Steemit Update [February 12th, 2025] : Steemit Learning Challenge Season 23

in #steemitlast month

The Learning Challenge continues to generate considerable enthusiasm from potential teachers.

There were 51 applications to be Teaching Teams and Club Mentors for the new season - most of them of a very high quality.

This has made the selection process difficult as usual.

This season sees the beginning of the Learning Clubs alongside the Teaching Teams.

These Learning Clubs will be quite experimental but we hope they will make a positive contribution to practical learning on the Steem platform.

Steemit Learning Challenge - Season 23

The Teaching Teams selected for Season 23 are…

These will be joined by the Crypto Academy to make 8 in total.

Please would all the Teaching Teams selected confirm acceptance in a comment below and include their contact details (Discord / Telegram).

Steemit Learning Clubs - Season 23

We would like to experiment this season with Learning Clubs.

These will have a broader scope than the Teaching Teams and will allow people to collaborate and learn together on their own practical projects.

The Application Post gives an outline of how we see these Learning Clubs working but because of their experimental nature we expect them to evolve as the season progresses.

We would like to start with these three Learning Clubs…

Please would all those invited to form Learning Clubs please make contact with each other and confirm, in a comment below, that they are willing to work together as Club Mentors.

All Teaching Teams and Learning Clubs should post their first posts by Sunday, February 16th. Season 23 will then begin on Monday, February 17th, 2025.

Each Teaching Team post should include weekly assignment tasks for students following the course.

Teaching Teams should aim to check and grade the submitted assignment posts within 24 hours.

The comments from the Teaching Teams should very much concentrate on what the student did well in their post, and also most importantly how they could improve their posts - particularly highlighting if they have misunderstood any of the learning points of that week’s course assignment.

The posts should be awarded a grade marked out of 10 according to how well they have completed the assignment tasks. We very much encourage teachers to design their homework assignments with a sufficient level of difficulty that they will be able to award a good spread of grades and not have everyone bunched up with 9’s and 10’s.

Posts should be checked for plagiarism and AI use but that should only be a footnote in the comment. Checking for club status etc does not need to be included in the comment.

The grading comments will be rewarded by steemcurator01/02 according to how well they have followed these guidelines.

Learning Clubs should make an initial post outlining how they plan to work and inviting people to join in with their practical projects both through making posts about their projects and through commenting on other people’s project posts.

Learning Clubs should ensure they have a robust tag system so they can track all club posts.

Each week we would like all Teaching Teams to make a post announcing the four people who have produced the best responses to the homework assignments.

The selection of the four should be based solely on the quality of their post. Number of comments is no longer a factor to be considered.

Learning Clubs should likewise select their four best posts of the week.

All the weekly winners, as well as the weekly announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.

With the advent of the Learning Clubs this will be a particularly interesting season.

We hope by switching the focus of the Learning Challenge towards more practical courses and Clubs that the growing use of AI will be halted.

The Learning Clubs are experimental and will evolve over the coming weeks.

We look forward to your comments and suggestions about how they are working.

The potential of Steem as a learning platform is massive but we will need to all work together to ensure true human endeavor is correctly identified and rewarded.

Thank you

The Steemit Team


This is going to a be an amazing season with the collaboration of the teaching teams and learning clubs. Congratulations to all the teams.

I congratulate @alejos7ven and @kafio being in the learning club of technology and development.

Here is my discord and WhatsApp please contact with me so that we can plan our collaboration and working.


I think it will be easy to communicate through WhatsApp.

Hi, it will be a pleasure to work with you, I will contact you soon.

You are welcome @kafio has just joint me we are waiting for you to join and then we will create a discussion group at WhatsApp. Thank you

The course is well outlined. It has the principles of clarity and harmony in it. For the planers for this Course indicate that there will a need to submit an assignment within 24 hours. Furthermore they have reminded those who are will to join the course to prepare earlier and notify the planner their willingness. Absolutely these are few examples showing how clearly this course is planned. Thus it shows a keen for enhancing the world.

Congratulations dear bro.

