Steemit Update [November 11th, 2024] : Steemit Learning Challenge Season 21 - Week 3

This week we move onto Week 3 of Season 21 of the Steemit Learning Challenge.
This season sees a further increase in the number of Teaching Teams.
We are delighted at the range and quality of courses that are being offered.
To encourage as much participation as possible a significant proportion of all sc01 and sc02 voting will be directed towards these teaching team courses.
This is a unique offering from the Steem blockchain - take advantage of it!
Steemit Learning Challenge - Season 21
Here are the Teaching Team lessons and assignments for Week 3 of Season 21…
@abdu.navi03 & @huzaifanaveed1
SLC-S21/W3 | Managing Bleeding : The Basics of Controlling External and Internal Bleeding@almacaridad
SLC-S21/W3 | Apply your eye makeup correctly to highlight your look@ashkhan
SLC-S21/W3 | Physical Therapy Intervention : Cervical Radiculopathy@hamzayousafzai & @neelofar
SLC-S21/W3 | Mastering Product Hunting and Promotion@kouba01
SLC-S21/W3 | Mastering Records and Record Arrays with Python@lunasilver
SLC-S21/W3 | Men's Shirt Base Pattern Layout | Class 3@mahadisalim & @solaymann
SLC-S21/W3 | Introduction to Basic Electrical Motors, Switchgear, and Motor Starters@naka05 & @analp
SLC-S21/W3 | Crochet Designs | Crochet Christmas@yolvijrm & @adeljose
SLC-S21/W3 | Costs for entrepreneurs - Costing methods
These courses and challenges will run from today until 11.59pm UTC, on Sunday, November 17th, 2024.
You are free to enter as many as you want.
The more you participate in, the more chances you will have of getting votes from sc01 & sc02.
The hardest courses, with the fewest participants, will likely get the highest votes.
Steemit Learning Challenge Rewards
The Teaching Teams must ensure they promptly check and comment on all assignment posts.
The comments from the Teaching Teams should concentrate on what the student did well in their post, and also most importantly how they could improve their posts - particularly highlighting if they have misunderstood any of the learning points of that week’s course assignment.
The posts should be awarded a grade marked out of 10 according to how well they have completed the assignment tasks. We very much encourage teachers to design their homework assignments with a sufficient level of difficulty that they will be able to award a good spread of grades and not have everyone bunched up with 9’s and 10’s.
Posts should be checked for plagiarism and AI use but that should only be a footnote in the comment. Checking for club status etc does not need to be included in the comment.
The comments will be rewarded by sc01/02 according to how well they have followed these guidelines.
At the end of each week all Teaching Teams should make a post announcing the four people who have produced the best challenge responses or homework assignments.
All the Season 21 weekly winners, as well as the announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.
We are very excited for this new season of the Learning Challenge.
The expansion of the Challenge with such a wide range of Teaching Team courses offers something for everyone.
We really hope as many people as possible take advantage of this unique offering on Steem.
Where else can you take so many different courses for free - and have the high chance of being rewarded for your learning endeavors?
Thank you
The Steemit Team
We request that Community Curators, both current and future, do not vote on homework posts for the Teaching Teams.
These are well covered by steemcurator01/02 and so we would like Community Curators to use all their voting power on other non-Teaching Team posts, both in communities and beyond.
Thank you.
Thanks for this SLC series, it's great just like the diary game series was.
Thank you @steemitblog for letting us know about interesting courses of Steemit learning challenge season 21 week 3! Niw am going to writing my post. Thank you.
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I wonder why buying steem and sbd on this very steem platform is still difficult???
I just wonder why my posts didn't receive upvote even as I scored good grades