I Got Steemit Burnout !! But I Think I Survived!!

in #steemit7 years ago


It's no surprise to me, that just like anything else I do...  I got burnt out! When I discovered steemit I saw immediate potential and I got overwhelmed with excitement. I thought holy shit this is my life now! I got started with it and became so involved that I literally couldn't stop posting and interacting with people. It felt great to see myself making such cool strides on there. I was totally losing myself in the steemit world and I never felt more connected. At first I thought the timing couldn't have been any better! I was in between jobs and I finally thought I found that secret thing that was going to allow me all the success in the world from being creative. Sound familiar? 

 Now that you see how intense my face is... well you know this is legit ! haha. Anyway! I would say I stayed strong through the ups and downs of steemit for the first 2 months. I had some pretty awesome success at first. One of my favorite whales @stellabelle had taken major interest in me due to a bizarre dance video I created and threw up on steemit lol. It was pretty freakin weird to say the least and I absolutely love making weird stuff. I soon found out that Stella was quite the creature with videos as well. I was so happy I can't even tell you.. I just felt supported and loved for me. I was so excited about my first $10 dollars I made on that video. I must've called 5 people to tell them I made my first $10 dollars blogging. One of the most memorable days of my life. Im forever grateful for you Stella! you gave me the biggest inspirational push I needed here and you showed me that anything is possible. You helped me more then you know. 

I kept creating and I slowly got more attention from different people on my posts. When I say I was obsessed... that may very well be an understatement. Some of my music posts even reached $100! I thought to myself holy crap I never have to work another day in my life! haha I was a little mistaken. I even made a video log about my thoughts on steemit and how incredible it feels. I spoke about how I'm in between jobs and I feel as though steemit is my new job. Fortunately I got the honest opinion of my buddy @lukestokes who mentioned to me he had similar thoughts about steemit when he started and he told me I need to have balance and I should go get a job lol. At first I thought ok ok your probably right but their was still that fire inside of me to continue on my steemit journey without taking a breath. 


What to do, What to do.... I continued to try to make steemit work full time which resulted in some pretty intense feelings of burn out and disappointment. What I notice about myself in general is that I see in mainly black and white thinking. I don't typically utilize balance in any aspect of my life. I get super excited about something then I put all my eggs in that basket. This is not a very healthy way to live life. I still believe steemit is the best thing I've ever discovered and theirs no doubt about that. Honestly.. I got super burned out by never taking a break and trying to hard to make this my job. The most beautiful thing about steemit is that it is a community of beautiful people who will always support you. I'm happy to say that I got a job with a friend doing social media marketing which Is right up my alley. Im very excited to learn a lot about SEO and really all sorts of marketing tricks. It couldn't be a better fit for me right now. 

To wrap things up, Id like to take a minute to talk about how insanely grateful I am for this community. Ive gotten so much love and support here its almost crazy. Im back to being my creative fun loving self and I'm so happy steemit is here for me to take part in. I'ver literally been somewhat absent for this past month and I hated the feeling of not being active. Everything is a wonderful learning experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Im so grateful to be here and participating with you beautiful people. I apologize for my absence but id like to say thank you for all my friends here. You've shown me nothing but positivity and if it weren't for you guys, I would have no one to create with. If you've had similar experiences with steemit id be really happy to here about it in the comments below. As for now, Im happy to say I'm back and ready to steem forward! Take it easy folks!


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When I say I was obsessed... that may very well be an understatement. Some of my music posts even reached $100! I thought to myself holy crap I never have to work another day in my life! haha I was a little mistaken.

Dude I'm totally going through the same phase right now...like this feels like a full time job at the moment because of how much time I spend on it every day :P I've honestly even neglected my part time job in favor of Steemit (not my best choice in life though haha).

I'm in my second month on Steemit now though and I am still feeling that fire burning deep within me...so I hope I don't experience the burnout anytime soon. My friend @jrswab recommended that I stick to a schedule and make sure to leave at least one or two days off of Steemit to prevent/mitigate the burnout effect.