Let's make something great and original!

Thank you, @steemitblog , for accepting me into the Learning Clubs.

I have a few questions:

  1. Should each user have only one project, or can they share multiple projects?
  2. Can we select some of the best comments to motivate people to engage more, help each other, and learn from one another?

We will leave that to the Club Mentors to decide as the Learning Clubs are in an experimental phase with this season.

Consult with the other Mentors in your Club and see what works best.

I have some great ideas (I'm discussing them with my teammates), and I want to create a club focused on learning and interaction. The most important thing is that everyone learns from each other and engages actively. In the Steemit Learning Challenge, I’ve noticed that there isn’t much interaction between participants, and I want to change that

I love this idea, you spoke exactly what I was thinking to do if I had the opportunity. Let see how many engagement we'll get this week. Congratulation to you.

thank you , I hope to join the club. You can post anything related to technology, not just projects. You can also write reviews or share something related to technology with us.

I had a discussion with my colleague, and we would appreciate it if you could kindly clarify something for us. If we select the best comments, will this have an impact on the selection of the top 4 posts?

Your four selections of the week can be posts or comments - they both count towards the total of 4.

Okay, we will select according to the quality of posts and comments.

Muchas gracias por seleccionarme para esta temporada.

Mi Discord: .beautiful12



Nos sentimos felices por ser parte de esta temporada, gracias por la oportunidad de seguir enseñando el arte del crochet a través de estas iniciativas.!

@analp Discord: #analapaz_

@naka05 Discord: #naka05

club de crochet analp_20250204_164857_0000.png

@naka05 - the Knitting, Crochet & Sewing Club will start with 3 Club Mentors - yourself, @lunasilver and @beautiful12 - each getting 33% of the post rewards.

If @analp is joining you as well you will have to agree with the other two Mentors to each take a 25% share, or instead you and @analp can share the 33%.

@naka05, @lunasilver & @beautiful12

Have you decided what you want to do about your Learning Club?

We can support one Club. If you cover the whole range of Textile topics (knitting, crochet & sewing) then hopefully it will gather enough participants to make it fully viable.

Let us know which of you will be running the Textiles Club.

@rmm31 and @imranhassan have made a good post to introduce the Home Repair Club...

You might want to do similar.

cc @mohammadfaisal @alejos7ven @kafio

Estimado @steemcurator01 tengo una duda. ..

El club textil presentará sólo 4 ganadores??? O cada área escogerá sus 4???

Four in total for the Textile Club to start, although we may increase this number to 7 just for the Learning Clubs if there are sufficient posts.

Saludos @steemcurator01 , Ya estoy en contacto con mis compañeras, en las siguientes horas haremos nuestro post introductorio con todos los detalles.

En mi caso, no dejaré por fuera a mi compañera @analp , compartiré mis recompensas con ella ya que ambas hemos estado juntas desde el inicio y hemos estado tejiendo para esta temporada.

club de crochet analp_20250204_164857_0000.png

Hi @steemcurator01

Thank you for mentioning our team, We have discussed all the things and soon we will also publish our plan and introduction to the tech learning club.

Hi, thank you.

Still discussing and planning but we are almost done!

This is a good challenge and we are happy to develop it

We are cooking something. Do you want to spoil it? 😜

Saludos cordiales estimado @steemcurator02 , si me permite hacerle una acotación; el patronaje y la confección de ropa íntima guardan estrecha relación porque son parte de la costura, en cambio el crochet el es un arte que no tiene vínculo con la costura, por lo tanto, con todo respeto, considero que deberian de separarse ambos club y asi tener el club de costura y el club de Crochet.

En ese caso quedaría las compañeras @lunasilver y @beautiful12 en costura y mi persona @naka05 y mi compañera @analp en el club de Crochet.

Quedo atenta a sus comentarios

club de crochet analp_20250204_164857_0000.png

Comparto esta idea querida @naka05 de que la costura y el crochet deberían estar separadas, además hemos trabajado muy duro para formar Steemians en el arte del crochet. Vimos la oportunidad del club como un espacio donde todos los Crocheteros puedan crear un verdadero club para seguir compartiendo experiencias, pero en una forma más libre.

