"If you, the strong rulers of Ashanti will not go forward to defend our empire, then we will. We the women of Ashanti will. I will call upon our brave women and we will fight. We will fight with all our strength till the last of us fall in battle!"

Visit this link https://steemit.com/history/@beanz/the-irish-pirate-queen-grainne-o-mhaol to read more about this amazing woman.
There's even a song about Grace O'Malley by Cathie Ryan. Listen to it below.
Shoutouts to @beanz , @sykochica and all the super women on steemit. Cheers
Wi remember learning about these ladies in sone personal research. They are great role models for a generation in need of people with little fear and a sense of justice.
exactly @masterroshi
wwooooowwwww..... it's amizing
It really is amazing. Women are wonderful...
Interesting....i also have similar content on women that i will be posting soon. Good write up though.
That will be cool. waiting... @bennie-13
Muy buena historia, me atrapo su contenido, felicidades, realmente las mujeres somos valientes, audaces y tenemos gran valor.