Screw Malicious Flagging: 1 Flag Vs 130+ Votes

in #steemit7 years ago

If you take a look at my profile, you'll see that my last post was the target of malicious flagging.

Flagging of a magnitude that while over 130+ Votes were positive and many at 100%, the post was disabled and hidden due to low ratings.

This wasn't any other post though, it was a post that I worked a lot on, and that the community appreciated. It got included in curation posts, had over 70 comments and it was my MOST SUCCESSFUL post ever.

Having said that, I don't even know if the vote was on purpose or simply a mistake.

This is what I'm talking about in today's post.

I Spent 8 Hours Designing the Post:

On my last post, I made a Steemit Card Game with a lot of Steemians you are used to see on the Hot and Trending sections of the site.

The cards were based on the popular Magic the Gathering tradecards' designs and were personalized with each Steemian's avatar, name, character traits, quotes, special abilities that showed their personality and more.

The cards shown above are some of the many included in yesterday's post.

I spent a lot of time thinking about who to include, thinking on each individual card and their skilss, designging the cards and placing them all on a A4 International Paper model with wooden railings... it was neat and proper.

It was quality content, and most people noticed that. In fact, there wasn't even 1 single negative comment and the only negative vote was the $280 Flag that made sure my post would see the light of day again.

Everyone Enjoyed it: Laughs, Curation Lists, Trails, Name it!

Of course that to make a post where all of the community could relate to the cards and laugh about them, I'd have to make them on high-profile individuals.

I did so, and I never expected this but they laughed along and showed me their support.

Then, the post started to be resteemed and shared on curation lists, and I saw that this was my MOST SUCCESSFUL post ever...

...but it all ended soon enough.

One person, and I appreciate that you don't tag such person on I'll risk getting hammered again, took everything away and hid the post with one click of the mouse.

It was all it took.

It didn't matter that I didn't harm noone, or that I am a small fishy just a month old.

And the worst thing is what I'm going to talk about next.

I Don't Know if the Flag Was On Purpose

There are a lot of reasons to suspect that the flag wasn't on purpose, but rather a reactionary action due to some rivalries on here.

Due to some resteems, there was room for someone to suspect the post wasn't humorous at all.

Maybe it is even a scripted thing.

I don't know, I have no explanation. What I do know is that I still think it is worth it.

It was worth it because even though the post is hidden and with zero rewards, people still come to comment, laugh about it and leave me with words of support.

I got to get a reaction from the community, and the community recognized my existence.

That in itself was a blessing.
Having my existence on this ecosystem acknowledge was worth all of that and more.

I'll resume my regular postings tomorrow, and who knows if I'll make more cards eventually.



Resteemed, because this is fucking bullshit.

This is why I'm checking out of this community, fyi.

Checking out would be an absolute tragedy, since you add so much and add great curation. I've read your comments on the flagging topic and agreed with everyone of them. There is so much potential in steemit, but the abuse by those who either bought power or scam power ruin the experience and effort of the rest of the community and I would argue give no welcome to new people.

Look what they've done.
They flagged you and now you are on top.

I believe that in this type of cituation it is perfectly normal to repost your content.

Resteemed! Thanks for the suggestion.

Maybe you just touched someone's feelings.

This was great! Had a good laugh and you are quite creative when it comes to your photoshopping ability. haha
Thanks for a fun post!

This is crazy!

Max I checked your blog and other post just to verify that whatever your are saying is that right or not, because I was amazed to see if someone could get success in this short time and i must say i am impressed.
The kind of fame you are enjoying, you really deserve that. Whatever happened with your last post shouldn't have happened.

Thanks man!
That is so kind of you to say! I'm grateful for the amount of support I've been getting through these days.
Great to see that the community spirit work and that there is justice.

You are welcome. It is my pleasure.
Just followed you to not miss out the interesting content coming from you in future.

Are witnesses participate in this war?

I would say so since they are the core of the system, and whales should be backing some witnesses which will not go against them.

Some spoke up and were flagged heavily by the opposing side...

There's no perfect system. That's the problem with systems after all. They cannot please everyone. They are made up of individuals, and some individuals will use their power in ways others don't like.

No, Steemit is not perfect, but it is a lot better than other sites. Yes, you were flagged, but I still saw the content and appreciated it. Your post and the single flag against it is an example of the ongoing battle here however.

As others have been repeatedly pushing for, we need to discuss the issue and not ignore it. You have a solid case, your post should not have been flagged, and in the future you will benefit from what happened.

Steemit will benefit too as long as the issue isn't ignored.

I'm just hoping that the solutions proposed are carefully thought out, for we should not replace one tyranny with another. People who invest a large portion of their wealth into this platform should continue to benefit, or they will leave.

Perhaps it would be difficult to do, but maybe a veto type power by shear numbers could reverse a large and powerful single flag. Sure, it is not perfect, but a separation of powers structure does help in other systems. Maybe that type of solution has already been proposed?

There are a lot of solutions in the table as of now... problem is there is always a way to either manipulate them or make them void...
People are thinking though, and I'll personally start working on that myself.
Thinking of writing a post about it.

@aggroed has had some excellent ideas from the past posts I've seen.

Having a way for the "masses" to reverse an unjust flag as a sort of veto power is a decent idea, but I'm not a coder or Steemit, Inc. guy. It would seem to be a decent compromise between both sides too. When there's clear abuse, people would have a way to reverse it. The whales still keep their power and wealth too.

The other problem is that some of the worst characters have multiple accounts. How do you get it so there is only one account per human being?

I don't think that's possible, but a reversal by the masses as a veto would be irreversible. The abuser having multiple accounts would not help them.

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