Somebody Tried To Tell Me Steem Is Dead

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

"There are few steemiens with over 70 rep. saying steemit is already dead. I hope it’s not true."

Is what I read in the comments section last week, I think it's preposterous, negative thinking.

I Can See Why People Think This, But

Value Loss

We've been in a bear market for months now (apart from the last day which has seen rises of 50%), a lot of users are feeling the pain after SBD and STEEM dropped from

as high as $15 to as low as $1.50!

A lot of users even cashed out and stopped blogging all together, is that the platform dying? No, that's the process of weeding out the fakes who are only here because it's profitable at the time.

They've now lost their followings and may have to start from scratch, the people who stayed are gaining a larger share of the reward pool and ultimately are making more money if they hold on till the next price surge.


The markets today saw increases of 50%.

Why else might people think steem/steemit is dead?

Just Looking At The Trending Page

The growth and prevalence of bots in recent months has caused a lot of worry for users who've been here since the early stages, we've seen shitposts by the likes of @chbartist (for example) upvoted to the trending page using bots multiple times a week.

It's hard to forget though that steemit is a financial instrument as well as a social network. Paying for votes is essentially steemit's advertising, if someone wants to advertise here, they need to BUY steem through an exchange or earn it with hard work, that's the reason STEEM and SBD have value, people want a higher stake in the system, they're investing because they believe in it or they want to buy views - hopefully to make some money, ultimately, bots help draw in business and increase the value of STEEM/SBD, and take the place of the 'promote' feature which I don't think anyone uses.

I think if bots were used, the post should be put on the 'Promoted' page rather than the 'Trending' page... But i can't imagine anyone being too happy about since the post at the top of the trending page right now had $40 spent on promotion and only recieved 50 views and $0.10 in votes.

Thinking about it, the only way to get people to use the built in promote feature is to make it into a vote selling service of sorts.

There is also a certain whale who's been upvoting a certain Technical Analyst up to the trending page for a while now, this won't last for long, already there is a community of us fighting against their reign of terror, oppression and reward pool theft. More and more large users join the fight every day..

Thats me! I just levelled up to a black mage for 100 Billion downvote rshares.

More Reasons Why Steemit Is Just Experiencing Teething Issues Rather Than A Death

It's Use As An Actual Form Of Payment/Replacement For Banks

Last week I read a post by @jaraumoses which explained how in Uganda, you can make 3x more than an average wage just by blogging here. He also mentioned that Ugandans often use it to pay each other thanks to the extremely high bank transaction fees there.

You might not see it the same way I do, but to me, this shows signs of an international currency, a way to close the wealth gap between developing nations, and people truly replacing banks with cryptocurrency.

Steemit Is The Easiest Way To Make Money Blogging

Many of you will have tried running your own blogs with sites such as wordpress or maybe by hosting your own site, and it can be astonishingly difficult since you have to worry about SEO (search engine optimization) and hosting costs, and attracting an audience among other things.

So for people already running blogs, or people who want to run a blog, steemit is a life saver - you don't need to concern yourself with any of the complexities or technical aspects, all you have to do is create your content and it instantly becomes available to a large audience, then you have the added bonus of networking to attract even more of an audience. By this logic, steemit can never really die under current circumstances.

Even As Tokens WITHOUT The Social Aspect, STEEM/SBD Are Superior To Most Cryptos

How often do you find a crypto that has NO transaction fees?!
Like, never?
What about transactions in 3 seconds?
That's also rather rare...
Can send payments to your friends or favorite content creators using an easy to remember and pretty handle like @sisygoboom?
Never seen it done before.
Strong development community?
We've got one of the best.

I could go on, but you get the idea, even without the social network, the tokens we rely on are vastly superior to most other cryptocurrencies.

Yes, There Are Flaws

Even with the flaws of the steem ecosystem, it's easy to forget that we haven't even left the beta phase yet, do you think steemit was perfect when it came out two years ago? Probably not. It'll take a while to iron everything out.

A complex machine such as the steem blockchain and require way more than two years to perfect.

