Pertinent Things That Is Doing To Enhance Steemit/Steem Success And Growth.

in #steemit7 years ago

Let me tell you some more pertinent things about, that you didn't know and simplify within this post, where SteemGigs is truly-headed. 

We want to use this steemit post to work on your conviction about the beauty and potential growth of steem and steemit itself and reassure you that there are people who truly deeply love steem and what it represents unshakingly and are heartily working to grow it.

First off, the website is called SteemGigs as evidence of its role in enhancing and growing steem. Basically, we love steem. 

Thus, take note, that we have had to take cognizance of the way steem is structured and its current and historical state, during the creation of the SteemGigs model. 

We allowed SteemGigs to run fully on over the course of many months under #steemgigs, building a community all along. During these times, we met our goal of reaching thousands of newly created steemit posts, incited by the tag.

Steem is built around content-creation among other things; thus, unlike regular freelance marketplaces, with, we want to generate content ever-constantly. 

We want to fill the search engines with steem's beauty incessantly. Thus, a core part of our model is; content-creation/re-creation, curation, content-discovery, community and engagement etc

Looking at this alone, you will instant notice that is not the norm, when it comes to the freelance marketplace industry. "It is for everyone". 

While SteemGigs quickly looks like a freelancing marketplace built around the steem blockchain protocol, it has an "un(dis)talented paradigm and a dynamic knowledge-bank containing specialized knowledge. I tell you, "this is revolutionary". Well, it will be obviouser over time.

Overall, SteemGigs is a Dream-Building community; one where "everyone" will eventually become a SteemGigger (Dream-builder); "a true celebrity.

How We Enhance Content Creation/Re-creation On Steem

Note: all posts published from also appear on @steemit and under tags.

Now, going back to steem and adding more paradigms to it; on the content-creation side, "on SteemGigs", we also want to incentivize "learning", using other things apart from rewards, influence and reputation

Note: learning very much involves content creation/re-creation.

To do just this, our model must involve "everyone's contribution" and institute a curriculum that eventually makes "everyone" influential, indispensable; a household name; an icon; a legend; a SteemGigger, a dream-builder, a celebrity; because "these "everyone" now has something to offer". 

Note: that when you become a household name, "a dream-builder", a true celebrity, a SteemGigger; even without things like SP etc, it puts you at place of responsibility and leadership as people seek your tutelage or service. This on its own, incites content-creation (new genres of general & specialized/niche-based knowledge based on experience, life, expertise etc or "the now desirable longing to adjust the world" by sharing your knowledge).

If you really climbed the ladder to get there; you will have rare knowledge to share.

Hence, we created a knowledge-bank on, that allows "deposits & withdrawal of knowledge", both specialized and general knowledge. 

Visit to see a catalog of such-like posts

The catalog of content deposited into this bank is "not waste". Our knowledge-bank stores these contributions and keeps it searchable for free! 

Being primarily niche-based, users of SteemGigs, aspiring SteemGiggers etc can learn, expand knowledge, hone their skills and become eventual SteemGiggers; "competent enough to offer gigs in exchange for steem, SBD, SP etc

This segment now also creates additional incentive for even "everyone" (non-experts) or users of etc to create fresh/exclusive/rare content 


  • One may decide to learn new things solely for the sake of contributing knowledge to our bank e.g "he may consciously decide to read module 20 of Adobe Photoshop", inorder to contribute this new-found knowledge (using his own words and perspective) to our bank, under the category "graphics & designs".
  • One may a learn new niche-based topic e.g "coding in @macrohard", solely for the sake of expanding in his knowledge but may now see further incentive to create content with his new-found knowledge, to store it in our knowledge-bank for the benefit of "everyone".
  • One may be short of posting ideas and decide to visit to chose one of the editors; a closely-related category and sub-category e.g Fun & Lifestyles > Relationship advice; research or study on the topic and decide to contribute this fresh content on SteemGigs, for the sake of everyone.
  • One may end up learning on a particular day, that "there is a new kind of guitar with 16th strings and it takes only a man with 6 fingers to play it" and see the need to visit the TIL (today i learned) editor on; choose the category Music & Audio, to contribute this new-found knowledge, for the sake of everyone.

