Steemit, is this my eureka moment?

in #steemit8 years ago

Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Gary J Kidd and when I was a teenager, my dream was to become a journalist and author. Unfortunately circumstances beyond my control prevented me from realizing my dream back then. I, like most other people, got into the rat race of life and although I was self-employed, I ended up with financial commitments and other duties and for many years was never able to get out and start over again. 

I left England to work and live in Germany and have been here ever since. For over 12 years now I have worked full time from home. A lot of the work I do, and have done, has allowed me to use my deep passion for writing and creativity.  I have been involved in Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and of course, trying hard to keep up with the fast changing Internet Marketing world. 

My dream still exists within me to write. I have never been truly happy unless I am writing something that I know will help me and maybe others to make a change or in some small way, improve themselves or their lifestyle. 

I have “failed” many, many times in my life, but I have never given up and never will. My life is good. My wife and family are a dream come true, well most of the time!!  

For a while now the revolution in the money and banking world has grabbed my interest. Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular and, I believe, has the potential to change the world completely. I am heavily invested in one cryptocurrency and I believe within a few years this currency will become the norm. 

However, when I discovered Steemit, something inside me ignited. Here is a way for me to not only spend time doing what I love, (writing), but also earn from it and be paid with cryptocurrency. It simply molds all of my dreams and beliefs into one. 

This is my Steemit introduction, and of course I have absolutely no idea how many people will see it, or indeed whether or not I will earn anything from it. Truthfully though, that doesn’t really matter right now. I am excited for the first time in a long time. I have something real I can look forward to each day. Yes, I like most of the “stuff” I do of course, and I know I am grateful for not being stuck in a 9 to 5 job with no prospect of ever living my dream, but recently there has been something missing. 

Steemit could be that missing link I need to push forward and give me more purpose in life. I have no idea right now exactly how Steemit works, how I earn money, how I earn others money, but as Richard Branson once said, “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.” 


Gary J Kidd 

Below is a video I made earlier this year. I wrote the script and made the video. It has been shared by lot of people and many have used it to build a huge business. Enjoy. 



Welcome, Gary.
I'm another writer with the dream of adding a little to my income by sharing my words. Thanks for adding your own original content and not ripping off someone else's. This is what will distinguish steemit from than the other social media sites and make it more valuable. Here's to dreams.

Hi Gary, thanks for a great intro. All you say strikes a chord with me and you deserve to grow and prosper here. Good luck my friend :-)

Good to meet you, Gary! I totally get that compulsion to write. For me - and most writers I know - there's just something about tapping thoughts out on a keyboard that makes them easier to process. There's the feel of words on the tongue or rolling around in the grey matter that crystalizes them and makes them palpable. I'm with you - regardless of the 'value' of our posts, there's a tremendous amount of satisfaction that comes from telling our stories and contributing our thoughts. Write away, friend.

It sure is going to be fun. I have written hundreds of articles before but mostly for business purposes. Now I can just write what I want to say and express my opinions. Looking forward to it.

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