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RE: [Introducing Steemy] - Fully Native iOS/Android apps for STEEM

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

EDIT: There is now a video showing the app running and a linkedin profile, making this a much better presentation of the project. I have removed my flag and encourage others to review the new information and update their voting accordingly. Below retained for historical context.


Flagged for this reason, and I would encourage those who upvoted to reconsider:

There is no proof that this app actually exists

We expect people posting introductions to verify their identities for $1000 yet here we have an alleged app posted by what is essentially an anonymous new account with a current estimated reward (prior to my flag) of over $10000 which for all we know could consist of nothing but a bunch of mocked-up screen shots. There is no app to download, no in-progress source code in github (not suggesting that a closed source app is unacceptable; just suggesting this as an option for incomplete work). Nothing.

Once there is an actual app that people can download and try out, a vetted publisher approved by app stores, a community member with a reputation associated with the project, etc., then I would be very happy to upvote and recognize the work and the initiative. At this point I can not and would very seriously question the judgement of doing so. As long as there remains a significant payout and no verification provided, I strongly urge responsible community members to flag instead.~~

(I'll be removing/reducing my upvote from this comment prior to payout; it is for visibility, not reward.)


Hi, @smooth this is @str11ngfello, the iOS developer on Steemy.

Here's my linked in profile ->

@cyonic here as a followup edit, my linkedin profile here:

Give me a few moments and I'll add a blurb to my linked in profile that references Steemy. Look for it towards the top.

Here is a quick vid I made of Steemy at the request of many users.

Here's to hoping we can prove ourselves a bit. STEEM ON!

Thanks for the additional verification. This is certainly a much better presentation than the original and I have removed my flag and edited my comment accordingly.

I am answering to your comment below because there is no reply button for some reason.
I am not sure I understood exactly how the fund going into the pool and the fund going out can self balance? Rewards are paid in Steem dollar and steem power but the pool is liquid steem right? what is the mechanism to convert them before payouts? I have read the paper but those questions are not answered. Thx

@snowflake, at the time of payout, the proportionate share of the reward fund for the post is removed from the reward fund. Then split up between content (author) reward and curation reward. The curation portion is converted to Steem Power and paid to the voters, and the content portion is converted to 1/2 Steem power and 1/2 SBD and paid to the author. The SBD conversion takes place using the witness price feed that indicates (as a 7 trailing median) the exchange rate. The Steem are destroyed (but accounted for as virtual supply) and the corresponding amount of SBD are created in their place. Hope this helps.

Sorry but I will still wait actual app before I upvote!

People need to understand that a hypothetical app is unproven in it's worth to the platform and that healthy skepticism should be encouraged as there is an incentive to make Steemit a money grab. It's nothing personal to the creators of this app at all.

If the app is legit, then it will survive the scrutiny of those of us that want to be judicious in our giving out our SHARED rewards. People please understand that this is a shared pool that we use. If you give 10k to this post, that reward is coming from how much every other person is going to make that day.

So, in effect, by this taking of a portion of your reward for your post today you have already paid for the app, even if you don't actually ever use it. Please think about this carefully.

We want to encourage and reward users that are doing something positive for the community, but it comes out of your and everyone else cut of the daily pie.

Whoa there cowboy. Don't tell people how they should vote under the false pretense that were all sharing the same piece of pie. Anyone can spend their allocation within their voting power limitations.

People please understand that this is a shared pool that we use.

I'm curious, do you know what happens if there is money left in the pool at the end of the day ? where does the money go? and what happens when pool is empty before end of the day? Is there a site to track pool % status?

@snowflake. Every post that pays out gets a share of the current pool at that time. It is a continuous process, not literally daily, but we can express the rate of funds going into the pool as an exact daily rate, and on average funds leave the pool at the same rate.

With the amount of negative outcome projects can have it is only right @smooth said something. An the community needs to know what they are voting on because right now its just images which are very easy to make.

