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RE: This is a PAY IT FORWARD POST to help our friend @dianargenti here. Her father passed away & she needs funds to complete the burial AND help her family. We dropped the ball on helping her Steemit Family.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have to say, I don't feel comfortable with this at all after reading that she will only receive the liquid rewards from this post. I have a memory of you doing this before for someone else and I instinctively upvoted it just because I trusted it was legit. But now that I realise you are taking the liquid rewards from this, it is hard to look at it as anything other than self-serving.

I do hope I am wrong, because I have previously thought you not the type to do such a thing. But I don't see why you would approach this supposed act of generosity in a manner that ends up with you making more money than most of us have earned on here in months.

If you start a power down right now and commit to paying her the full amount earned in STEEM and SBD, I will vote, resteem, and make a small donation, as I don't have a lot to give currently.

If you decide not to do this, then I suppose your true intentions will become evident. I will check back later to see what is going on.


I agree with this.

A few things that made me not want to vote on this post is the fact how he keeps trying to guilttrip the community that we "dropped the ball" several times. Yet he hasn't even re-steemed the original post to help it get more attention, nor does he ever seem to use that feature.

Not a single mention that he makes 50% of the rewards and is probably not going to powerdown due to it even though the original post was 11 days ago so he could've done it preparing for this post to be able to donate 100% of its rewards.

Our votes do not cost anything -- yet they mean so much to some people --

I don't think he understands how the steemit economy works, the value of the currency doesn't hold up magically like fiat money.

To top it all off, the spam of his own tipping addresses at the end made me just go "nope".

I'm going over to vote on her posts instead.

After I commented, I scrolled down to have a read, and I did notice a lot of this guilt tripping you speak of. Comments like "Bernie flagged this 3 times or Dian's family would have more."

Now, this is quite clearly attempted emotional manipulation, which I do find to be very unbecoming. However, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, because there is a chance that the manipulation was done for her and her family.

But when you tell me that after all that, he did not even resteem the very post that this is apparently about making up for, I think that is enough for me to make a decision. I am very disappointed.

I will go and do the same as you.

Hi there sir I do really thank u for your kind consideration about this for me to have more or all of the rewards given. And I am sorry if I wasn't been able to resteem the post my friend Barry did for me for I was in the province where there is no signal and internet and just got back yesterday. Sir when I found out that what happened about the blog post of my brother @barrydutton cuase him so much I don't know how to address and handle the issue for I am just an ordinary steemians who asked for help to my good friend Barry. I do post blog asking for help and favor and I do thanked already who have good hearted like you who give their support and I do already knew at hand that my brother barry plan to post in his page for my favor and give me the liquid rewards as he promised to me. Sir many of you in here is a big person in steemit who also have the willingness to help. but if the issues is just by given me the liquid reward which I already know at first is no big deal for me but instead it is a very big favor in my side. My good friend Barry already helped me a lot.but when he finds out I didn't raise the fund which I needed even before it he already plan to do the post and I do thank him for that for in my side I think it is too much for him to do. If ever he gained some for doing this is it isn't right for him for he also deserved it? There is no issues in my side about what I can have and
what he will give to me, for I also don't want to get all it is greediness. If only I can handle all the expenses and the needs I assure everyone they won't see me or read my post asking for help. For us who really needs it,it is really ashamed and sad that many thinks we are beggar begging for help. Many said we are begging like beggars even if the truth is we do really need help.many comments arises differently saying good and bad. But my heart broke reading some of nasty comments about those who asked for help and they compared as like beggars begging. Sir if I can
only handle the expenses and others i won't asked for it, but i only asked as I said to my friend and to others a good steemians like you who have the heart and understanding to help and won't compare us to beggars begging for
a little money to survive in their daily needs. I won't say this will only be my post asking for help for I am just and ordinary person and I don't hold the time of what will happen in the future. But the event of what my good friend Barry done for me to help me arises many issues and different views. It was being misunderstood in his side, for all I know he only wanted to help but instead his reputation and names was being harm. Sir u are one of those I have knew thru my friend Barry and I guess you also knew I exist in here because of him if I wasn't mistaken. Sir it makes me feel so sad that helping me cause my good brother too much on his side. And the only way that I can return the favor that he did for me is to let you know and others that I still needed the help he do and I do know that I won't get the whole of it and it is also my one way of thanking him for I know he can raise more fund for me because he had more friends, followers and know big ones and person here in the community like you which he thinks can help. Hope sir you reconsidered the thoughts I wanted to convey to you and give my good friend and brother what is due for him for helping those who needs like me. A very much thank you for your concern, and hope issues will be settled in a nice and fruitful ideas to be tackled into. More power and GOD BLESS. HOPE YOU WONT GET MAD at me.

I am very sorry that this has turned into something that has led you to feel the need to type such a long comment. It was never my intent to influence people to remove their upvotes, nor to add to downvotes, so I am really bothered by the fact that my words seem to have cost you money that you could really use right now.

