Special Crap: Want 1 Million Steem? Why Do We Always Jump To The Nth Solution? "Exhaust The First Obvious Simple Comedy Solution!"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Why Do We Always Jump To The Nth Solution?

The solution is simple! The entire solution was in the word "sorry"; yet we love to skip the first ever simplest obvious solutions and jump instead to Nthest and complicated solutions first. Why? Y? Yes, we never even ever attempt them!

Why skip the simple word "sorry" and travel all the way to Mars instead; apprentice under a word-salad alien for a decade in Mars-years, only to return with a salad of words, that all simply mean "sorry"! 

You wonder what's in your dog's mind? Why not just simply do the first simple actionable solution by asking: "Hey, bingo what's on your mind?" Instead, you already conclude that it couldn't answer but how do you know? Did you ever attempt it?

You want 1 million $? Why not simply walk up to a bank manager and tell him you want 1 million $ before you jump to the Nthest solution? Yes, before you go all Ocean 11, to strategize on how to rob a bank; why not go to the second simplest obvious solution by walking to an ATM, inserting your bank card and requesting to withdraw one million dollars. We know you have only 5 $ in your account but the question is; did you give it a shot and exhaust all of the simplest obvious solutions before panting about how to execute the Nthest complicated ones?

Hahaha, try something new! The internet has stayed boring before steemit came to life, so we try something new. Even if it is fiction, let's infuse our very own breathe of fresh air in and upon MRS INTERNET, to re-shape her. 

Hahaha, what i am saying is very easy! "A man had no dime in his pocket but he wanted a car. He exhausted the very first simple obvious solution and alas he walk home with a car". See how: 

He simply woke up one morning and walked into a car shop, then he started asking the prices of cars and exploring their interiors. He was on a particular Benz, when a rich man walked in, wanting to buy the very same Benz, as a gift for his wife. Thinking Obama was actually buying the Benz, he walked up to Obama to make a simple proposal! Speaking to Obama, the rich man said: Can you please pick another car of your choice and i will pay for it, just so i can get this Benz as a gift for my wife?

Obama walked away with a car! "Simple solutions!" Yes, apply and exhaust the first set of comedy solutions first!

You want to stop aging? Have you ever attempted the first obvious simplest solution; "Stop the clock's moving hand!"

Hold the minute hand, stay the course and when you have successfully held it in place forever, you would have lived forever!

More recently, steemit newbies have not been able to withstand "not earning". They wonder constantly, why others earn on their posts; quickly forgetting that these ones have been here on steemit. building their craft for months; developing the art of content creation; built a reputation; built an influence and several have invested their own cash into buying steem power. 

But what is earning? "Earning can take different forms; "Learning is earning!" "Reputation is earning!" "Community is earning!"

So assuming the solution to earning on steemit, is steem power or reputation, what is the first easiest obvious simple solution and have you exhausted it?

"Work on the steemit post!" At the very least, we can all relate to blogging! We can posts pictures, GIFs, videos and text content and that is the very first obvious thing, when we get on steemit; so why don't we start there? 

Why don't we work on our very next steemit post and fill it with killer content. Then feed off, of the feedback we get from the steemit community, to improve on our next steemit post? 

And just if we don't get as much feedback as we want, then how about changing who we write to? If the steemit community don't react, then how about we trying to write, with non-steemians as our target? How about try to write steemit posts that will rank in search engines and appeal to regular internet users who have never heard of steemit?

Now if these don't work still, then how about exhausting consistency? Earn or No-earn; how about maintaining consistency by posting at least one killer post a day or two at most for a sustained period of time? I tell you, if you exhaust these first simple obvious solutions, you will have earned? 



If steempower is your target; then how about simply buying steempower or powering up the rewards from your posts or how about asking me to give you steempower? Have you exhausted those obvious options yet?

Recently, i have spoken to many newbies and the mentality is way different from mine, when i was a newbie on steemit and the question is why?

If you really want 1 million steem, exhausted all the first set of obvious simple solutions before jumping to the Nth solution and here are series of first simple comedy solutions, you can exhaust:

1. Why exert so much energy, hurting over other steemians, who earn: "Divert that energy into getting your first 1 million steem"

2. A good Reputation on steemit is easily equal to 1 million steem!

3. Bring your business on steemit and see if you won't get your 1 million steem!

4. Bring your idea to life on steem and 1 million steem can be yours

5. Bring your entire community on steemit and be a loving lord over them. Bring 1,000 of them and channel them into getting their first 1,000 steem power and computationally, this is 1,000,000 steem or steempower!

@giantbear did it. Bring your entire classroom on steemit, and see if they wont look up to you in return!

6. Inflict steemit with a piece of you. Tell @papa-pepper to send you the hottest chilli pepper and devour it in a steemit post and let's see if your post won't earn 1 million steem!

7. "Be DISTINCT!" "Do fresh stuff; the internet is boring! "Beatbox in falseto!" "Forthcome unheardof original quotes!" etc.

The world is evolving fast. Cocks are finding new ways into their owner's heart and are avoiding pots.

If You Are Still New To Steemit

Let's work! If you are a newbie and want to be sped up to steemit knowledge, while you get paid for re-shaping the INTERNET, join us on discord. We are building a small team of newbie steemians, on the way to becoming steemit success and the team is growing: 

Let's work!

@rahul.stan @awriter @ogoowinner @aashishkandel @deepapoudel @iamsgr @oluwoleolaide @purplerain96  @megan35 @stefan.steynberg @anieke @thealeczander @roseycheekedgurl @nicolaa2017 @theo2001sa 

Keep up the good work! The way are going, we will create something on the steem blockchain that will cure cancer, dementia or glaucoma! No doubt, no doubt!


Your boy Terry



Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another! 

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful


Thank you alot kurt! I still you a message and that will come soon!

wow! this post is really very heart touching,

"Learning is earning!" "Reputation is earning!" "Community is earning!"

you have said well,
some people won't even bother to learn if they can earn without learning, but it's not that, it's not life, it's not living

I do believe that there's not shortcut to success, persistence is the only path to success, the path to success requires us to commit and thus to learn.

i won't lie, this comment is really sweet and i admire your thought thus, you, in this comment. You are showing alot of manhood!

Great article Terry!!! Love your way of thinking :-))

Oh dear, hope it's nothing serious!!! Get well sooooooooon!

Would you give me some steem power???
( I can't be bother today to create a great post so I shall go for the first set of obvious)
Really, give me some, no need for a million...

Hahaha, join the discord server underneath the post and let's connect, we are gradually working to make every steemian grow into a success story.

going through your post was really breathtaking,

As you said, jumping to the nth solution without even trying the simplest possible, this only leads us to a inconsistent, discordant, and unpleasant side of our mind and thus making us imperfect, defective and despaired entity

there was never an easy way in, and never will there be,
i believe the only way in is through

through the process of learning, and sharing, we can together build up a greater network and a greater community :)

We will do as you have said. It is a long road but we have started!

thank you!
i am always thankful to you,
keep up the good work, and keep inspiring others :)

Indeed it takes time and dedication but some people just want to see results fast.

It does! Simply seeing steemit as your own helps.

Love it SG! Ain't nothing like deep work to solve a problem. Just keep adding value and there is NO WAY you will not succeed. Stoked!

Very special comment here. Glad you got my gist! If you need inspiration, join the discord beneath the post and hit me up, i still use same username and i can speed your journey up!

wonderfull thanks for sharing

i am grateful really. Encouraged to do more!

The SteemForce is behind us!

Yep. Work in a bit! Another week of torture!

Sorry mate, you'll be fine.
What line of work you into anyways?

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