Bottomline; what do you think is a bigger incentive for creating valuable content, than rewards?

"Everyone" (for the sake of everyone)

So why not visit now and contribute a post?

And what's our bus-stop on SteemGigs?

To make "everyone" an eventual SteemGigger (Dream-builder); who can now put expert knowledge to testimonial good use in building the dreams of others, by offering it even as a service in exchange for steem, SBD, SP or even for free; "a true celebrity".

Simple logic: If "everyone" is SteemGigger (Dream-builder), then which noble dream can't we build?

Thus, on the knowledge-side of SteemGigs, we want to house and dispense the very best, fresh, rare, specialized and general knowledge, from the very best, reputable great minds and experts, out for free. 

Hence, if you have looked at closely lately, you will notice an entire segment dedicated to our knowledge-bank. 

Our knowledge bank is called "SurpassingGoogle" because not only will we re-shape google with the countless new-breed content that we will create; we re-shape the very internet by means of steemit and our beauty, knowledge, specialized knowledge, experience, voice, talents etc. But there is more; 

We will surpassing Google for real, by making every and each one; "a celebrity", solely on the fact that they are the awesomest version of "human" (SteemGigger).

To accomplish this thus, we have to mine the "human" in additional new ways as there are many other facets to human apart from the mind. 

As for the mind, we will take the "mind-mining paradigm" of steem to new dimensions, by integrating more of the "real world" (life) into the daily curriculum, for participants of

From this screenshot, you will notice some of the various life-related categories, that we have on

We are not just seeking to create talents, for there are talents everywhere. 
We are seeking to create "proven talents"; the best version of human; talents with character and substance; two still "very rare qualities".

These things are easy. Let me explain....

We now have blockchain; "the steem blockchain". We will simply use SteemGigs to maximize the full beauty of the steem blockchain. 

The blockchain has one special pro; "It is an open ledger, with a knowledge-base open to everyone" but being bare, though initiates transparency, doesn't instantly eliminate virtues like "respect" and "regard for privacy" etc

By means of, we want to create an ever-ongoing curriculum that "mines the human into its awesomest version", so much so that people can "build dreams and create nobles acts" not because they conscious of the steem blockchain or incentivized to do these things but because they have truly evolved in their substance over time and now love and regard humanity (the brother next to you) and love it for real; thus, want to do something for it; for "everyone".

So, while can instantly look like a "freelance marketplace built around the steem protocol", it will underlyingly be adjusting the world and creating more beauty in it. 

Yes, how many impossibilities will become possibilities, with "everyone" a SteemGigger (Dream-builder)

If you didn't already know, i am trying to use this steemit post to highlight that " has a paradigm/curriculum designed to very much compliment steem". 

Apart from looking to enhance the reputation paradigm of steem and mine other virtues of human; we added an un(dis)talented paradigm, removing all barriers to entry and keeping the use of ever-green. 

Enhancing Steem Curation Using

If you aren't yet an expert and don't know what to offer in terms of a service on behalf of others, you can contribute knowledge for free and even get curated for doing so. Well, you can also get curated for gig-related posts, whether the gig-post itself, custom-requests or SteemGigs testimonials.

Remember, that another aspect of steem that we would love to enhance is "curation". All posts from any of the SteemGigs will eventually be structured to follow a format by means of specialized editors. Posts will usually have minimum character count and some other parameters, that will have to be met before these posts publish successfully. 

Also on steem, these posts will fall automatically into the right tags, have a structured and recognizable headline and will have some indicator at their footers, showing that it was created using, giving curators on steemit and the curators we will work with, ease in discovering and rewarding these content. 

Enhancing Content Discovery Using SteemGigs

We already have a partially working search engine. In the meantime, all posts on SteemGigs are categorized properly in accordance with the type of editor used and categories chosen. In the future, we will have manual moderators too but especially for the "CREATE A GIG" segment.

Basically, to find content on SteemGigs to curate, engage and learn from, is as easy as choosing a closely-related category and exploring the catalog of posts that displays. 