I had only hoped, and in truth, even expected, that Barry would simply offer you the entirety of the funds raised for you. I understand that you personally have no problem with Barry keeping half of the money, and would still be grateful for what he has done for you. regardless.

The issue here for me stems from my inability to believe that this has been done for you at all. While Barry may claim this is a standard model for fundraising on Steemit, that does not mean that it is the best model. I simply wanted you to receive all of the funds earned, and regret that all this has happened as a result.

I do feel that I was entirely reasonable and civil with all my words to Barry, until the point where he posted a very long message to me that ignored the issue of paying you the whole funds, and instead focused only on insulting me and trying to manipulate readers.

It is for this reason that I responded in kind, but in retrospect, I realise how unproductive this approach was to attaining the goal for which the initial comment was intended to achieve. I have no more interest in speaking with Barry. I believe that every message he has sent me has not actually been for me, but for the readers.

This entire thing has become nothing to do with raising money for you, and instead it has somehow become about defending Barry's character. I am sorry that you have for some reason been led to believe this is important, but it is not. I cannot be convinced that Barry's actions were not self-serving, because I have witnessed Barry's actions.

The only important thing here is you, and I have, intentionally or not, lost you some money that you could really use right now. I wanted to offer you a donation to make up for this, but this week I had my own unexpected outgoings to the vet and I could not. The SBD in my wallet is also pledged to users who engaged on my posts over the last week. However, I noticed that I seem to have made $40 o $50 dollars simply from commenting on this issue, and so all that I have earned through commenting on Barry's post and my own post about you, shall go to you. I will be able to give you the full amount, not just the liquid, because I have no intention of stopping my power down after this shit. I know this will not be enough to cover everything I lost for you, buy hopefully, if Barry is finally able to commit to giving you the full amount, then that should do a much better job of balancing things out.

I am very sorry for your family's loss, and please do not feel obligated to actively try and resolve any issue here. You do not have to defend Barry's character, even if he sought you ought and asked you to come here and do so. You should have said no, because you have more important things to worry about and this must just seem like the silliest shit ever to be spending your time on.

Sir reading this reply from you makes me.important which I felt I am in this matter. But for what happen and for the issues that was being arise maybe has a good thing that result. Please you don't need to repay back what was lost for I know you only think what's best and also turns out can I call it disaster? Hahaha, I don't mind at all for I also win hopefully a friend in you. You and him is different in other way. I may not care if u don't talked to others but I wish and hope what we have started will continued. I will be so grateful if u drop by and comment even if you will hahaha. My page is bz because of you guys and I'm thankful of it now they noticed me, hahaha! Have a good day and be blessed.

I’m confused. Is this the resteemed your talking about that never happened?

I must've missed the re-steem. Wasn't the main argument vs his behavior and the way he handles criticism against keeping 50% of the rewards.

I'm confused about why you chose to send this to me. It was not I who stated that it was not resteemed. However, I should have verified the information before making an opinion. Still, this is irrelevant, I just read his reply to me and I know what I need to know.


I've been sick to my stomach since I read @berniesanders comment. I totally agree with @berniesanders except for the @barrydutton being a twat. I don't regret upvoting or resteeming this post, but I want @barrydutton to give his entire payout to @dianargenti. I see the photograph of her father and see the payout and it rubs me wrong. I feel better reading your comment.

Hi - Here is what I sent to Dian after the post payout tonite, just keeping you in the loop:

I paid you out within about 5 mins of the post being paid to me -- Here is the post I did on it for the community. Have a good weekend my friend.

The rewards just need to go directly to @dianargenti as I mentioned a few comments below, if you want them to go to her directly vote on her latest content. I give @barrydutton credit for giving her more exposure but I am disappointed in him for not giving her all the rewards.

Interestingly, I just went to vote on Dian's active comments and I came across a correspondence between the two where he asks for her blessing to make this post.

To which she replied;

Hello my @barrydutton were ok for now don't worry about us though trying hard here but we can cope up with a little help from the senior citizen which my parents is a member. Don't worry my friend I guess wat I have save from here is a big help already at least. We been able to delivered him in his final rest. His seems quite like sleeping and he rest calmly. I don't know how to thank u my friend I'll post my blog soon thanking everyone especially you. God bless u with your kindness. I'm fine now, and I'll be alive soon :)

So according to that message, she said no. Unless there is a later comment where she changed her mind that I missed, I think this is all the evidence one needs to see that this is not about helping her at all. She did not even want this, based on that comment.

That is really sad if that is indeed the case, using someones death to profit is pretty low in my book. My votes still went to her posts instead of this one as I am not sure how much of this will really get to her anyways.

I don't doubt that she will get the liquid, but yes, that is my main problem with this. Seeing another human's death as a potential exploit. This fucking world we live in has us exhibiting the very ugliest versions of ourselves. I don't even blame Barry. I blame the world that we have allowed to develop around us. It's all our faults.

It really shows what kind of human that barry guy is.

Like, the worst of the worst of humans do that kind of thing.