I look forward to seeing more of your posts again dude!! :D

Yeah man! Just hang in there and stay consistent no matter what! You're off to an incredible start :) keep up the amazing work and definitely stick to a schedule !

I'll be doing a post soon on the topic of scheduling and taking breaks. Thanks for the shout out man <3

Sweet!! Definitely looking forward to it :D And of course! I always give credit where credit is due :P

@stevenalexander thank you for this wonderful post. I see myself in the very same pattern that you are narating.

I have been in Steemit for barely a month but it feels like a lifetime. My first introductory post did not do that we'll and I felt bad and insecure. A lot of beginner posts say that your introductory post will decide if you will be successful or not. Then I started following people but still not getting any traction back to my posts even if I was leaving good comments.

All I was getting were bots so I wasn't sure if I was getting the right exposure. I learned later on what bots to use.

So here I am brimming with lots of ideas for content, pouring my heart out and connecting with like minded people who apparently appreciate what I write about.

I recently left my job because I have been suffering through a depression phase and I was turning to writing to ease the pain just like I did in the past. I have several unfinished books that I have written in a flurry of creative energy during my depression phase.

You see during such periods I can't even get myself to leave the house. So I have been working several odd jobs and discovering steemit placed my efforts in trying to get good articles that would generate upvotes.

Unlike you I have not been successfully and it has put a damper on my spirits but I continue on hoping that I'll have a breakthrough.

So I go about it setting a target of 1 to 2 posts a day and even if they are earning cents or even nothing at. Sometimes I would struggle what to write because I am forcing it. Unlike before that the creative urge would lend itself and the words would just come out but now treating it like a job, in order to earn has stiffled that urge to write.

So I read here to step back from time to time and not put all my eggs in the steemit basket. It has potential but at this moment it will not give me enough to live on. Think that was my flaw. Being so unhappy and then discovering I could earn here made me want it so much to be true right away.

I now know it will take some time. It will take some post that will be my breakthrough, it will take time making connections and content that people will care enough to read and if they upvote it is just gravy on top.

Thank you for showing how your journey was and even if our path is not the same it is still good to know that I am not alone.

wow @maverickinvictus what a beautiful and heartfelt post! I assure you the time you spend is worth it and their will come a time when you have your great breakthrough sooner or later. you just can't give up even when its discouraging. as a human I believe we have plenty of wonderful things to post about constantly... its just tapping into those things that can be challenging. my biggest help was interacting and connecting with the community which made the biggest difference. don't stop connecting and post from your heart and it will all work itself out :) I will follow you for support!

Thank you so much and I have met so many wonderful people as well all over the globe.

No matter the disillusionments at time I still love the community and will be here one day at time, one posts at a time, connecting and thriving with everyone.

Yup there he Goes, Never had a Chance to thank you for putting me on to this site, Thanks Dude, also I went pretty hard for a while, and then started getting really busy with my company, maybe seeing you tonight has reminded me of my initial goals for steemit. Peace Bro, and nice work!

I’m happy that your on here man ! If you put in the work and stay consistent it’s super worth it . I’m gonna follow you and il help u out man .

Don’t worry ....I’ve been there a zillion of times. You are the Typ who can push through and keep going after a nice rest.

Thankyou @mammasitta :) I really appreciate those kind words ! I feel the same and I believe in myself again!!

We all get it ....that burnout 😳

Indeed we do.. indeed we do lol

Balance is a good thing. :)

Indeed it is :) I learned my lesson the hard way haha

LMAO that gif at the end was too perfect.... 😂 Glad you’re back on here man!

haha I'm always taking it over the top.. thanks man I'm glad I'm back also!

This post received a 10% vote by @minnowsupport courtesy of @Kubby from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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This post has been resteemed by @minnowsupport courtesy of @Kubby from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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