There's always work to be done, and the developers at Steemit Inc will always have our best interests in mind, it's my belief that we can trust them to do what's best for the platform, the currency, and us.


Hi Sissy,

this is a good post, interesting you wrote this after the Big SBD run-up, nothing like good timing to make other's think twice eh? reply so i can give you some fat love for not seeing this before.

Thanks DJ; the timing did play a nice part in getting the point across but it was largely coincidence haha

sometimes luck is it's own reward, keep the faith sissy, btw. how is the planning for round 11 entries coming along?

Also need you to start scheduling your time to guest judge in either round 12, 13 or 14, just choose 1 slot... i really want to see you deliver the results as your curation was really good when you guest judge!

remember, you're an ambassador not just for your generation, but for all of her majesty's secret service.... ok maybe just all of Great Britain, no pressure :P

Oh yeah, I've been super busy with my coursework hand-ins being all over the past couple of weeks, thankfully I'll be able to get some more free time now since I've only got one more piece to hand in next week.

So I'll gladly do round 12 :) and don't worry, I've got a couple more funnies on the way

glad to hear you're down to your last hand-in...... ok, go tell @take5 in the judge's bathroom, 1 round12 slot is yours

Everything seems fine to me, been there when it went to 0.16 cents, stayed there, look where it is now. Those who leave now are making a huge mistake

Wow, you must've been here a long time? It'd be like selling shares in google 15 years ago because their share price went down 5%

Yea, the same and worse happened then, it was December 2016. The price for steem went from 1 usd to 16 cents. I had around 9k steem at that time worth nothing, still posted every day, everybody was just bleeding their eyes out, leaving, steemit dying etc. Everyone will return once it becomes bright again, but sadly they will miss out by leaving, because those who hold through it will get rewarded

Good read. No doubt these times will pass.

Not sure now that Minds a competitor is at the horizon. But competition is also a chance I might force improvement.

Minds being on top of ETH is not encouraging.

Im posirive. Look how greatmy acount is after only 1 month here.

I love it.

I had a break lastweeks. But i post a bit here and there.

Its all good man!

Steemit. Is tha shizznizz i guess.

You've only been here for a month but I've actually heard your name mentioned before a couple times, I think you even had a trading card made of you by @spiritualmax!


I agree with all the points said here. I've never invested much in Blockchain tech, because if we are honest, most blockchain tech has not had a solid use case until this point. As soon as I found Steem, and read through its whitepaper I was hooked. Its use case for both financial transactions and applications makes it something that will be hard to kill!

In fact, I can easily see Steem becoming a viable alternative to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and even banking after we grow a bit as a community. It's really just a matter of time in my eyes.

I also agree with all of the points. People who see death here are focused too much on the cryptocurrency and the blog for profit aspects. I think that neither will drive STEEM. STEEM will ultimately be driven by its superior infrastructure for experiencing community.

Focusing on building superior infrastructure for community will exploit the powerful networking effects of community and is the best way to promote STEEM's cryptocurrency value and its utility as a platform for publishing content for profit.

Same here, I was always in crypto just because I knew the hype would attract lots of investors, but as soon as I found out about steemit, I started selling all my other assets because it's the only one I've found with a legitimate use case.

You can tell Facebook is shitting itself, Zucker*unt is trying to get into every emerging tech to save himself!

you got that right!

But soon it won't be the only one any more as Minds is working on similar technology and Minds has 2 million active user while Steemit has only 0.8 million registrations.

I think we're up to 1 mil now, I started here 2 months ago and back then there were only 400k, so we do have a slightly smaller userbase, but we've more than doubled in size in two months which is crazy.

There is a stat on Wikipedia:

Sadly only three rows for the last four month.

And yes registered users where doubled to 800'000. But registered users aren't all that important. What counts is active user. And that dropped last month. (But same for — its a close race)

Mind you: I am still an active user who posts here. But i have seen other making a few postings abandon there account again. And the user who introduced me to Steemit is powering down her tiny 30 steem power. Her account is about a year old.

I think if bots were used, the post should be put on the 'Promoted' page rather than the 'Trending' page...