Read my blog and look at my comments, instead of 2-4 people here inciting problems -- some of whom just don't like me.

That will show you....

It really shows what kind of human that barry guy is.

Not a handful of comments. Look at the body of work.

Unbalanced statements from a handful of people like this manufacturing a problem, do not help Dian, Steemit, or the community here.


Sir I'm so sorry if I'm confusing and not being understood for English is just my third language and I can't fully put in words what I wanted to say which is so hard for I can't fully let out my feelings. About that comment before that I already know that he will do a post for me. And didn't mention in there that I still need the favor he wanted to make for I already felt ashamed because he already did a big part in helped me, but still know he will made the post to give me more help even if I will asked him or not because he said it so to me before and I'm still hoping for it. I may not exactly asked him to do it but I also don't say don't so it for we have understanding in our own language that given help is also given favor to each other. I'm winning a friend in you for you are indeed also a good person as I can see it. And it is hard to me to see that issues about this arises to both parties. If this need to be cleared up in one single words to have peace between then this is the one word that I came up to ease the tension. I still do need help the help which Barry did for me and I'm so thankful and grateful for him for doing so. For he only do the promise he made for he knew I still need it. And you are one that I will thank for, for you do give me your support and favor and I am so glad I have known someone like you too. I do not know how to ease the arguments which was being brought up in this blog post everything seems cloudy and I couldn't Express to everyone what I wanted to say. But u are one of important person which I must address for u only want what's due for me and thank u so much for that. I'll be okey and time of what I can have Tru my friends Barry post and for it will be a big help in my side and this is the last post about asking help and favor for me for we both go on of what we had not all do here in the community. Assuring what help I can keep and have from my post before and from my friend Barry's post will be properly utilized and used to it's purpose. Thank u so much.

There is no argument. I stopped replying to him days ago when I realised this was just about defending his character to ensure that he can use this model for fundraising again without questions.

I have the deepest sympathies for you and your family, @Dianargenti, but I am not going to have a proxy discussion with Barry through you. Please stop allowing yourself to be manipulated so easily. The very fact that he is leading you to believe you have to come here and defend him shows that to him, his image is more important than your suffering. If you cannot tell at this point that he is using you and your dead father, I really don't know what there is that I can tell you to make you see. Perhaps you are already aware, but feel you are stuck defending him until he gives you the liquid rewards. I don't know anymore. But this has all become too ugly and I want nothing to do with it any longer.

I will donate all the money I have earned from comments on here to you. Beyond that, I would quite like to be completely removed from this entire situation, so you will forgive me if I do not participate in this charade any longer.

My best wishes go to your family.

Sir my deepest thank you for coming here over to let me know. And thank u so much for the very concern you have showed to me and my family I cannot say anything but I am very grateful knowing you. You don't need to say sorry to me, it's me need to apologise if it made u a little bit hope just a little if I come in there and made comments to clear him. I won't say the name coz I guess it will make your eyebrow raise :) (peace). It's only my one way of given him what I also think I must have done for I also known him as a good one. And yes indeed let's make it stop. Thank you so much. Sincerely yours, me! :)


i am with you there, this is a scam

Well I didn't say it is a scam. I am being optimistic here and hoping that my suspicions are unwarranted. But we will know soon enough I suppose.

i saw and upvoted this post about a month ago at that time the value was somewhere around 800 dollars, this post was 42 minutes old when i first saw it yesterday and the value was in the 300 dollar range.

I read this about six times and I am still utterly confused. Are you sure you said what you meant to say?

i am saying that about a month ago this exact same post popped up and at the time that i saw it a month ago the value that was assigned to it was somewhere in the 800 range, and then i saw that same post yesterday , and the value at that point was 300 so it appears that someone is reposting this around once a month to get money.

When you say the same post, you don't mean also raising g money for Dian do you? Was it another charity case?

exact same post exact same pictures.

I really hope this isn't true. I am going to have a look shortly.

You actually have no idea what you are talking about, or you are spreading false info purposely for some reason, I cannot imagine any other combination here is possible.

Dian is not the type of person to put up a post like this twice, nor am I so like Son of Satire is saying - you must be confused here or something else.

That said, with now way over 300,000 users -- more content (and scams) will show up as any platform grows.


good day sir, if u think doing a favor for a friend to help is a scam then I don't know how to you explain to you my part. is being dead is also a scam? Please think for I know my brother and been here for a while knowing him. Thank u for ur good thoughts.

You are removing your support for Dian when you DV this or remove a vote. That is the reality.

Read my blog and look at my comments, instead of 2-4 people here inciting problems -- some of whom just don't like me.

Not a handful of comments. Look at the body of work.

Unbalanced statements from a handful of people like this manufacturing a problem, do not help Dian, Steemit, or the community here.


Hi - Here is what I sent to Dian after the post payout tonite, just keeping you in the loop:

I paid you out within about 5 mins of the post being paid to me -- Here is the post I did on it for the community. Have a good weekend my friend.

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