10 Things You Must Know About Life At 20

in #steemit4 years ago

If you’re 20-something, you’re just getting started with life. It’s a long walk ahead. There are many ups and downs and sometimes you may be surprised why life treats you the way it does. Just because we want you to be prepared for life, we’re sharing with you 21 things you need to know about life at your 20s.

No. 1

Life is Unfair: Did you think you were born into a world thatmakes sense? No, no you aren’t. But it’s not supposed to be any other way. Bad things can happen to really good peoplejust as good things can happen to bad people, and you would wail at the unfairness of itall. But eventually, you’ll have to take a deepbreath, and realize that it’s not about good people or bad people, it’s about things,they just happen. Bill Gates said, “Life isn’t fair, getused to it”

No. 2

No one cares about your life: Did you buy new clothes or get a new car? Nobody actually cares. They may be curious for a few weeks but that’sit, they move on. Don’t base your happiness on people’scaring, because they don’t. And if they do, they either want your stuff,or hate you for it. No one cares about your life, so live to pleaseyourself and not others.

No. 3

You matter Don’t see yourself as an insignificant partof the 7.5 billion world’s people. In fact, you’re as important as everybodyelse put together because you can change the world. Don’t wait for a near death experience torealize this, and do things knowing that everything about you matters. What you think, what you do matters; don’tlet anyone else convince you otherwise. You’re not just one of us, you’re an importantpillar among us because you can change our history.

No. 4

Unexpected happen, prepare for them. Sometimes your meticulous plans could go upin smoke, but if you live life with no backup plans, you will be subject to life’s whims. Life is ups and downs. Take risks but have a backup. Do what you need to in order to be stablealways. Prepare for the unexpected.

No. 5

Market don’t care about your degreesForget your Harvard degrees, nobody cares. Forget your P.HD. No one cares either. Employers and market only pays for your valuewhich is equal to the amount of solution you can create. Don’t focus on the papers. Focus on being a better, more valuable person.

No. 6

Your true friends rarely come after you succeed When you’re a nobody, you’ll have justa few people around you. When you become famous or successful, a millionpeople will become your “friends”. Don’t be deceived by this. Only very few people truly love you.

No. 7

You alone are Responsible for Yourself:If you think you can live life letting someone else determine your success or happiness,think again. Nobody else will find success for you, andnobody else will give you happiness. Neither your parents, nor the government canmake you a success. That’s on you.

No. 8

Your friends are as important as your parents:Your parents influence a lot of things about your life and that’s understandable becausethey gave birth to you, but your friends will influence you as much as your parents andeven sometime more. Beware of who you hang around Rachel Wolchinsaid, “Surround yourself with people that reflect whom you want to be and how you wantto feel, energies are contagious.”

No. 9

There are no shortcuts in life: Most young people want to get anything theydesire NOW, today. Well, life isn’t that cheap or else everyonewould have become successful. Understanding that there are no shortcutsin life and that you need to pay the price to get where you want to be is very importantor else you’ll get nothing out of life.

No. 10

Debts is poisonous: It’s easy to spend the money you don’thave, to buy things you don’t need, but burdensome to pay back the money you spendon foolish stuff. Instead of wallowing in credit, why don’tyou try using real money and buy only stuff you need? You’ll realize that your financial stress goes down.

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