in #steemit6 years ago

Traditional games in the Philippines

These are games commonly played by children, usually using native materials or instruments. In the Philippines, due to limited resources of toys of Filipino children, they usually come up on inventing games without the need of anything but the players themselves. With the flexibility of a real human to think and act makes the game more interesting and challenging. Because it is a tradition for Filipinos to play in a bigger and spacious area, most games are usually played outside the house. Some games are played or held during town fiestas in the provinces. These games of Filipino children include the following:

Agawan Base

There are two teams with two bases. How many players on each team depends on the players. There are two bases which each team claims as their own. The goal is to tag the other team's base without getting tagged. If you're tagged, you're transferred to the other team and must be rescued. There are several variations in which the rules are changed, in some, you can connect other items on the base so you can easily touch the base.There are usually set points, such as first team to tag the other team 5 times wins. You can tag other people who has touched their base before you and are on the opposite team. If they've touched their base after you've touched your base, they can tag you, and you can't tag them.

Agawang sulok

  • catch and own a corner - The it or tagger stands in the middle of the ground. The players in the corners will try to exchange places by running from one base to another. The it should try to secure a corner or base by rushing to any of those when it is vacant. This is called "agawan base" in some variants, and "bilaran" in others
  • sun and shade - The it or tagger tries to tag or touch any of the players who is in direct contact with the light.


A role-playing game where children act as members of an imaginary family, sometimes to the extent that one of them becomes the family "pet." They then act out various household situations such as dinner, going to mass, and the like.


A hand-clapping game generally involving 4 people. They are split into two pairs, a pair having 2 people facing each other, and all members from both pairs facing the center (the two pairs being perpendicular to each other). Each pair then does a hand clapping "routine" while singing the "bahay kubo." At the middle of the song, each pair exchanges "routines" with the other.


This is a hitting and catching game. This game is played outdoors only by two or more players.

To play this game, 2 pieces of bamboo sticks (1 long, 1 short) are required. A player acts as a batter and stands opposite the others players at a distance. The batter holds the long bamboo stick with one hand and tosses the short one with the other hand. The batter then strikes the shorter stick with the longer stick. The other players will attempt to catch the flying shorter stick. Whoever catches the stick gets the turn to be the next batter. If nobody catches the stick, any player can pick it up. The batter then puts down the longer stick on the ground. The holder of the shorter stick will throw it with the attempt to hit the longer stick on the ground. If the longer stick is hit, the hitter becomes the next Batter. If the player with the shorter stick misses to hit the longer one, the same batter will continue.


  • whisper it to the priest - It is composed of two teams and an it. The leader of team A goes to the priest and whispers one of the names of the players of team B. Then he returns to his place and the priest calls out, "Lapit!" ("Approach!"). One of the players of team B should approach the priest, and if it happens to be the one whom the leader of team A mentioned, the priest will say, "Boom" or "Bung!" The player then falls out of line and stays somewhere near the priest as a prisoner.


A rough circle is drawn on the ground and one person from the group is tagged. He is not allowed to enter the circle, but instead has to touch one of the people inside the circle without having entered it. If he succeeds, he can enter the circle, and the person touched becomes the next one tagged.
Calahoyo ("Hole-in")
This is an outdoor game by two to ten players. Accurate targeting is the skill developed in this game because the objective of each player is to hit the anak (small stones or objects) with the use of the pamato (big, flat stone), trying to send it to the hole.

A small hole is dug in the ground, and a throwing line is drawn opposite the hole (approx 5 to 6 metres (16 to 20 ft) away from the hole). A longer line is drawn between the hole and the throweing line. Each player has a pamato and an anak. All the anak are placed on the throwing line, and players try to throw their pamato into the hole from the throwing line. The Player whose pamato is in the hole or nearest the hole will have the chance for the first throw. Using the pamato, the first thrower tries to hit the anak, attempting to send it to the hole. Players take turns in hitting their anak until one of them gets into the hole, with the players taking turns a complete round and so on. The game goes on until only one anak is left outside the hole. All players who get their anak inside the hole are declared winners, while the one with the anak left outside the hole is the alila (loser) or muchacho. Alila orMuchacho will be 'punished' by all the winner/s as follows:

· Winners stand at the throwing line with their anak beyond line A-B (longer line between hole and throwing line). The winners hit their anak with their pamato. The muchacho picks up the pamato and returns it to the owner. The winners repeat throwing as the muchacho keeps on picking up and returning the pamato as punishment. Winners who fail to hit their respective anak will stop throwing. The objective is to tire the loser as punishment. When all are through, the game starts again.

Chinese Garter

Two people hold both ends of a stretched garter horizontally while the others attempt to cross over it. The goal is to cross without having tripped on the garter. With each round, the garter's height is made higher than the previous round (the game starts with the garter at ankle-level, followed by knee-level, until the garter is positioned above the head). The higher rounds demand dexterity, and the players generally leap with their feet first in the air, so their feet cross over the garter, and they end up landing on the other side. Also, with the higher levels, doing cartwheels to "cross" the garter is allowed.


