Is it the End of Steemit as we Know it???? Why I feel fine!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

I have been here on steemit for almost a year now.   When I joined steemit after an invite from a dear friend @apolymask, November 2016, the price of steem was 0.15 cents.   I watched the price bounce between 0.15 - 0.25 cents for a few months untill it dropped all the way to a low of 0.07 cents in march of 2017.  I watched it slowly dip climb (little up little down little up little down, in the ultimate upward direction)  for several months untill May 2017 we saw it shoot over $1.00 and then over $2.50 in June.  We have watched a steady dip decline from July to Current (3 month span)  to be holding around the $1.00 again and now dipping just under.    During the last 3 months gradual dips we have seen it spike several times over $1.50 again as well.  

The price of steem is not stable.   It shows great movement and also growth.    The platform when I joined had under 100,000 users and today is closing in on half a million.   There are thousands of motivated Steemit users creating great original content in just about every subject.  There are developers always coming up with new engaging apps for the steem blockchain and genius tech heads sorting and easing problems on the growing platform that is still currently in Beta.     

In recent days bitcoin the ruler of the cryptocurrency domain has shot over $6000.00.    In 2009 bitcoin was released and I remember being interested in its concept when it was still under $10 dollars.  Over the last near 9 years bitcoin has gone on some slow dip climb treks and also hit some major spike jumps carrying it to new levels of hold.    The first few years of bitcoin where a progressing struggle but in the end it has prevailed to incredible heights.     You have less people speculating the demise of bitcoin and more arguments on the potential price bitcoin WILL reach.    Some of these experienced financial advisors, and new age developers have stated them seeing a price at over 1 million dollars a bitcoin.      

A lot of people put a lot of hope in Steemit.   The reason is because its a social media platform that pays you.   You get paid to post, to upvote and to comment.   You might not get paid to much, maybe a few cents, maybe a few dollars, and you have a good chance at some point with consistent quality subject content to receive possibly a few hundred dollars or more on one post.     In any case these payout amount are more than anybody ever got posting on any other social media platform.   It is a way for people to get into the cryptocurrency game and bitcoin without having to spend any money.    The age of a rising digital currency has just begun, we are years away from it becoming a stabilized, globally excepted and used currency.    But it IS already happening, it has begun and everything around points to an inevitable cryptocurrency world.   It would take a mass event that wipes our electrical grids and take out our internet to stop this train.    The birth of the internet has given rise for a birth of cryptocurrency.   The world is changing in a dynamic way that will be hard to ignore in mainstream media or anywhere else much longer.    Steemit has not exploded yet, with half a million users compared to 2 Billion on facebook and 330 million users on twitter, we have a ways to go, but we are going that direction.    We are the first social media platform on the blockchain generating profit rewards for its content posters.      These rewards can grow if held and put back into the platform in amazing ways.   I watched my $700 dollar account when steem was at 0.07$ cents shoot to over 28,000.00 dollars when it spiked to over $2.50.   It has dropped since our dip decline of course,  but I feel beyond confident we will see those spikes again and we will go much further.   

@ned recently announced his Smart Media Tokens, which will help to monetize existing sites and communities.  It promotes with fee - less transactions and easy incorperation for blogs and websites.   Why this is so incredibly and a stamp that ensures the ultimate life of steem is because you will now have other websites using steem as there currency.    This will only fuel the price of steem and also encourage growth on thee steemit platform.   

Things take time.    There are bumps along any journey.    Steemit has recently been dealing with some bug issues.   We still have a hard time explaining to new users how the whole process works.   Those who are diligent will prevail any difficulties and start to see a beautiful silver lining toward there efforts.     

What I do when steemit is not working correctly?  When DSound the main music app I use for uploading music to Steemit is down? When the price of steem is falling and my account is getting shrinking in value instead of growing?  When I get a low payout? or hardly any votes?   What do I do when this whole thing seems like its just not working out for me?????    I pull my shit together and I fucking post!  

Post as much quality original thought as you can my friends.    Dont let a bug or being confused on something or a low payout keep you from whats ahead.     Post even if your payout is ZERO ( Steemit did have a phase of that somewhere in the middle, no payouts where made and people still posted)    SOLDIER it up!   as a new friend here on steemit would say @meno !  Lets ninja this!

Steemit is currently reaching out for help from developers in fixing some of the current issues.  

here is a great post with a charge to action for all those willing and able to get the steemit ship in tip top condition.

Much love to my Steemit Community

Your Musical Chameleon Life Ranter

Shavon Bonnie Legion AKA Sound Legion *because I make incredible music with artists and producers from all over the globe


Brains,looks and talent. You've got it ALL!

what a sweet thing to say my friend! big winks to you ;) im such a fan of @steamrolla

Great post! I was encouraging people to do the same. Let's hope all the bugs worked out, and we can change the world. 😊👏🏾

huge love to you my talented man on the electric string... blessing! We will prevail

I've been summoned I see! that is the way of the ninja! you don't give up and if you brake your katana you bust out the shurikens... Sometimes we forget this platform is still on beta and get lost in the seas of negativity, victory only comes to those who persist and don't lose their grip on their emotional katana! Steemit is here to stay, lets not forget this is only the beginning and we are all blessed to be part of it!!

Steem on my friends!

your Ninja sense is strong my friend! much love to you

I've been here for 1 year and 3 months. I have seen and experienced all the phases you quoted above. I remember a hard fork where we spent weeks with 0 in payments for our posts. It was painful. What many are complaining about or being realistic (not pessimistic) where I include myself is the fact that a lot here has changed for the worse in the sense of rewards and interaction.

In rewards, we do not win more whale votes naturally, we have to buy votes on vote-buying projects, and with respect to interaction, it no longer exists on the platform. Nobody comments, no one votes and the spammers and bots have grown a lot here. This makes me sad, upset because it was not this Steemit I met and I want to stay here for many years.

Well, my dear @jsantana, we have exactly the same time witnessing 'thangs' going on around steemit and sadly, I completely agree with what you've said about the mainstream trends we are observing here on a daily basis.

That's why after a Friday the 13th I still keep wondering... }:)

Right on the spot! I was thinking about this a while ago. With so much going on with Steemit and steem, I was considering if this would hold on and if I should persist. But yes you're right, Steemit has just started its path! We have a long way to walk. "Let's ninja this!" :)

@meno should be happy to know his ninja phrase is taking off. huge love to you my friend and best of luck here on steemit. Good things now and good things in the future.

Great post. I hope everone sees this, because I see more capitulation happening more than ever. We should all resteem it. Cheers

@soundlegion - its good to remind everyone that it requires a long term commitment. As a software dev, I've worked for years on JPL algorithms to create astrology software before that business was able to support me.

Now I'm here on Steemit primarily because I don't like the fact that I'm the product being sold on FB. Anything else is a bonus. So I post primarily on Steemit now and generally don't spend much time on FB except to post my Steemit posts in hopes of draining more people away from FB.

Well written! Thanks for sharing your perspective. I joined in June and have seen the price go down. Good to hear from somebody who has been active on Steemit for as long as you have.

Good post especially for someone new like me. Still figuring things out. Thank you

I love Steemit! Long live Steemit!

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