So as a suggestion to the community id be very cautious of this till real proof is submitted.
It is very easy to make a video using android studio to prove your claims an show how the app will work. I would also think it a good idea to submit the source to the owners for review to make sure you not trying to snatch passwords an logins.

Video made -

Good job! Do not listen to these males crying!

From me +100 for the idea.

Stupid people. The next time you write the TITLE of the post is not OFFICIALLYREGISTERED application. Just an idea!

Or they start again, look the link for download: D

No android app ?

A Linked In profile page doesn't prove that the app exists. What effort does that represent to upload a 5mn video of the app in action on Youtube so that we can see it's real?

I'm sorry to hear that this reaction is killing the excitement, but you and future posters have to understand that Steem is as much a fundraising venue as a social media place, and that accordingly a minimum standard of authentication is required when making significant announcements likely to lead to large payouts like this is the case here.

As you wish...

Thanks! Changed my downvotes to upvotes.

You shouldn't be discouraged even though I sometimes feel same way, But you are doing great work @steemapp, that's what matters... I am sure you will post updates soon and be rewarded even more, keep up the good work, mate!

@steemapp, please make an account on and join the #steemitabuse-classics channel, here you can resolve the "flags" problem, or in other words get back to the sum of 10k. Thank you!

Thank for the advice minion. A little too much noise in the chatroom to find a signal, but I think it's because there are so many opinions flying so quickly. It was hard to determine what was constructive and what wasn't. Thanks though!

Yeah it was kinda off "unfair" you had no space to answer all the questions. I surely wasn't expecting that much drama. My aim was to invite you there so that we get some clearance about the flags and try to bring in some justice to the judgment of flagging your post. To keep the "game" fair for both you and the system. I don't know if we succeeded in that but we'll see. Anyways good luck with the app, I hope to see a nice release post in the future.

So turned out to be this was a fucking sham....

This was wrong. Given all the crap that's made the front page before, Steemy the Astronaut alone warrants 10K+.

What Smooth did was actually a very very good thing. There needs to be a few influential users willing to bring concerns to all of our attention so that we can ALL discuss things before someone absconds with OUR shared rewards. Giving extra money to one user is taking it from all other users. I understand that this isn't obvious when you read the various posts explaining how rewards are distributed and created, but it's still the case. Giving 10k for Steemy the astronaut takes away from the amount @jumpman and all other users make.

When you see your post going down in value, it's not only due to the fluctuations in the currency it's due to some other user getting paid more due to his increased percentage of the daily reward pie.

There are a ton of posts that "could" be trending on any particular day due to the whims of the whales. This app and it's post, which looks perfectly fine to me, could very well have made only 1k or 5k or 5 dollars, just as any number of other posts have. It doesn't automatically deserve 10k, just because at one point the rewards said $10,000.

There are indeed a number of less than stellar quickly created and downright bad posts that get a lot of reward, but that is no excuse to pay something more than it's worth now because of errors of the past.

Steemy the Astronaut alone warrants 10K+.

You have a point.

Yes! That would be a payday of 5 or 10 thousand dollars per hour. I might be alone, but I dislike the logo. Reminds me of reddit and doesn't strike me as promoting "high quality blogging" i dont think it is necessary. But clearly others do

Where can I buy this trouser? I definitely want one.

I love the astronaut mascot, I think new design should have it too. Actually it could even be in the background as a watermark.

@smooth is right here. OP as much as I appreciate the initiative, there is indeed no way to make sure this is legit. Please upload the app to Android market, upload a video demo of the app, publish a part of the source code on Github, or have someone with a high reputation make an endorsement so that we can verify this is real. Will change my downvotes to upvotes upon seeing proper verification.

all these videos are private my friend

You haven't made the video public. Please update permissions.
Edit: video is now public. Thanks for verifying @steemapp. You have my upvote!

Will you make this app open source so it can be checked for security? I do not see a reason why not show the code now to a trusted witness at least. Eventually it has to be open source or no one will trust to use their keys. The app looks good from the video I have to admit.

me too!

