that "room" is in-the-making on https://ulogs.org

#ulog very much takes cognizance of "private figures" and ever-non-stoppingly seeks to remove "barriers to entry" to involve "everyone" and will come to be known as a "steem-based website that moves"

Hahaha, there will be hashtags build-able around #ulog and these spaces will have owners or feelers-of-ownership. Don't mind me, i am a bit all-coded in this post as this post (especially the parts about the unfolding of https://ulogs.org) is mostly for the diggist.

So, no worries #ulog-zoo is in-the-making and more. Overall, private figures may want to be headless or show locations, animals etc

See sample videos below:

by @derangedvisions (you will notice his dogs)

You will notice that @quochuy's worms were able to get on the #ulog-scene and perhaps, into the #ulog-zoo

You will notice that @thereikiforest brought the entire gardens with her into the #ulog-zoo

and @paradise-found brought in the tomatoes, peppers and flowers into the #ulog-zoo

One beautiful zoo!

Look at these videos and you will notice the birth of hashtags (building around #ulog) happening all organically:

Did you notice that @cassyjanine played out #ulog-craziness and #ulog-flawsomeness  (simply organic)

Did you notice that even unknown to her, she has organically invented "the journey to her own pharmaceutical company called "ULOGESIC"? Spot where is spoke of biogesic; "a drug", then, when she spoke of #ulogging as therapeutic.

Then visit with @thereikiforest and you will notice that her profile are now filled with ULOGACY(s).

#ulogging is the art of "mining the human" and it is no joke. It is historical-history.

Add "organic" to the equation as we tried to exemplify with the videos above and https://ulogs.org will be known as a "a steem-based website that moves (organically)".

Projects, inventions, innovation, enterprise, communities, brotherhood, ulogacies etc will be born and re-born; with ulogs.org the ever-lit mild furnace.
Many fresh steem communities will begin on ulogs.org etc and these communities will be given tools to grow.

We are combining 4 websites into one; on ulogs.org, i.e un(dis)talented, teardrops, surpassinggoogle and the paradigms they carry will all form part of ulogs.org, instead of standalone websites like was once planned. The core overall aim staying the same; "mining the human into its awesomest version"

"true celebrity-hood for everyone once and for all.

Note that there will also be a knowledge-bank; that incentivizes learning etc by excepting freshly made contributions born out of fresh experiences per day. 

See a crude mock-up below:

We want to gift to the internet daily using our ULOGS, in posts where we consciously keep everything fresh and can't resource from the internet in order to reshape it as opposed to recycle it (beautiful disruption). This incites learning, invention, innovation, entrepreneurship, enterprise etc 


where @eveningart isn't good in Photoshop and she wants her ULOG to have some imagery or graphics; she can decide to use paint or autodraw.com; she can decide to study module 20 of Photoshop, then create her graphics afterall and even write a ULOG of how she had to wreckitRALPH and study an entire module to create her graphics and go ahead to contribute to our knowledge-bank, some fresh knowledge born out of her experience (with Photoshop) that day; or she can go all the way into dream-land for the sake of her impending ULOG and innovate "MorningShop photo editor for earlymorningers (beginners)"; or she can be inventive and create this:

Worse case scenario, she can decide to keep her ULOG "all text".

Also note:

We will create value for certified and verified @uloggers, giving these ones more tools and personalization on https://ulogs.org and a bit more promotion, responsibility and privileges. 

On ulogs.org we will also give back to steem daily (using a model that effects that) and on each use "be reminded of steem's beauty" and especially, be reminded "that it is not about whether "steem will succeed", for in reality, if you have stepped or even perched on steemit, whether organically through the search engines or true a friend, video ad or meetup, "steem has succeeded"

If you doubt it (that steem has succeeded); "think thrice" and look more intently.
If you can read this post and feel something; anything; "steem has succeeded"

Yes because in truth, steem is the first blockchain-based social interface that worked. Not like "first" means anything but anytime you look at an Usher Raymond dance video e.g on YouTube, check closely; even AI(s) will suggest watching a "Michael Jackson video" somewhere in the mix.

To further strengthen your conviction about steem's success and give you glimpse into further success in the future. See one or all of the videos in the ULOGS:

Special thanks to @teamsteem @dlive @acidyo for having taken note of some of these ULOG videos and curating them. 

Now @eveningart said something about the beauty of #ulog; she said that "for once you can now also watch posts as oppose to just read them. 

@dynamicgreentk said you can be "YOU" in your ULOGS with knowledge that there is an entire enterprise of "true fans" ready to market you. 

I say, soon there will be #ulog-quotes filled with freshly-mades quotes daily and all of these quotes will be technically correct, with the ability to touch, fix and appeal to the soft-spot of "human".

Note: https://ulogs.org is tied to the TEARDROPS smart media tokens

If you speak Spanish, see of "steem success" in the words of these ULOGGERS:

by @oggunyoshun

Please join in Here:


If it is a ULOG it can't really be empty because somewhere in the blankspace is "YOU".

Your Boy Terry


 Quick Update:   

19,916 Steemit Posts Across     #ulog, Since Its Birth A Month Ago! Ulogs.org Is In Test Phase! We Can Now Simply Tell Friends To Join Steem To Try#ulogging!!!

Join in and become a ULOGGER today.     

You can use these graphics as comment responses while curation #ulogs as "true fans":   

 You can get minimalist-design ULOGGER footers like this (below) from @chaelpacia :  


I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 


Hey Terry!

