Steemit is broken, or am I a troll? Steemit musings from the station before the end of the linesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Am I a troll? is that what this is?

Seriously, the thing about being a troll?

I am trying to decide.

in my first days on Discord, in the PAL room, I think, I got called a troll for saying, stating emphatically, that we live on a spheroidal body spinning in space.
And then I walk into my front room here in meatspace, and find this in the middle of the floor

a troll 07 08 2017

this is from way back in steemit prehistory. Seems like a world away although it was also in my house.

I find these photos.
asleep on bed with three dogs

bastard trolls, taking photos with my camera.

I got into a few more arguments again recently, and I walk into the same front room a couple, three days ago and find this on the floor

more recent troll pic

I mean wtf. I immediately went to look in my fridge


I have struggled for days with this post, I started it here,


but it is now how many days later?


lol, that surprised even myself
this time, and even that's probably outdated, as I have been procrastinating all day.


(I am also wondering how come I have so much Voting Weight?
Have I been delegated VW? delegated steem power.)

When I get this written I will have to investigate.

I am so out of the loop
I closed discord before, finally, until I get this post written.
And then I did nothing about writing the post.

I have been in conversations all day.
Skype is there too
All of these days.
Wow, there's so much that I need to put into one post.

Because my original title for this post was the one below, and what I had written is still below that.

Let's have a look at it

The future of Steemit and me, myself and I;

Bots, Snowflakes, Spammers and Thieves

The future of Steemit & me, myself & I, bots, snowflakes, spammers, scammers, spamhammers jokers and thieves, huge amounts of ignorance and mountains of dross, and a few good men and women.

and such large mountains of ignorance and of the virulent strain too

the type that can't be gently corrected.

it's been a small lifetime, and now I am revising and editing again, and it's three days late, I think
(haha, editors note, stardate 2017...)


so many Richard Parkers must mean something.
I mean look at the concordance there.
If only I had noticed the number of posts, I could have gone and left six comments.
But I hadn't even noticed that at first, just flipping out about the 52.58 VP. I suppose a few minutes later it would have been 52.6
I am not at all sure I am going to double these figures.
Those that can be doubled anyway. I am thinking especially of the days on steemit.

A day or two ago, I would have been able to give an answer to that, and it would have been in the negative.
I was half out of here already.
I am not happy here. This will kill me if I try to keep up what I have been doing.
And for what?
I am earning very little here so far, and can't see that changing much into the future.
I don't need to earn much, but this is ludicrous!

The only reason I stayed, is that I have not got to the end of the time that I promised myself I would last before considering seriously the idea of leaving.

And then, with the freedom of not giving a fuck about what happened to me here, I started to be even more myself.

Like a bird on a wire,
like a drunk in a a midnight choir
I have tried
in my way
to be free.

like a beast with its horn,
like a baby still born
I have torn
all those who reached out to me

words from the late great Leonard Cohen

And I have been sort of enjoying it a lot more, but the troll problem has entered my head.
Now it won't go away.
I have tried in my way to do the right thing all these years, in fact I suffer so much from choosing the wrong thing, that I have long since given up trying.

Albert camus quote
I got this image from @surfermarly 's post about freedom.'

I came to steemit for the money, haha, but I don't post to make money, but rather to move people, and that's funny.
If I was doing it to make money, I could post the types of posts that always work.

If such a thing exists, and to a certain extent, everybody on here recognises that there is a certain type of steemit post that works!
Although there is more a certain group of steemiters that always seem to get their posts steemit perfect, or so their earnings say.

Steemit is broken, at least for me

lets all just admit that the way steemit is right now is the opposite of how it is talked about.
And people are going to get upset that I am saying these things.

But they need to be said!

There is an advertisement for steemit that says "Artists can get paid to be Artists" and that is just not true, not even slightly true.
The same for the rest of the claims in that advertisement.

The only one that is true is the one that says (I don't think it is there) "Bloggers can get paid to be bloggers"
Artists can get paid to blog about being artists, but that's a real different thing.
If they really want to get paid, Artists can blog about steemit or cryptos, like the rest of the people who earn money on steemit.

Now, let me state that in one sense it's true.
I don't really mean to imply that I thought anything else than the reality of what I have found here.
I was fully conscious of what I was doing, entering into a blogging platform.

And it has been one of the most valuable experiences of my life so far.

my life which is starting to seem long.

And I am so utterly conscious that I am in the second half of it, the (even more) pain half.

haha, lucky I have had plenty of training
And I still have plenty of drugs

I'll survive as far as I can.

No-one here gets out alive
source goodreads via google images

Now close to doubling the 27 club age, after thinking I would never make it.
I used to work on the assumption that I would be dead by 25, and then I turned 26!

now I am 51 and a half, and I may last eighty or more, or I may suddenly drop to the ground with a catastrophic something, anything or everything failure.

