Steemit Update [ July 1st, 2024 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge Communities for Season 19

Thank you to everyone who applied for Season 19 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.
Twenty-four communities and eight Teaching Teams applied in total with many good applications.
We have now been through all the applications and selected the communities and the Teaching Teams to take part in Season 19 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge, alongside the Crypto Academy.
Steemit Engagement Challenge Communities & Teaching Teams for Season 19
The communities selected for Season 19 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge are…
Hind Whale Community for Ladies
As there were so many good applications four Teaching Teams have been selected for Season 19…
Dynamic Devs - @kouba01 (Tunisia) & @starrchris (Nigeria) Brilliant Teacher - @miftahulrizky (Indonesia), @simonnwigwe (Nigeria) & @lil.albab (Indonesia) Team - @nahela (Venezuela), @karianaporras (Venezuela) & @suboohi (Pakistan) Electronic Eagles - @ubongudofot (Nigeria), @mahadisalim (Bangladesh) & @rmm31 (Venezuela)
Please would the leader of each selected community and Teaching Team confirm acceptance in a comment below and include their contact details (Discord / Telegram).
We will be in touch with the selected communities and Teaching Teams to help them prepare for Season 19 of the Engagement Challenge.
The communities should prepare contests to run each week. The Teaching Teams should prepare their courses and homework tasks to run each week.
These contests and homework tasks should be free to enter for everyone. There should be no requirement or obligation to set a beneficiary, or make a delegation, to take part, and there should be no favoritism of selection or voting to those who have set a beneficiary or made a delegation.
To take part in the Engagement Challenge people should enter the contests and complete the homework tasks - and also make valuable, relevant comments on other posts.
The Communities and Teaching Teams selected for Season 19 should ensure they promptly check and comment on all posts for their weekly contests and homework tasks.
To help @steemcurator01 and @steemcurato02 curate the contest posts more effectively we are looking for communities and Teaching Teams to use a clear, simple and easy to read comment format.
Each week we would like all Challenge communities and Teaching Teams to make a post announcing the three people who have performed best through the quality of their posts and the quantity and quality of their comments on other people’s posts.
We will leave it to each community and Teaching Team to decide how they select their weekly winners, but they should include in their announcement posts a brief summary of their selection process.
All the weekly winners, as well as the weekly announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.
We hope you will all enjoy taking part in this exciting new season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.
Feedback and thoughts on the Teaching Teams will be welcome.
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Thank you Steemit team for the opportunity you've given us to showcase/impact our profession, we all in "The eagle electronics" team have accepted this role and ready to kickstart our mandate.
Congratulations to @rmm31, @mahadisalim my team and the entire community/ teaching teams selected.
Our contacts on Discord:
Electronics Eagle Team Leader, I'm ready. I thank Steemitblog for giving opportunity to our teaching team.
Desafió aceptado.
Congratulations 🎉
Hello everyone
Thank you for selecting our community for this season, we will do our best. Congratulations to all the selected communities and teaching teams.
@jyoti-thelight Discord: jyoti-thelight#6650
@deepak94 Discord: deepak94#7616
Cc: @deepak94, @pea07, @shravana, @pathanapsana, @nanidi, @manisha.jain9, @sohanurrahman
We are very grateful and thankful, that steemit team has given this opportunity to #knack4buzz to do their best in engagement challange season 19 and we are ready for rocking this challange with our unique theme and relevant interesting topics!!
I would like to congratulate all selected communities as well as teams including teaching teams and communities for accepting the opportunity to reflect themselves in season 19.
@khursheedanwar discord ID : khursheedanwar#2159
@sahar78 discord ID : sahar#0970
Cc; @wakeupkitty , @chasad75 , @yancar , @sahar78
I am really happy as a co-founder of community to see that steemit team has given this opportunity to us.
We believe as a team that through our creative spark we are going to illuminate whole steemit world!
Be ready to have a lot of entertainment and fun with knack4buzz community ✨
#knack4buzz #EngagementChallange #season19
Really happy to see our community selected in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 19 💕💕. Together we will rock and make Knack4Buzz a best entertainment spot on Steemit platform InShaAllah 💕💕 Congratulates to all other selected communities 💕
@khursheedanwar congratulations bro ❤️
Estamos listos para brindar una buena temporada de retos, felicitaciones y bendiciones para todos.
Queridas chicas lo hemos logrado 💪
Gracias por la oportunidad brindada Steemitblog.
Felicidades a los demas equipos y comunidades.
@karianaporras @suboohi.
Discord: nahela#9211
Excelente, me uno a esta nueva aventura, gracias por el voto de confianza.
Discord. karianaporras
Congratulations to you my friend
Thank you steemit team for giving us this opportunity and congratulation to @karianaporras and @nahela
Whoop whoop!
Thank you! We gladly accept and I am sure the ladies are going to be thrilled.
@ruthjoe @shiftitamanna @vishwara @ninapenda, @m-fdo, @fannyescobar, and @aviral123 💕
Discord: patjewell#3213
Congratulations to all the other communities and the teaching teams!
Gracias 💞
Wow! Hip Hip Hurray ❤️❤️
The ladies are thrilled indeed. We are so ready to deliver. Thank you so much!
Oh amazing... congratulations to us as we take up this challenge again. Congratulations to other communities and teams chosen.
Thank you for choosing our team as teaching team, we will try to maintain the trust that has been given.
Discord :
Congratulations 🎉
Congratulations to all selected teams and communities.
Wow, what a great way to start the month this is incredible like this Community is barely 6 months and they have been chosen for this is wonderful engagement challenge. I congratulate us all.
Congratulations to all selected communities. I'm sure they will do their best. Thank you for this update.