How To Convert STEEM Dollar Rewards to Bitcoin?

in #steemit7 years ago

hey guys it's the voice of the
blockchain here Satoshi's big cousin
cryptography finest champagne crypto
thanks for tuning in today I want to
talk about how to convert scheme dollars
to Bitcoin scheme and scheme dollars to
Bitcoin guys but first let me shout out
all the new crypto maniacs the champagne
crypto maniacs that keep pouring in on
YouTube and on Steam it guys
we've cracked up over 6000 subscribers
on the tube on our way to 1,000
followers on Steam it guys nothing but a
boom a kaboom all the way up to a big
shout out to you getting back to it how
do you convert steam dollars to Bitcoin
what is steam first of all guys steam is
a social media platform where users get
paid to post like retweet comment and
whatnot guys do it now jump on the
website now you can see that I'm here on
my page champagne crypto steaming calm
/at champagne crypto I earn every day
for my post six nine eight nine ten some
posts I've earned up as much as $100 so
tell your friends and family been on
Facebook way too long guys they take all
the money and they mine your data and
why do you think Facebook is worth
billions of dollars because idiots like
you do all the work that's the bottom
line folks stop being an idiot in a tool
for Facebook and Instagram jump on steam
it with the rest of them and start
earning now guys start earning now how
do you get paid and steam guys it's real
easy once you open an account you could
start up using the website and posting
and liking every 7 days the posts payout
so if you made a post in seven days
after all the upvotes you get paid out
at the end of the day you'll see I have
some rewards its 50% steam bucks and 50%
steam power that you get paid in the
steam power gives you more influence on
the network so the more steam power you
have in your wallet
kaboom the more you're going to earn
okay so think of it like a politician
that has a campaign fund those
politicians out there that have big
donors are going to get more media time
and more exposure and subsequently more
votes so if you have more in your
campaign more steam power in your wallet
you're going to earn more guys this way
you could cash out to Bitcoin and that's
the reason in this video so how do we do
that guys let's get straight to it bit
tricks is a great website where you can
exchange steam and steam dollars along
with polonius is another website but
Polonia access have been acting funny
bunny and they've disabled the deposits
and withdrawals of steam and steam
dollars temporarily so I recommend
getting on bit ryx once you sign up you
log in and it looks something like this
you'll see all the different coins what
you do is click on the top here wallets
wallets on the top and you'll see you'll
have a bunch of different wallets empty
wallets for different coins this is
where you deposit the coins so to find
your wallet for steam or steam dollars
after you've signed up you could search
for it steam dollars is SBD and steam is
ste a.m. and you can find it that way so
steam and steam dollars in this case I
want to sell my steam dollars for
Bitcoin if you want to sell your steam
you do it the same way basically you
come here to the plus sign and then
you'll find the address to deposit your
steam or steam dollars so boom you press
plus a little screen pops up and it'll
give you an account number that'll be
your wallet number so what I'll do is
I'll copy that number that's the member
the memo number and I'll be sending this
money to bid tricks this is my bit
tricks wallet this is an exchange where
I'll be exchanging the Steam dollars for
Bitcoin guys and ultimately the Bitcoin
for US dollars so steam dollars you
click on it here you press transfer you
copy that memo number down we're going
to send it to bit risk so copy and paste
bit tricks come back here