On Steemit though, you will be able to identify SteemGigs posts, especially by looking at the bottom of the post to see this:  

Visit now, to use it for free
this post was made on STEEMGIGS Where everyone has something to offer 

Enhancing Engagement Using SteemGigs

If you are not an expert and our eventual goal is for "everyone" to become SteemGigger (Dream-builder), it is now way more possible to become a SteemGigger for free. 

As we keep on gathering specialized knowledge in our bank, through contributions from experts and ofcourse from everyone who decides to learn a new niche-topic for the sake of contributing to our bank, we will soon have a searchable database of the world best specialized knowledge specific to the "art of dream-building". This knowledge will be fresh, exclusive and dynamic. 

Everyone will be able to visit our knowledge-bank HERE and engage, learn and ask questions. In the long run, there will also be internet messaging and notifications to further spur engagement.

What You Can Do For Now?

Simply visit and explore it. Then, one use on of the editors as trigger for your very next post. 

As we work on completing SteemGigs in the coming weeks, create a culture out of "explore all aspects of daily". 

Use it, learn, enjoy it and when it is buggy, try use it still, so we can use your feedback to enhance it. Please look at the grand picture and where we are headed and please know that you are very much involved.

Before exploring and using, kindly read this post!!!

Your Boy Terry



We are seeking coders/developers to help, by means of utopian or direct contributions. I would like to invite all coders/developers,  to show up on our SteemGigs development channel. 

Kindly visit and use our steem-based website today

Note that on SteemGigs, "everyone has something to offer". At the very least, you can update your profile on our website to open yourself up to more potential possibilities and improve your  general reputation even within the steemit community.  

To create awesome steemit posts, try our "Un(dis)talented Editor"

Read our detailed FAQ & Answers  

I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.             

Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented)

Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:  

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?


In a world of numbers and codes - the knowledge of things like coding and programming will be necessary even in the simplest of task. Getting this knowledge has been quite a tough task as they are scattered other the internet but no more. Thanks Terry for bringing together this ecosystem where one can learn and earn and even share what he has learned. And to the rest of us, we now have the tools of freedom in our hands, use it well.

Hey bro!
Glad I met your post today!
It's a happy Sunday then!
I love the idea of steemgigs to help freelancers.
Apart from the immediate Steemians, the concept will really blow up when outsiders get to know about it.
Another thing I think will really be great is an App!
That will put this dapp in the league's of Fiverr and upwork.
I know SG (that's the same acronym with your name)…is far better than those competitors and more people need to know!
I will write a post about this soon and help publicize i outside Steemit via FB Two Insta etcz.
Keep making us proud Sir!
Daddy loves Granddaddy!

From the way I see things, it's going to beat the likes of busy, dmania and the rest of them.
Surpassing is really doing a good job, steemians need not to sleep on his ideas.

The App idea is indeed a great one, steemgig is going higher!

thank you for your comment.

My boss @nairadaddy has said it all. @surpassinggoogle makes me wonder everyday whether he sleeps at all? If he does, i think he dreams of the steem blockchain. I am sure that @surpassinggoogle and @steemgigs both with the acronym SG will become a household name not only on the blockchain, but on IT world at large. Am glad to have known him here. We all have something to offer and we'll all succeed. God bless you. The tears you have teared will keep mounting up to great values to be a blessing to others.

Nice idea. I think Steemgigs will be going to that direction.

Good submission
Meanwhile, I am new on steemit and I have just followed steemgigs curation trail
I don't know how / what to do next
I haven't got a chance to read or learn from it...
Please, how can I get in touch with steemgigs

Hello Robin!
Welcome to Steemit!
Feel free to visit the website to find out more!
You will like it!

yeh!... I think this post page didn't load completely before; I have seen it
Thank you @surpassinggoogle @nairadaddy,

I am literally going there in now sir Terry/@surpassinggoogle. I made few posts before but encountered slight error message so I ended up posting directly to itself. I am so much excited for the improvement of the site sir Terry. You've done so much to us. You are one of a kind - a very humble person ... and of course I am your very proud follower.

My First Ever GIF:

@leebaong, aww so sweet ma pren:)
Steem on! steemgigs, here we goo!

thanks may pren pero mas sweet ka parin may pren. Salamat din sa lahat ng tulong mo may pren hah!

