RE: Steemit Update [January 26th, 2025] : Steemit Learning Challenge - Applications Invited for Season 23
My regards to steemit team,
I wholeheartedly welcome this new initiative by steemit, but some questions remain unanswered in my mind.
It says that any member can apply to run this course, but he has to tell whether he is trained for this or he does this work as a hobby. This is the only shortcoming of this program, in fact when we are taking application from an amateur, then definitely he will use various external information to fulfill his ambition, AI will also be included in it. It will just get its work done by manipulating his words. That is why I believe that these courses should be invited only from a trained member.
Secondly, when the enlightened managers of the platform know that some users have used AI in answering the courses and preparing the course, then why no action has been taken against them till now. If strict action was taken against such members, then more people would have learned a lesson and they would not dare to repeat such mistakes.
It is not said that an amateur uses AI who says an amateur is worse than someone who get paid?
If I look at the teachers they all use AI, templates, search on the internet, use google, bots, tricks, and so on.
Also the increase of the use of AI on Steemit started with the "prof" teachers in the past months!
There was not 1 single AI generated entry during the writing courses only one person with 2 accounts who used with both accounts an entry of someone else.
So how come writing is fought, what about the preaching of "good content"?
Who forced so many into using AI to be noticed or better be upvoted?
How about teachers not able to explain in simple language, not giving the chance to learn? Can it be here is AI needed to translate, explain and if the vocabulary is too difficult to make the homework as well?
Would people learn if SC01 and SC02 would not give an upvote?
Let's give that a try and see how many AI entries there will be.
Hello Respected @wakeupkitty,
I really liked your clarity, I have no hesitation in accepting all your points. Then again one thing stuck in my mind that if these professor type teachers used artificial intelligence, bots, or tricks in preparing their courses. Or they were unable to explain their courses in simple language, then why their courses were accepted by steemit. Come, as per your guidance, now let us forget the past and move into the future, and see which courses get accepted this time.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for increasing my knowledge
With great respect and regards.
I don't believe that the Steemit Team is interested in the language or vocabulary used. As you can see there are no restrictions on who can teach even if this person can hardly write. They might look at reputation or go for what looks interesting or someone else for a change?
There are very good teachers if it comes to showing skills and there are plenty of great, skilled students who learn by watching and can do the same but if it comes to teachers and explaining (using words only/online or written text) this is a different story.
The use of AI increased, this is a fact
but I am saying that the high amount of AI entries is a direct result of the neverending forcing to write long epistles, how the SLC are promoted and what is taught by teachers. If people are forced to write long texts, forced to use translators, ask Chatgpt what is meant and still don't understand how or what, if teachers can't explain or give time to try out and learn the only solution is to let AI do the homework. How else can you join a course or make a chance to be rewarded by the highest two SCs and the Steemit Team says everyone has to join as many as possible SLCs to receive those rewards.
Not #we-write and also not what @joslud and @solperez taught were good for a high number of AI-generated entries and these were as far as I know the only writing courses thus far. They were different and it was hard if not impossible to let AI do the writing. So my question is why writers, those who love to write or like to try to write more creatively or better are not included if it comes to SLC?
I wish you a good Saturday and thank you for replying.
Hello respected friend, @wakeupkitty
I completely agree with the view expressed in your comment. You are quite right in saying that steemit team is not interested in testing any language or vocabulary or it can be said that they do not have sufficient means and resources to test the large number of applications received on various subjects and they select subjects only on the basis of reputation of the applicant or by looking at the interest of the subject or just for the sake of change. But perhaps it is also true that any teacher should submit his/her CV in which he/she should give proof of his/her knowledge of that subject or his/her expertise in that subject.
I have attempted only 5 exercises out of the total published of these teaching courses and tried my best in all of them very honestly without any help of Google reference or AI, but at the end I found that someone else who has written the exercise answer with the help of artificial intelligence or chetgpt got priority over my exercise answer, this made me very sad and I lost interest in these teaching programs completely.
At last I just want to say that I feel that for those people who are not interested in these subjects or do not have complete knowledge of these subjects, steemit team should keep organizing some general competitions as before so that other members like me also get opportunities to participate in them.