@smooth is always on top of his (their) game. Hopefully this is real, because if it is not this will be the only post this user ever makes money on. Not only that, but he will have taken away from a developing ios app that @sirwinchester proposed (to the sum of $9,000+) Steemit App For iOS

That being said I also think the interface for @sirwinchester design is far sleeker and given the choice between the two I would pick his.



While this app will be good if it comes to see the light of day, I think there is room for multiple apps in this space. Twitter has lots of different app and different people enjoy different types of interfaces. So hopefully Tony will continue developing his app and Steemy will as well. But until I see proof, the steemy app will not get my vote.

(I'll be removing/reducing my upvote from this comment prior to payout; it is for visibility, not reward.)

I appreciate you not abusing your power and filling your pockets just because you can. One of the best whales right here!

My work for designing the iOS app had been completely overlooked (although it was on "hot" for several hours in all categories) because of the hype around the steemy app - I guess Dan and Ned would never see that proposal but oh well.

Thank you @bendjmiller222 for mentioning it

If you continue to develop it I think it will be a much better app overall. I like the idea of multiple steemit apps anyway

Many asked for a video for proof so I did just that. Just made this and uploaded it to youtube.

the video is private :(

you are right @smooth, while this is very encouraging to get upvote for the work. I am happy to see another contributor or supporter for the mobile devices. Steem Mobile - eSteem was started out as first open source mobile app, now we have 3 mobile device oriented projects. Looking forward to see this app to evolve...

I agree the post is a little deciving I went to the App Store to look for this app to find nothing of the nature. This post should've only been realesed once an official app becomes available.

People started to go crazy! :)))  @steemapp super work and dising! i like!

The man done a great job, tell for the idea and design thank you! 

Many write any garbage on the topic and get Steem 15000 $$$. 

So this post wrong. 

You are in so much greedy ??? Or you suffer jealousy? 

Or are we going to all - to link to the post that you can download to print and take photos to post in HDR to look at the TV. I'm sorry but I do not understand you.

 If it was your post, You would be have put yourself down a flag?

If it were my post claiming to have developed an app I would make a prerelease version available for testers, a video, an endorsement from a community member with reputation who is collaborating on the project or who had reviewed the progress, etc. At least, if I wanted to maximize my upvotes I would.

Hey @smooth, we really appreciate your latest edit after I made the video of Steemy. You have definitely convinced me that you will do what you say... fairly. I just wanted to extend our thanks and we'll take this as a lesson learned when it comes to making posts more authentic. Literally this is our FIRST post that matters. Our heads are down creating, dreaming and doing what WE are good I didn't sleep much last night after I got off Steemit Chat... trying to wrap my head around many of my conversations with people I'll never meet, but this morning I'm awake and more motivated than ever to keep pushing at our current pace...

I can ask you a question - who are you? Are you the leader of Projects Steemit?

Why do you have the right to decide what should be the post of a person that he did?

He copied it?

I do not quite understand your point of view.

I want to understand why a person can not spread his ideas. You should always confirm my authority.

You are doing the wrong thing - using the authority, calls people to vote.

Here is the proof of your wrong decision, my post

Was today downvote @terrycraft why? NOT he gives a justification for his decision?

Can you see he has not earned more than $ 1.

Question to you? How can you prove to us that you have a right to your post? What is really your thoughts? Do you have official documents, official video? Can you guarantee that your posts are exclusive? What they do not have the thoughts and words of great writers Bulgakov,Tolstoy, Lermontov, King, etc. Whatever you come up with or have already written someone said. If you do not believe the author or were offended by his words, just do what you want, but do not call upon the rest of doing downvote using their authority. 

Do not think my comment as an hurt to you or insult. These are just my thoughts and my words on this topic. I'll be glad to talk with you at any time on different topics. Have a nice day. Peace to all!

Anyone can post what they want, anyone can vote as they choose. That is how it works.

oh !!! what is going on here with the little Astronaut ??

I think this kind of suspicion is healthy for Steemit. If it was otherwise this could turn into a wild west of scams.

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