Hi sir @surpassinggoogle, i have notice that the posts inside the knowledge bank is too slow, it might be my PC or just the website slow? BTW i'm excited contributing a post to steemgigs, and i'm looking forward to the development of the platform, Goggle today have so much issues on censorship and we need to make the platform safe to everybody, i wonder if this platform an open-source?

The idea of steemgigs is really cool and I really hope it continues. I see lot posts related to steemgig and that's really helpful for the platform whether in terms of popularity or profit. I can't wait to see it grow even bigger in the future.

Whaoo, this is mind blowing, I had no idea steemgig was capable of all this, this is enhancement at it's zenith.

now i know the expanse of the potential of steemgigs. Men ! We are going far than the moon. If steemgigs finally done with us , all the earth will experience a new breed of mankind because we will going to turn into sonething else.

Sure they are amazing

What i love most about you is the fact that you make your dream a reality. To be honest I didn’t believe you would reach that far. But my friend @surpassinggoogle i have to admit that eventually you will fulfill your vision.
Your tag and web has enormous growth
Hats off to you. You are a man of your words.
You believed it and look at you. Tremendous success. I think that you will surpass Google eventually.

The 1st ever freelancing Platform under block-chain. Although I'm not using steemgigs right now (But definitely will use it very soon once I do streamline some issues). I have been using elance (Now upwork), freelancer and fiver since 2011. But steemgigs is something out of the box. I believe with the passage of time steem will grow and steemgigs will 4 time grow.
I appreciate your efforts @surpassinggoogle and also your team. You guys have really done a superb job.
Terry believe me whenever people talk about steemit or in future you will be remembered only due to your Generosity, care, love and Fear of God. You always think and give priority to common people and that's why you get more and more RESPECT....!
Keep Smiling & Stay Blessed. All The Best For SteemGigs!

@surpassinggoogle has always been a force to recon with, someone to be like, if we have lots of people like him steemit would have been so easier for newbies

I still remember reading the early posts right from before steemgigs went live, see how far it has come.
Been working really hard to improve my writing so i can offer it as a service on steemgigs and slowly I'm getting there. The expansion of steemit and steemgigs in the near future is inevitable.

You're the man Terry, thumbs up to you and the entire team. You deserve some accolades.

Yes he can't ever be forget!
He's just special and unique ,in fact he's a hero

The value and opportunity steemgigs offers to we the un(dis)talented individuals to showcase what we're made of is immeasurable. Steemgigs is an avenue to fulfill your quote

Everyone has something to offer.

Steemgigs is reshaping the future of many for good.

Keep steeming @surpassinggoogle as we will surpass google very soon.

I gbadun your idea boss

Thank you bro

i am new in steemit, please sir see my post

Keep you the good work sir @surpassinggoogle, steemgig is the best! I love the fact that everyone has something to offer, it's really inspiring.

Everyone has something to offer

Deep thoughts, deep words, piercing the soul and waking up the giant on everyone's inside to achieve greatness. Thanks for not just talking @surpassinggoogle, thanks for doing.

we will surely showcase what we have in-stock @emjoe, because everyone has something to offer like our boss @surpassinggoole use to say. Everyone has contributed a lot to this post, but all I want to say is thank you sir for this awesome improvement on @steemgigs. Sir, I have an question, I have an account with #steemgigs but anytime that I want to post through #steemgigs it won't post, what can I do with this sir. Sir, there is no bigger word to appreciate except T H A N K Y O U @surpassinggoole. Wait for your reply sir.

...eventually makes "everyone" influential, indispensable; a household name; an icon; a legend; a SteemGigger, a dream-builder, a celebrity; because "these "everyone" now has something to offer".

That sounds like a bright future. You guys are working your butt off. There is just no way you will not reach the success you are confidently reaching for by working so hard especially you @surpassinggoogle.

Bottomline; what do you think is a bigger incentive for creating valuable content, than rewards?

Of course to make “Everyone” SteemGigger! The idea of being able freely participating and getting rewarded on top of it is what steemit and steemgigs comunity is all about. I do always look at the grand picture when it comes to any idea. And steemit is the future, just like my witness choice @steemgigs is!

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