I will go that way, but I can only hope it is at a moment that I have been able to organise what happens to everything, especially the dogs and cats.

ninedogs, no chippy
dogs on lead
all dogs

It torments me to think of them being left here without me.

names of dogs

Even more than the thought of getting through at least 12 more deaths of my non human bestest friends.
Each one so far has ripped me to the core, more so even than the loss of human friends.
It's the damaged goods aspect of my core, although in the normal ways I am past that view

nothing broken gif

I am love, it's written on my wall.

I am love

I don't know how long this post will be, 'cause there are several main things, and heaps of smaller issues to talk about., but steemit is broken. At least for me.

The only reason I am still here, is a few individual people, mainly met in Discord chat in PAL. (plus my aforementioned commitment)
And also, yesterday (now ages ago) when I reached out with some disturbing info to a few people, I got a very good response from several, and that also gave me a new lease on life, steemit wise.

Because the daylight robbery is insane, and most people seem to prefer to pretend it;

  • isn't happening
  • isn't important
  • isn't any of my business
  • etc

All of which I think are verifiably false.
Which brings us to my next critical point.


Ignorance is rampant on here disguised even to the speaker sometimes.
I have had people argue seriously about humans sharing the planet with dinosaurs, because they had some sort of special knowledge, passed to them in a dream

A lot of it is wilful ignorance too, which is the only type that is hard to forgive.

I am not kidding, although as I mentioned before I got called a troll the first day I came here, for laughing in the (virtual) face of a flat-earther.

Which was funny as hell, and then I found this the card we saw before

a troll 07 08 2017

and then last night, the other one

more recent troll pic

and I started wondering if I am a troll.

I had to rapidly answer comments yesterday, on conversations that have been going on for ages, every few days they realise I posted another rebuttal, and then I post back etc.
and I was rushed and tired and crabby.
And I was curt and unpleasant
Both of the conversations had been very frustrating.
I was tired of both
I am tired of the ignorance and the lack of thought that most people put into things on here. And in the outside world, let me stress the point.
But steemit promised to be different

Issac Asimov once complained that people seem to think that their ignorance has an equal weight to his knowledge.

I concur!
I am astounded how people go on about things they know nothing about and argue against people without knowing who they are arguing against and what that other person knows.

I have had several long interchanges that should make me quit.

You might ask how come I go about picking arguments with people, and I say steemit.
I have been on the net pretty solidly since end of 2004, and I soon discovered that it not only had porn, but also knowledge, both arcane and not so much.

I like holes and I like rabbit holes, so have been down heaps.

And I know some shit, enough to know when people don't know enough to be opening their fucking mouths.

well, this is going poorly. I have a potty mouth, as they say.

but on the wider internet, I don't suffer from the

someone on the internet is wrong
image source, the original

problem much, but on steemit, I have been looking so much more for that interaction.

I have been burned badly by this steemit thing, and if it was worth it, I would be complaining about the lies and deception at the base of it.

But that way I just lose the rest of my friends on here, or at least one or two more of them.

Or maybe not, but I know that many people seem to think, here, just as in the outside world, that if we don't voice the truth we can make it less true, or even false.

I have a heap of favourite quotes these days, and any one who has talked to me over the last few years has heard this one.

"Someday soon we will all be sitting down to a banquet of consequences", which I had attributed in my head to Guy McPherson, but according to the internet is from Thomas Payne.

And I understand that people can sleepwalk into something like steemit,
(not sure how exactly as it's so fucking hard to get going in)
but there's no excuse for closing ones eyes to what's going on, once you are made aware.

Steemit is being promoted out there with complete lies, and half truths which are more dangerous and for me far more damaging.
And I think that the concentration of wealth is actually worse than in the real world.
the one percent on here have everything. Everything.

two graphs

And here I am participating in the advertising, I come on at 1:15

I only say the line "across the steemit blockchain" but I am seriously doubting everything these days.
I say yes to everything people offer so far

but I shouldn't have been on there, as I am almost certainly a bad ambassador for steemit now.
Steemit has been killing me, and not so softly.

These were my feet one day when I looked down at them...

those are not my feet

I have been working on steemit about 16 hours a day, or more, and I have done a lot of overnighters and more.

All for a ridiculously small amount of money, that I am keeping invested in the platform anyway.
People are always going on about earning money on steemit, until you start to talking about not earning money on steemit when you expected to, and then suddenly it's, oh it's a bit unrealistic to be expecting to earn money on steemit.

If you are from many places in the second and third worlds, the earnings from steemit could change your life.

my spammer lover

I have had the most outrageous spammers, but I have got them to stop, mostly, not through flagging but instead love, even if it is fake.
Is it fake?
I really care that the person learns and doesn't just get tossed.
And it got me declarations of love, and that always feels good

No wonder they are willing to be spammy though, when it gets enough money to pay the bills.
If I could actually earn a relevant amount of money on here I would be doing whatever too, I suppose.