I have full faith in the ability of respected @solperez madam, and I have always seen that she has complete knowledge of her subjects, I do not know anything about the knowledge and experiences of other mentioned great people.
Have a great sunday.
With respect and honour.
Agradezco el cariño y respeto que viene de tu parte, y cmprendo tu decepción al ver que el engaño y la mentira, una vez más, les ganaron la carrera a la honestidad y al trabajo intelectual verdadero.
Por acá seguiremos aprendiendo de todo un poco y tratando de dar lo mejor de nosotros. Un abrazo.
I respect my knowledgeable and enlightened seniors, and get many opportunities to learn from them. A lot is happening on this platform that I had not imagined initially. But I have to keep doing my work. That's it.
With respect and honour.
Así vamos. Nada es perfecto, pero todo es perfectible.
Yes but many people are perfect, they don't need much effort. And you are one of them.
By the other mentioned "great" people you mean those who started #we-write?
This was my idea and @inspiracion joined me.
Next the microstories were hosted by @joslud and solperez
Till today freewriters still write their way and are rarely flooded by AI. Why? Because we like to write, we write to fight writer's blocks, we are free, no restrictions if it comes to wordcount, no delegations, no expectations, no Booming vote - wars.
One can post or let it be. There's no need for the community to be bigger than other communities.
Respected @wakeupkitty
I am happy that there are people on this platform who believe in unbiased writing, free writing, flight of imagination in words, in fact it is also true that when we write keeping in mind any booming vote, any reward, any delegation, any word limit, then it has an adverse effect on our originality and the form of writing. We limit ourselves a lot in expressing our thoughts openly. Your idea of #we-write is very good, and the support of respected @inspiracion @joslud and @solperez in this is the proof of the fact that this is a great platform. Now I will also consider myself blessed to join this #freewrite or #maicrostories.
With respect and honour.
Gracias por la mención, mi apreciado amigo.
Muy interesantes tus observaciones sobre el uso y abuso de la IA. En el taller de microrrelatos nadie utilizó ni inteligencia artificial ni plagio.
De hecho, deseábamos prponer un taller para escribir "Bestiarios". Pero la escritura pareciera no ser relevante. Esto es lamentable, porque la materia prima de Steemit es la palabra escrita.
Me encantó leerte y, demás está decirte que comparto tu postura.
Un abrazo.
Thank You very much .
Hola yo considero con todo respeto que cuando se hace el llamado a estos cursos es porque la persona estará capacitada para realizar un plan de estudio y de evaluación de lo que va a enseñar, nadie puede enseñar a otros si no esta preparado desde el punto de vista para abordajes de temas solo por aficcion, porque sino no estaría enseñando. Existen muchos temas en inteligencia artificial que puedes abordar pero el docente debe dominarlo y tengo entendido que los que se postulan presentan una publicación en las que redactan su curriculum que demuestre el grado de conocimiento que posee, universidad donde estudio, experiencia entre otros y cuando el participante lee las tareas si es preparado inmediatamente se dará cuenta que el docente desconoce el tema completamente y simplemente no participara. Ese es mi punto de vista respetando los comentarios del resto del grupo. Gracias.
Hello friend, @menfita
I completely agree with the point of view given in your comment. It is true that any teacher should submit his biodata in which he should give proof of his knowledge of that subject or his expertise in that subject.
But I think that for those who are not interested in these subjects, some general competitions should also be organized as before.
With respect and honour.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo completamente @sur-riti porque hay personas en esta plataforma que no serán estudiados con títulos universitarios pero son empíricos y pueden también traernos sus enseñanzas, dentro de ese grupo podemos nombras las amas de casa costureras, jardineros, mecánicos entre otros, que han aprendido solo por necesidad y tienen mucho que enseñar. Estoy de acuerdo en abrir una oportunidad para ellos, muy acertado tu comentario. Excelente.
Hello friend,
Now we have discussed this topic continuously, and anyway we can only give suggestions on this topic, it is up to the seniors of team steemit to accept or reject them. I think that when they will read all this, they will definitely pay some attention to this topic.
Thank you.