Al parecer me están excluyendo o condicionando que nos unifiquemos con la costura de ropa íntima y patronaje. Esto me ha preocupado un poco porque tengo días tejiendo nuevos diseños para mostrar y compartir en la plataforma.

CC @steemcurator02
@beautiful12 @lunasilver

As per the original @steemitblog post inviting applications...

Initially the Learning Clubs we will be looking to form will be…

... Knitting, Crochet & Sewing ...


In your application post you are welcome to suggest other applicants you would like to work with, but we may not follow those suggestions.

@lunasilver & @beautiful12 - what are your views on this?

Saludos @steemcurator01 y @steemcurator02:

Con todo mi respeto, según mi experiencia obtenida en el área de Crochet, Costura y Ropa íntima, las 3 son diferentes.

Creo que Crochet debe seguir sus pautas aparte, como ropa íntima y costura en general. Cada una de ellas tiene sus pautas y técnicas a desarrollar.

Entre ropa íntima y costura hay mucha diferencia, en la elaboración de ropa íntima sus pasos son fáciles y breves para obtener una prenda en comparación con la costura de ropa de vestir donde sus trazados son más complicados al momento de la preparación de la prenda, por lo tanto, sus desarrollos son totalmente diferentes para dar la explicación en clase.

Propongo que cada una tenga la oportunidad de compartir sus conocimientos en sus áreas por separado, como: Crochet, Costura y Ropa Íntima.

Muchas gracias

C.C. @naka05, @lunasilver y @analp

Saludos mi estimado @Steemcurator01.

Me alegra que estén realizando clubes para el aprendizaje. Esto permite un poco más de organización .

En cuanto a esto me parece que es importante establecer diferencias en las labores manuales que atenderá nuestro club de aprendizaje.

Creo conveniente que el club de ambos oficio sean independiente uno del otro. Porque aunque pudieran estar relacionadas, son temas totalmente diferentes.

Ahora toda esta situación, me crea cierta confusión. Especialmente al tema de la actividad que desempeñaremos la amiga @beautiful12 y mi persona. La amiga se postuló como retador individual y dictar el curso de ropa intima.. Y mi persona, hizo una postulación para realizar mentoría y dar asesoría a los muchos proyectos que generaron las tres temporadas anteriores.

Cómo dije antes, estamos relacionadas pero, cada formación es independiente.

Entiendo, también que esto es una prueba. Pero todos deseamos que tenga éxito y que genere muchas satisfacciones. Eso nos motivará a seguir dando el 100% de nuestras capacidades y acompañamiento.

Agradezco su respuesta, estimado amigo.

Atentamente @lunasilver

I am very happy to be selected for Steemit Learning Challenge - Season 23! This is a great opportunity for me to learn and share experiences. I would also like to mention @rmm31 sir, who has recently joined me on this journey. I look forward to working together and creating something valuable. My gratitude to the organizers and the entire Steemit community. Hopefully, we can all learn more together and achieve great things!

Gracias por esta maravillosa oportunidad, el amigo @imranhassan y yo @rmm31, nos hemos puesto en contacto directo, ya conversamos sobre el método que aplicaremos para darle impulso al Club Repair.

Nuestro Discord:


Aceptamos el Desafío.


Thank you @steemitblog giving me this opportunity. I accept it and try to give my best in this season.
Congratulations to all selected teaching teams

Discord id
Suboohi #9678

how do i join please i need guidance

Congratulations to all.

My discord: kouba01#2216

My telegram: Bbouchamia

Hola gracias por la oportunidad que se me brinda para esta temporada la cual acepto con mucho gusto.

Discord. karianaporras
Telegram. karianaporras

Muchas gracias por el apoyo, felicidades a todos los seleccionados.🥳🥳

Mi discord: franyeligonzalez#5807
Telegram: Franyeli Gonzalez

@nahela 😁

Activas 🔥

Felicidades a los seleccionados en esta temporada :)

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