  • bid tricks and then how much team
    dollars have a hundred steam dollars
    available but I'm running running a
    contest today that I'm going to be
    announcing the winners for a logo
    contest and I'm going to give 50 of
    these Steam dollars out so let's say
    that we do let's say something like
    forty five steam dollars let's say one
    that I want to withdraws forty five
    steam dollars send it on over to bid
    tricks so that I can sell these forty
    five steam dollars for Bitcoin and then
    ultimately sell those bitcoins for u.s.
    dollars on an exchange like coinbase
    so copy and paste that memo number put
    the memo number down here kaboom there
    it is
    submit that and it'll take a few minutes
    we'll send forty five steam dollars over
    to bit ryx 45 steam dollars over to bid
    tricks and it'll take a few minutes and
    once it gets over two-bit ryx will go on
    the exchange on bit ryx and sell these
    steam dollars for Bitcoin okay once we
    have the Bitcoin we could deposit that
    Bitcoin into any wallet and sell that
    Bitcoin for US dollars for cold hard
    cash the best place to sell your Bitcoin
    for cash is coinbase
    it's the best place to buy and sell your
    bitcoins for US dollars there have been
    a little slow but they're the most
    popular I'm not going to say they're the
    best but I'm going to take that back I'm
    going to say they're the most popular
    website I have links down below weather
    where if you spend more than $100 on
    this website we both get ten dollars in
    Bitcoin so it's a win win guys do that
    now so you'll be able to sell the
    Bitcoin here let's check to see if the
    Steam dollars have arrived in my beatrix
    so let's hit refresh here it takes a
    little time guys it hasn't even been a
    couple minutes it should be there within
    five minutes and once it's in there will
    be selling selling it for Bitcoin so
    let's give it a moment
    after waiting a few minutes the steam
    dollars have arrived into my bit Rick's
    account you'll see here that I have the
    forty five dollars that I just sent over
    from my champagne crypto steam it
    account to bid tricks and there it is
    it's inside my wallet as steam dollars
    the forty five steam dollars so let's go
    ahead and sell these forty five steam
    dollars for Bitcoin and then withdraw
    the Bitcoin over to coinbase so you
    click on the steam dollars icon the
    steam SBD link it'll take you into the
    market for steam dollars you'll see the
    graph here things are a little low
    things are a little low for the steam
    dollars it's sitting at about a dollar
    thirty six which is a triple five point
    triple triple zero five Bitcoin so
    that's about a dollar thirty nine
    usually by rule of thumb guys you don't
    want to sell when things are low you
    want to sell when things are high but
    just for the purposes of this video I'm
    going to cash out forty five steam
    dollars roughly at a dollar thirty nine
    so what we do here is we go to sell
    steam dollars you'll see that I have
    forty five steel available I want to
    sell all my units so I'll press Mac's so
    it'll populate the field there forty
    five the price people are asking and
    then they're they're bidding so this is
    people that have steam dollars this is
    what they're asking so either someone
    asking this price for a hundred to sell
    a hundred and seventy three steam
    dollars for that price and these are
    what people are asking to pay so you'll
    see people are asking to pay about fifty
    three and then this guy's selling at
    fifty four so let's let's uh go ahead
    and sell just so that it can sell now
    maybe just started at fifty three this
    is a bargain I'm selling it for less but
    I want to do this as an extent an
    example so you guys can see that it
    sells quickly sell the steam dollars
    were selling the steam dollars at this
    price point zero zero zero five the
    forty five steam dollars a limit order
    and then you press sell steam dollars
    confirm gives it a little second there
    to place the order for you sell placed
    sell filled
    you'll see that it's filling the cell
    because there was already someone asking
    for that price you'll go down here and I
    don't have any open orders because it is
    because it just sold in the case that it
    didn't sell immediately you'll see it
    here as an open order and it'll stay
    there until someone buys it at the price
    that you listed it for in the case now
    it's sold immediately because I saw that
    someone was ready and willing to buy at
    that price okay going back to the wallet
    you go back to the wallet here guys and
    search for Bitcoin and you'll see
    Bitcoin now has an available of balance
    of point zero to three and change this
    Bitcoin real simple I just press - that
    means I'm going to withdraw you put your
    Bitcoin address here and then the
    quantity and hit withdraw and you send
    it on over so what I would do in this
    case and I'm not logged in I'll send it
    on over to coinbase I have a a wallet on
    and if you guys are not on coinbase I'm
    not going to get into coinbase because
    this is basically the entry point for
    all the small fries coinbase is a way to
    buy and sell Bitcoin aetherium and
    litecoin for US dollars real simple it's
    basically like a bank school go ahead
    and sign up again let me say that if you
    spend over $100 you get $10 in Bitcoin
    and so do I if you use the link that I
    have below so ultimately coinbase is the
    site that you sell your Bitcoin and
    aetherium for US dollars so let's recap
    steam it calm guys steam it calm is the
    website that you should be on right now
    Facebook is trash Instagram trash you
    earn nothing for being on the website
    guys they take all your data they have
    you do all the work and then they take
    all the money guys tell your friends and
    fam to jump on this website and start
    earning you see that I earn daily for my
    post in my upvote your posts in your
    upvote get paid out every seven days in
    the form of steam and steam dollars
    fifty percent steam and fifty percent
    steam dollars every day that every seven
    days they get paid out the steam
    the more steam you have the more
    influence you have on the network you'll
    get to vote yourself and vote others and
    it will be worth more the other is paid
    in steam dollars and it's over here all
    you have to do is press transfer
    transfer it over to bid tricks guys
    transfer it over to bid tricks go to
    your wallet find your steam or steam
    dollars wallet by searching right here
    in this little field you'll find your
    Steam dollars wallet address by pressing
  • you get it and then send on over the
    steam dollars to bid tricks sell it on
    bit tricks and then withdraw your
    Bitcoin over the coin base once you're
    on coin base it's real simple you just
    could sell it for US dollars I'm not
    going to go into coin base I have other
    videos talking about that if you're just
    a newbie and a small fry it's real easy
    start with coin base and that way you
    could buy Bitcoin by like coin aetherium
    steam it com guys if you're not on this
    website do it now start earning daily
    remember where you heard it first from
    the voice of the blockchain champagnes
    here with the rest of the crypto maniacs
    it's time to start booming start earning
    guys it's a new day it's a new season a
    whole new world out here guys
    do it now start earning if you're not
    doing this daily I don't know why you're
    dancing and prancing and thinking about
    it it basically costs you nothing but
    your time sign up now steam it calm
    start earning and withdraw your earnings
    to the bit tricks exchanged sell it for
    bitcoin send a bitcoin a coin base and
    cash out for US dollars cash out guys
    drop a comment below let me know what's
    shakin and bakin I am about to announce
    the winners of the champagne crypto logo
    and banner contest I have a contest that
    I am hosting on Steam accom for a new
    logo guys a new logo a new champagne
    crypto logo
    I'm giving out a prize of 50 steam
    dollars plus half of whatever this post
    makes right now it's eight dollars and
    change so you'll be able to get 50 steam
    dollars plus half of that so that's
    almost about maybe 60 or 75 dollars US
    cash guys so it'll give you a chance to
    earn something I'm gonna announce the
    winner in in a few hours so there's
    still some time to upload guys and this
    is a great way for you to have a chance
    to earn some steam tokens and ultimately
    to sell them for for Bitcoin guys drop a
    comment below I'm excited guys I'm
    really excited we're booming every day
    cracking these followers cracking these
    subscribers on the networks each one
    teach when building the community down
    there below shout out to everybody
    signing up on genesis mining - 11
    contracts are back start mining - they
    also have sha-256 contracts start mining
    Bitcoin start mining aetherium I have
    links below you pay for cloud computing
    space and start earning every day guys
    I'm trying to teach and share with you
    as many possible ways to start earning
    start booming keeping you informed with
    the coin markets with the alternative
    coins out there guys it's the voice of
    the blockchain so Toshi's big cousin
    cryptography finest champagne crypto
    thanks for tuning in
    English (auto-generated)

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.24
JST 0.031
BTC 84202.17
ETH 2005.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.77