  • go round and round until the hanky drops - After the it is determined, he or she goes around the circle and drops a handkerchief behind one of the players in the circle. If this player notices the handkerchief, he or she has to pick up the handkerchief and go after the it around the circle. The it has to reach the vacant spot left by the player before the itis tagged; otherwise, the it has to take the handkerchief and repeat the process all over again.

Juego de Anillo

A game notably Spanish in influence. The name literally translates to "game of rings." It involves riding a horse while holding a dagger and "catching" rings hanging from a tree or some other structure using the dagger.

Juego de Prenda

  • game of looking for the missing bird - There is no limit to the number of players that can play. Players sit in a circle with the leader in the middle. Each player adopts a name of a tree or flower that is given by the leader. The leader recounts the story of a lost bird that was owned by a king. He or she says, The bird of the king was lost yesterday. Did you find it, Ylang-Ylang? The player who adopted the name of the Ylang-Ylang tree at once answers that he or she has not found it, so the leader continues to ask the other trees whether the bird has hidden in them. If a player cannot answer after the third count, he or she is made to deposit a thing he or she owns to the leader until the leader has been able to gather a lot of things from the members.

Kapitang Bakod

  • touch the post, or you're it! or hold on to the fence - When the it or tagger is chosen, the other players run from place to place and save themselves from being tagged by holding on to a fence, a post, or any object made of wood or bamboo.


  • heaven and earth - One "It" chases after players who are allowed to run on level ground (lupa) and clamber over objects (langit). The "It" may tag players who remain on the ground, but not those who are standing in the "langit" (heaven). The tagged player then becomes "It" and the game continues.

Lawin at Sisiw ("Hawk and Chicken")

This game is played by 10 or more players. It can be played indoors or outdoors.

One player is chosen as the 'hawk' and another as the 'hen'. The other players are the 'chickens'. The chickens stand one behind the other, each holding the waist of the one in front. The hen stands in front of the file of chickens.

The hawk will 'buy' a chicken from the hen. The hawk will then take the chicken, asks him/her to hunt for food and goes to sleep. While the hawk is asleep, the chicken will return to the hen. The Hawk wakes up and tries to get back the chicken he bought while the hen and other chickens prevent the hawk from catching the chicken. If the hawk succeeds, the chicken is taken and punished. If the hawk fails to catch the chicken, the hawk will try to buy another chicken.


  • jump over the cow - A popular variation of Luksong Tinik, one player crouches while the other players jump over him/her. The crouching player gradually stands up as the game progresses, making it harder for the other players to jump over him/her.


  • jump over the thorns - Two players serve as the base of the tinik (thorn) by putting their right or left feet together (soles touching gradually building the tinik). A starting point is set by all the players, giving enough runway for the players to achieve a higher jump, so as not to hit the tinik. Players of the other team start jumping over the tinik, followed by the other team members.


  • greased bamboo pole climbing - This game involves a greased bamboo pole that players attempt to climb. This games is usually played during town fiestas, particularly in the provinces. The objective of the participants is to be the first person to reach the prize—a small bag—located at the top of the bamboo pole. The small bag usually contains money or toys.


Harangang taga - try to cross my line without letting me touch or catch you - Each member of the group who is it stands on the water lines. The perpendicular line in the middle allows the it designated on that line to intersect the lines occupied by the it that the parallel line intersects, thus increasing the chances of the runners to be trapped.even only one(1) member of a group is tagged the whole group will be the "it".


hopscotch- The players stand behind the edge of a box, and each should throw their cue ball. The first to play is determined depending on the players' agreement (e.g. nearest to the moon, wings or chest). Whoever succeeds in throwing the cue ball nearest to the place that they have agreed upon will play first. The next nearest is second, and so on.


This game involves 2 players. One covers his eyes with a hand while the other flicks a finger (pitik) over the hand covering the eyes. The person with the covered eyes gives a number with his hand the same time the other does. If their numbers are the same, then they exchange roles in the game.

Tumbang Preso is a popular Filipino street game also known as Presohan.

The game requires 3 or more players. Each player is provided with a large throw-away object (could be slippers or a shoe) called "pamato". A semi-flattened empty tin or plastic container (the size of an 8 or 12 oz. tins) is placed in upright position 6 or 8 meters from the throwing line. A player is drawn as the prisoner (usually through a system like Jack en Poy). The prisoner will guard the empty tin or container.

The other players stand at the throwing line. They take turns throwing their "pamato" at the empty tin, trying to knock it down. As soon as the can is knocked down, the prisoner must put back the tin in upright position before he can tag the any of the players attempting to recover their "pamato". If the "pamato" becomes too close to the tin in an upright position, so that the prisoner can step on both with one foot, the owner of the "pamato" becomes the new "prisoner". The prisoner can also tag the players while recovering their "pamato" outside the throwing line.

After each throw, a player must recover his "pamato". Should he be tagged by the prisoner before he reaches the throwing line, he becomes the prisoner in the next game.

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