I agree with 100% about mining steem with our minds! However, to effectively mine steem, in my opinion, we must also make comments and work that mind muscle. Humans need more stimulus inputed to received similar stimulus outputs. Comments are the best way to mine steem and add value to it. A house with love is nice but a house(posts) without dishes to use or a couch sit on (comments) will not be very welcoming to other great minds!

I am appreciating your poetic nature more and more. I must ask you Terry, Why are you not sharing your fresh and original poems with us? I know they are great and fresh broz! Let's break that boundary!


Together we can all make Steem even better than it already is! Inspiration is needed in these red times on Steemit. You are a gloriously bright light on Steemit for @everyone(🙊 jk) to follow to hope and retention on the platform!


Did you use https://ulogs.org to make this post?

sir.gifDiscord for Dynamic Steemians

DYNAMICGREENTK-3.gifDiscord for Steemgigs

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Who knows, you may love this ULOGS.ORG commercial innovated by @sunnylife:

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

This is a simple and amazing way to explain about ULOG.

Thanks a lot.
still waiting for your entry.
Let's rock n roll!

This is amazing @sunnylife deserves an Oscar for this splendid commercial

how sweet! I didn't expect this at all.
thanks so much!!!! Ulog is amazing!!
#untalented helps me to get out from my comfort zone..and then Ulog came!
Let's all Shine! We all belong here. ...
@josediccus, I'm waiting for your entry. Shine Like A Star. Thanks so much Terry for your love and support on this platform.
More power! VOTE "STEEMGIGS" #uloggers!!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Love your video, it's simplicity and everything. Jist a short video but you simply explained it well. Good job. Thanks for making it :)

thanks too sis.
waiting for your entry:)
Keep shining xoxo

wow! fantastic presentation! motivational too, we love #ulogs

More power to @surpassinggoogle.
#ulog is LOVE

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I already voted @sunnylife <3

Thanks a lot.

your always welcome mam <3 are you attending the weekly talk show?

Thank you Sir:) I hope so.
Enjoy #ulogging.

you too miss, have a good day

This is top notch... Simply amazing

Let's keep on #ulogging!
Don't forget to vote : STEEMGIGS" for witness!
Thank you.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Oo wow @sunnylife seriously she done an amzing hardwork ..👏😀

thanks a lot. We want to see you shine:)
Looking forward for your entry.
Keep shining!!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Since they told me about steemit, it made me happy. I did not know ulogs, I'll go into that link to see the videos, I wish you the best of luck, forever steemit

Ulog is YOU...
Keep shining!

Wow! This is very creative. Let's take this to the television ^_^ excellent

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

thanks a lot.
Let's all SHINE
#Ulog is the KEY!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

The video is very simple yet deep,like ulog itself. Great job @sunnylife!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

thanks a lot.
Ulog is LOVE.
Everyone did a good job.
waiting for your entry.
Keep on ulogging.

Lovely commercial for Ulog. The world should see this.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thanks so much:)
waiting for your entry:)
Keep on ulogging.

Very catching commercial about #ulog. Nice video you made @sunnylife.

thanks a lot.
waiting for your entry:)
Keep shining.

<3 <3 <3

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

One love xoxo
love your video too sis:)

It is dropdead-gorgeously simple, if steem was a house and we had rooms and we fixed our rooms at least, then steem is crumble-less.

I love this 'Toem', I will definitely make sure to fix and take care of my room, to make sure that we are going moonwards....

Thank you Sir Terry. Without you my room is already vacant... . 😘😘😘

lovely #ulog video sis. love it
keep shining sis.

Imagine the huge potential of Ulogs. Even though people enjoy posting about their daily life on facebook and Youtube already, only few ones actually do it consistenly, either because they have no time or no inspiration.

Now on Steemit, not only has everyone the chance of riding the early adopters' wave of the future and earn money, but people also seem to make the Ulogs a more natural part integrated into their lives, inspiring each other without the forced necessity of being overly wacky to get noticed. We are all unique and special the way we are without any need to proove it by doing anything. We ARE it. There is no way around Ulogs, for there is no mutual judgement as to content. We don't need to artificially conjure up seemingly enthralling adventures only to make others envious. Our every moment of existence is exciting for we ARE, we all breath, authenticity is key.

So these Ulogs allow each one for authentic self-presentation, which is much more exciting than artificially made-up Joy. Imagine how beautiful it will be to see how each one makes the conscious decision of letting go their egos and opt for authenticity instead thanks to Ulogs! :)

Terry, I think you have a super brain! :P a lot of information in a single post! :)

What a confidence!!

I @ankarlie, am here as well, so why should steem fail? "oh, it won't fail, for we stick solidly around".

I liked this gif shared by papa-pepper from your one year's old post. His way of the tribute is awesome!

I can boldly say without biting words....that the introduction of #ulog is the best thing that has ever happen to steemit community....
See testimonies flowing in....Yes

We should take steem to the moon

It deserve to be taken to the moon because it happens to be our second family....we should do everything within our might to make the best ever....and the pride of all crypto. Blockchain

Ulog is the true essence of human existence as everyone is celebrated.

No be lie my brother

Oh, ULOG! You surprise me with things I would not have thought to look for on my own. Your presence is like the caresses of a lover, the care a parent shows for their child and so much more like guiding me as stars up above <3 ONE LOVE <3

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Ulog is LOve.
lovely videos you got there sis.

Ulogs is a baby and it's already a success!
Congratulations to the uloggers who participated in this fun contest
and of course the dad of Ulogs @surpassinggoogle.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Agree with you @samic
Congratulations everyone.
#uloggers and to Terry.

Hmm, @Surpassinggogle, you won't cease to amaze me. This post is humanistic and full of energy for the future of steem.

Surely #Ulogs will take steem to the moon!

Steem to the moon!

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