Or that's simply not true.
As I already said, I know how to have gone so as to have clawed my place into the earnings, and I am not prepared to go there.

the bots

And that brings me to the bots, I hate the fucking bots. Well, I don't hate them, some of them are fun, but I hate that the bots come instead of the people.

I know some of the bot-runners personally and I know they are doing the right thing in so far as they can.

but the bots are not my thing.
And just sharing the love sounds good in theory, in fact I delegate to to bot accounts.
But I can't be happy with my forty cents, or two bucks even.
I have nothing else and thirteen mouths that I feed, or fifteen sort of.

I know that I could have gone along to get along, my friends are doing well.
The ones who focused outside themselves, and made the rest of us their focus.

But that's not what artists do, or should do, imho.


and I sure as hell didn't come to steemit to post about steemit
but I have done heaps, or at least about steemit's impact on my life.
Train wreck like influence, but the sort of train wreck that keeps on giving

I mean I can write 9000 words in a session, if I don't try and reign it in, and write for steemit.
Cause let me tell you, I have no idea now where I was going with all this.

This should probably be twelve different posts

By the way, once I started moving around a bit more and thinking about it, I got my feet to look a bit more normal, for them
how feet should look

green nbnl gif


Thanks for reading, if indeed anybody got this far



If anyone would like to see an extensive, although unfortunately by no means complete, collection of SpaiNgaroo artworks, they can visit my main domain

There is some work for sale at Saatchi online gallery
and a Redbubble print on demand shop
and a fabric and wallpaper shop on Spoonflower too although many of the designs are still not available for sale.

Blame it on the sunshine,
blame it on the moonlight,
blame it on the good times,
now blame it on the steemit.

video bicho hmmm... sometimes
don't really use twitter, but robots do
the facialbook, if you must

Well, as usual thank you for coming by anyone who is reading these words, and don't be afraid to show your appreciation, or criticise the hell out of me.

if you would like to help us survive send





all the steem you think we should have to @spaingaroo

ask about buying my artwork for steem

whatever you think is a fair thing.



Don't even be thinking about leaving. You are good for Steem, even if you argue. Steem needs people to argue. If we don't, we don't make progress.

It's a tough mountain we are climbing, but we are still in the early days. Things will get better, or the platform will disappear. Those are the options, all or nothing. So if those are the options, is there any good reason not to go all in? Stick it out and see?

I'm not saying you should continue to dedicate sixteen hours a day to the platform, no one can maintain that type of output. But don't give it up entirely. Stick around for the fireworks.

yes, in the end I hadn't really finished the post, didn't get round to the part where I describe where I have ended up in these five days of soul-searching

I am not going, I am going to make a new plan, new start.

Thanks ever so much for coming on so quick to throw me that line.

I really appreciate it.

I will try and write the other part next
right now, houndbeast running, for fun and profit.

big hugs mate

I love you spaingaroo. This is one of the more readable posts you've published. Somehow you kept it under 10 pages long. Ok, that's a joke and a jab from a loving friend.

But really, anywhere you go, any society or culture has it's conventions... "When in Rome" as the old saying goes. Flouting those conventions for the sake of artistic intent is admirable, but not a way to make $$$. So you follow in great footsteps of the artists who have ignored convention to be "true to the art", they had nothing and thier children (or in your case doggos) became rich.

There are two kinds of posts I write here:

  1. Posts that are what I came here to write.
  2. Posts that get me $$ and followers.

The #2 category allow me to write more of the posts that I came to write while still make $$, and all the posts I write are true to my heart.

I used to flout all convention because I didn't want to be a conformist... Now I realize that sometimes social conventions are a good way to make friends and to be a friend.

I love you forever!


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by spaingaroo [] from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

I did read to the end and you are a very clever man. A lot of rambling on in the post, but I still enjoyed it. I like this in your reply: "I am not going, I am going to make a new plan, new start."

thanks so much @hope777

rambling on is my speciality.

I hope that it's amusing and valuable rambing, but this time, I don't think it was

This is a post that could have been abandoned and we would have all been the better for it.

But I had to post it in the end, or stay stuck.

so there it is.
Thanks for the interest you have shown in my project so far, and I promise you a dog post soon.

really, 'cause I am dying to make one.
It's just a big jobs describing these things, But luckily I can do it in fotos too.

