The Communist Flaggot @anarchyhasnogodssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

So @anarchyhasnogods made a post called "Soviet Russia was not communist" so I left a comment that said.

Yeah I know its not the nicest way to say it but I'm an asshole what can I say.
They then respond with the usual bullshit of north korea says its democratic so names have nothing to with anything. -smh-
Does he not realize that Russia was not the only part of the ussr? lol
Other people tried to talk to them and same thing name calling and dodging of points.

So I responded with saying

yes I made a typo on false. that became his point to attack not the actual argument.

so from that point on he does nothing but ad hominem and red herring about the typo of false. because you know one single letter typo makes the whole argument null and void. lol

They then resorted to threats of flagging ect...
The same shit all the flaggots do.
Stop pointing out im dodging your points and resorting to ad hominem or I will flag you bullshit. lol

I told the person I would make a flaggot post about them if they flag me and that if they truly felt they were in the right and I am in the wrong that it helps them to leave my posts up to show the truth instead of trying to censor it so people cant see the statements made.

Yeah he then went out and flaged a bunch of stuff.

He then says he is flagging me and he says it is to drop my rating. lol

This is the original post.

Please check out the bullshit in the comments section. Anyone that says anything to him that is not sucking his dick he starts with the name calling then says don't ever talk to me again. lol

Look at this flaggots steem power.

With 100% down votes it is not a good look when he is trying to drop people rating that don't support his narrative.

So yeah fucking flaggot wont back anything up, makes claims that are untrue (like that it is the only point I have, it was my first point and you dismissed it by trying to claim north korea calls them selfs a democracy.) and then resorts to flagging when people point out he is resorting to ad hominem and red herring.

There is no point in trying to talk rationally to this person, agree with them or he calls you names and flaggs you so people cant see the comments you made. lol

Im sure after I link this post to him in the comments he will show up and flag this and more just like all the other flaggots. I almost think this person is trying to prove me right. lol

Stop by and give them a hello and tell them what you think even if you support him or don't. beware he is flag happy and might start flagging you too though.

With that all said all I have left is to say to @anarchyhasnogods is

Now I don't flag back but sometimes I wish I did. :P

100% steempower post.


I answered your original question multiple times and in the post as well.......

and I responded to your flagging and pure flaggotness.

Have a good day.

and I flagged you for trolling, hate speech and spam......Next time don't leave 10 comments on a post about something I answered in the last post of the series and then answered again in the comments for you

Every one of my comments besides the first one was a response to a reply you sent me so fuck off with the 10 comment thing. LOL I responded to you 10 times so its spam. Fucking swear. LMFAO!!!!
The idea of trolling is a subjective one and you are actually acting the troll in this situation. So have fun with your propaganda and flagging people that point out your lies and then play the victim card claiming abuse, harassment, trolling an spam.
Hate speech? You got to be kidding me........

I answered your question and you kept replying

....and your still flagging like a flaggot.
Nothing new I guess.

"It's not REALLY socialism"

you wonder if they actually believe that when they say it, or if they KNOW they're being useful idiots.

North Korea is real democracy

Yeah by that logic nothing is really anything.
Its funny imo.

I've noted before how often leftists hide behind "anarchistic" labels. syndicated anarchy, anarchco-socialism, etc etc. It's the same old leftist game of hiding their true agenda. It's like how the term "liberal' originally meant someone that believed in individual liberty and freedom of speech. What a contrast to the modern liberal.

Yeah its like complete oppsite.
Its like what they have done to the word literally, it now means figuritivly and thats the complete oppsite.
I have no hope they will ever stop with the mental gymnastics, reality is to harsh for the snowflake mentality.

The liberals now are neo-liberals please try to understand what you are talking about. Anarchy is the lack of hierarchy, private property in which you can control people on is hierarchy and thus.....authoritarian.....

stay off other people's property if you don';t want them telling what to do.

them telling you how to behave on their own property is expoentially more moral than a bunch of leeches telling a man that he cant control the fruits of his own hard work.

socialists = thieves and leeches

Hey man I've actually debunked that in many different ways in a post I will be done editing tonight......

The rich take the labor of the poor in communism the main goal is to literally get everything you produce (or the equivalent in different resources as you desire).

you can't stay off other people's property and survive

The communist russia was actualy zionist, it was founded buy jews (mostly house of Rothschild) to have controle over russia witch was under christian Tsar back than. and they also came up with socialism and they control the western capitalism also.

Russia was founded by jews to have control over Russia?
I'm not sure if I understand.
How was it "under christian Tsar" if it "was founded by jews"?
I'm confused now.

before communism it was under the tsar

Ahhhh I see what your saying now.
They basically had a Russian emperor till the switch to communism.
Yeah its brutal, I haven't heard the jew side about the change to communism but I was aware they were originally kind of like the roman government setup.
So the jews moved in around the early 1900's?

you should have a tour over my blog if dare to face some controversial truths, you are welcome to stop by

Ok ill check them out.
Its weird cause one side of my family originally came from Russia but they went to germany when it changed to communism and the ones that survived the concentration camps came to America after the war.
That whole side of my family worked in textiles (cloth and tailoring) so I'm not sure how they could have anything to do with the NWO but im always willing to learn.
Im following to so I can check out new posts you make.

obviously you have never heard of the "new world order" , for that they need world wars and third one is coming soon, zionist control both sides of the war

I have heard of the NWO but I have never really been able to see the whole jews are the problem connection. I see them as a small group of people mixed from all kinds or backgrounds.
I could be wrong though.
WW3 is going to suck!

You went back and edited you comment now I look retarded.

Im not upset.
Sorry if I came off that way.
Was super tired last night so maby that's why.

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