Peerhub Marketplace: $300 SBD Prize Pool Raffle Contest for Listing & Promotion! [Update 1]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hey all,
Thanks so much for everyones support so far! From our previous post "Peerhub: Bringing Steem Beyond Social Networks To The New Economy!", at the end of the post we announced a contest for Promotion & Listing on Peerhub. So far we have about:

  • 80+ new signups
  • 20+ listings

A couple listings sold. Thanks @ned for being the first buyer! Congrats @billbutler & michaele for your sales!

There is still plenty of opportunity to participate in the listing contest!!! Just find something to list, find a 750x750 (or less) jpg photo, add a brief description, add your Steemit username in your profile and that's it you'll be entered in the raffle contest after posting! If you don't have a product, just list any service you can provide! There is also still opportunity to enter the raffle for promoting Peerhub by simply resteeming our original post. You get a raffle ticket for each follower you have. Thank you! #usesteem

Here are the contest rules below:

Community & Contest

We’re extremely excited to have @anwenbaumeister take the lead role in growth & community outreach.  She’ll also be posting newly listed items in the marketplace weekly and that should help you advertise your products to a wider audience!  Peerhub is live in beta so please sign up and list some items! 

Now Let’s Have Some Fun With The First Peerhub Contest Raffle!

We’ll have our first ever raffle contest for a total of $300 in Steem dollar prizes!  If you post a listing on Peerhub or if you reblog this post, you can earn raffle tickets to win Steem dollar prizes!

$150 Peerhub Listing Contest!  Three chances to WIN raffle drawing !!!
$100 First Place / $40 Second Place / $10 Third Place

Listing Contest Rules:

  • Your item must have a photo and must be something you really want to sell. 
  • You get one raffle ticket entry for each unique listing 
  • You must add your Steem username in your Peerhub profile section so we know where to send you Steem$
  • One unique winner for each place
  • $150 Promotion Contest!  Another three chances to WIN !!!
    $100 First Place / $40 Second Place / $10 Third Place

    Promotion Contest Rules:

  • Resteem this post: Peerhub: Bringing Steem Beyond Social Networks To The New Economy!
  • You get one raffle ticket for each follower you have if you resteem. [updated]
  • One unique winner for each place
  • Both raffles expire next week at 11pm ET Tuesday on September 27th.  We’ll make final determination of all qualifications and rules are subject to change for unintentional errors and omissions.  @anwenbaumeister will announce the winners of the contest next week. 

    Thank You.  Good Luck.  Have Fun!


    Let’s build this New Economy together.  The Economy for You and Me!

    Please click the resteem button to support us.

    Thank you!!!


    Great idea. I've got my account set up and already 3 postings. Good luck to everyone!

    Great and good luck in the contest!

    I am offering a service there already. And doing a giveaway to promote it. :-D

    It technically is international already! Only the address/location filter isn't ready, but that's really a minor feature. All you have to do is put your city/country in the description. Really the whole key to the website is connect two people (peers) and people can coordinate shipping/payment etc. afterwards.

    Ok, will try to post some entries tommorow then

    That's fantastic! Thank you!

    This is a great idea. A huge step for the steem economy

    Ouch! you missed the #usesteem hashtag :( but you can still add it ;) please :D
    -- @develcuy

    Oh, it is actually lowercase!! My FAULT!! please #usesteem Thanks!!!
    -- @develcuy

    It's really, really, really, really awesome to build this new economy together!! Thanks for letting us know about Peerhub @steemrollin! We listed our first products--our beyond organic, super sustainable herbal smoking blends and our fully customizable Steemit Ts--and we look forward to offering even more material goods in exchange for SBD to strengthen this currency!

    Greatly looking forward to this!

    Great.. did you list yet? Anyone can offer some service... look at Fiverr for ideas. Thanks!

    Did not list yet as I am still thinking what to list. :)
    Will look at fiverr. That's a good idea to possibly go in the direction of a service.
    Thinking about digital collectible and game items as I can do them online. This fits what I have done in the past much of my life.

    Yeah digital collectible and game items would be fantastic!
    Feel free to have fun with your listings and see how things go! It will be great for people to be creative especially with services!

    Yeah! I've had booths / tables at flea markets and trade shows, also a store front, Amazon store, Ebay, Yahoo store... So I'm looking forward to this. :)

    Wow you're perfect for this! That's awesome.
    Yeah so you have experience marketing your products and know how important exposure is. We can give users here exposure by helping promote member listings at least weekly. Anyways it should be pretty fun to see what goods/services people can provide!

    WOW 49+ upvtes in 4 minutes? nice work

    Well there's probably a little bit of love from the bots.. lol...

    This sounds really interesting and fun :)) Goodluck to all the participants :)))

    Hey... does that mean you'll list a few things too?
    You can list some of your yummy food on there!

    I was thinking about it! I will observe how this one goes and then will do something for the next one, I'm sure there will be more than one :)

    This is the biggest raffle since it's the first!
    You can list anything you want..good/service... if it's food just post a picture and say pickup only with your city/borough? Only takes a couple minutes so whaddya say?

    Ok you got me!!! I will do this tomorrow !! :) Making cheesecake xx

    Fantastic! Look forward to it!

    Hmm, I should sell my electric guitar I haven't used in years for SD. :D

    That would be great. And if you're not sure about selling any item you can price it higher so that if it does sell you'll at least be happy about the price you got!

    I listed something today (a book I've written) and then posted about it here on Steemit. So excited about this!

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