I think it is good that you made the post! you got it out of your system!

not so quick, there's still all the baggage that I didn't get out


There's a lot here that can be said both for and against staying or leaving. I've not even made up my own mind. This is a tool and nothing more. A tool isn't bad or good, but the end to which it's used. As is so clearly apparent the power here is and always will be at the top, just like the real world. It is up to we the users to decide if we participate, and how we use this tool to reach out and make honest contact with humans, some like us and some who are not. What I've said holds true in that no amount of money is worth your health, and the amount here is chump change. Use this platform, don't get used by it.

Hey dingo my friend @overthewait.

I am constantly surprised how precise you can be at putting your finger right on the spot, metaphorically speaking

The Spanish say meter el dedo en la llaga but that's a real hard expression.

But time and time again you say to me the very things I need most to hear.

I have been abusing my tool, well, all my life so far.

I'll have to see if there is anything I can do to make that work a bit better.

I have come to realise the thing about chump change too, but at the same time, what I need is chump change for a lot of people

but not quite to the third world level.

cheers mate, and thank you, you are one of the main reasons I am still here.

I am still here for the people.
That's the plain and simple truth.

I could leave the platform tomorrow. But I would need to take you all with me.

This post received a 15% vote by @mrsquiggle courtesy of @scooter77 from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

I love this article, and we have spoke on discord about your struggles here on steemit as an artist. I do agree, steemit is for bloggers but you blog well and I hope you sick around

Thanks, I was just saying above that it's the people that have got me to stay here.

And the time you gave me the other day to chat is a big part of the swaying back to the platform.

Because I was out of here.
That day, I was already psychologically gone from here, although my time wasn't up.
And then I reached out about that matter, which I had been stewing over for days, and you listened.
Even more you gave me some of your time, and made me feel like there are people on here that care.
I found several people in a row, who listened to what I had to say, gave me some of their time and reminded me that this is all about the people.

It changed me back...
I am coming up with the new steemit life puzzle solution, and might try and post about it soon, tonight maybe..

I am very likely to run out of time, but look for that post soon anyway.

For the moment I am still here, but it won't be with the same type of approach.

It might be safe to say you have made some pals here on have with me anyways :-)

Mi consejo seria que siguieras en Steemit.

Pero de la forma que lo estas empezando a hacer ahora, de una manera mas libre, mas siendo tu mismo , expresando tus ideas y no dejándote tu salud tanto física como mental en ello.

A mi también Steemit me ha decepcionado en muchos aspectos, infinitamente menos que a ti, yo nunca le he puesto las ganas, el tiempo y el corazón que le has puesto tu.

Deja que esta red social sea un minúsculo pedacito de tu vida, pero que no sea tu vida.

Las palabras tienen un poder mágico. Pueden traer la mayor felicidad o la más profunda desesperación; Pueden transferir el conocimiento del maestro al estudiante; las palabras permiten al orador influir en su audiencia y dictar sus decisiones. Las palabras son capaces de despertar las emociones más fuertes e impulsar las acciones de todos los hombres.

Espero seguir disfrutando de tus post

Aii, amor mío, lo que aguantas tu, no aguanta nadie.

Que sepan por allí que esta persona @menoslobos ha aguantado lo peor (y lo mejor) de mi.

Han sido unos años de luchar y de perderlo casi todo pero no una vez sino un montón de veces seguidos

choque tras choque, y así sigue la cosa

Y no hay ningun razón para pensar que va a cambiar eso pronto.

Ya me conoce tambien y sabe que siempre hay un nuevo plan, para llegar al fin del día de mañana, y despues del pasado.

Día por día luchamos para llegar un día mas con comida en las tripas y calor en los huesos.
La leña ya lo tenemos entrado, así que los peludos felices como perdices, y los perdices aterrorizados por los peludos

Acabo de encontrar esta cita de Camus mientras que buscaba otra.

Pero parece describir el blockchain.

In the next few years the struggle will not be between utopia and reality, but between different utopias, each trying to impose itself on reality ... we can no longer hope to save everything, but ... we can at least try to save lives, so that some kind of future, if perhaps not the ideal one, will remain possible.
ALBERT CAMUS, Between Hell and Reason

Gracias por el apoyo amor mío, que se aprecia mas que se demuestra como regla general.

La gente que parece mas frágil somos las mas fuertes, y tu y yo amor mio, lo somos.

"Hay algunas heridas que jamás sanan. Hay cicatrices que nos hacen quienes somos. Pero sin ellas, no existimos."
Penny Dreadful (Season 3 x 09 The Blessed Dark) - John Logan.

Te apoyo y te apoyare siempre , porque ademas de que te quiero, se que tienes mucho que ofrecer, te mereces esa oportunidad de demostrar todo lo que vales , has luchado y estas luchando mucho para conseguirla y ya va siendo hora de que el viento sople a tu favor.

He sido un hombre afortunado en la vida: nada me resultó fácil. Freud.

Me ha encantado la cita de Camus.

Y yo las dos que has puesto tu, pero en especial la cita de Freud

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