I've been saying that since December but instead the problem got worse. Of course, I don't expect anyone to listen to me when I have something important to say, so, whatever.

There's far more money to be made in honest forms of advertising than what we see here today.

People could promote, that promotion goes to the promoted tab, pay bloggers to sell space for a banner so people see the promotion, and from there bloggers could earn ad revenue from their blogs. The money comes out of the pocket of the promoter who is confident their ad will still earn them money, because that's how ads work.

The banner could double as a vote button because if someone reads an article, they might forget to vote; and that's another way people could generate ad revenue from their posts. If people visit ads and vote, that money could be evenly dispersed to those who sold the banner space as curation rewards or something similar; as there's another way to earn ad revenue.

I don't see why it's so appealing to some of these people to do everything ass backwards and work for the advertisers rather than the other way around where they EARN ad revenue.

I'm rambling, but I think you get the point.

That's a clever way of doing things, I think it could easily be achieved if the developers built in a way to automate page referrals within the site somehow. It'd definitely be suited to those smartsteem posts that are always in the trending page since they're just straight up business adverts.

The thing is, a lot of services already have banners and some of them give users a cut of the profits, but that doesn't mean they won't advertise though as many channels as possible; even in the real world, we see advertisers using product placement, celebrity endorsement, subliminal advertising, freebies - literally any way to reach the customer and they're on it. It can be a difficult task to control advertising.

Difficult, sure, but a structured system means Coca Cola could come here, buy Steem, pay bloggers for clicks to their coca cola commercial on Dtube. Corporate ads could fit nicely under the the blog post and voting bar while private ads could have a slot above and sell for cheaper. That banner slot would have to come with the finished post though. Not added in with the editor. I'm trying to sound smart but I'm so goddamn tired I think I'll just stop there.

just saw you comment on this now, was wondering about this dynamics a few weeks ago but would prefer to chat with you about this in person, what's your discord ID nonames?

I'm not on discord. I think I signed up, but I don't use it.

let me know what you think:

How Transform Curie (as an example) and Curation To Complete With Trending

the recent COM post was tiny synthetic alpha prototype disguised as a easy competition to instigate genuine curation and creativity (baby steps since we don't have >10,000 active followers yet nor the leadership resources to make game curation [showcase] something we can execute in a periodic and timely fashion, next step is to make this weekly and see if it attracts larger participation consistently..... can't grow an idea without being able to measure it):

BTW nonames.....we just launched #comedyschool this week and we're getting some new blood on board to help with growing real talents that does actual IRL comedy open mic, and nothing reaches out and get more loyal fans (not the flaky ones who comes one time and go without spreading the word) but participants who are enthusiast who are trying out their hands in comedy, and start paying attentions and admiring consistent content producers

We really want you to be part of something great someday, a corner of the Steem blockchain that make this world a better place, or at the very least, grow a community that helps recognize talent that comes out only once in a while, and build a nurturing community to support the enthusiast, and help hard working talent and contributors (participants that are more administrator, curators, talent scouts, leaders, etc.) become sustainable themselves in whatever ways that can help them.

Swing by discord, say hello and get a glimpse behind the scenes of what we're trying to achieve, will be too much to type out here, and God knows' it's surely much more just just a fun all inclusive silly contest with prizes growing as the community supporting it grows along with it ;)

there is alot more....including dev (and all that comes with it including a DAP someday and then some down the road)....oh yeah, did you know we've launched COMEspanol ( #comedyopenmicespanol ) in the middle of it's 2nd week now, and we've exceeded our target of 30/week entries hitting >50, there are lot of countries that when they get on crypto like Venezeula (where their income dropped from 4th world country $25/month down to a low $5/month in goods purchasing power), we believe we'll help disrupt the violence and cycle of poverty form by financial and political tyranny, also the leader helping with #comedyschool is hoping to grow his account to someday start consistently funding an orphanage to help his friends in Iraq (I shit you not...they are running it full time w/o any government support), when you can make the time, come back and see for yourself:

ComedyOpenMic Discord -

I hope steemit is not dead.
we work here. steemit our revenue source.
this paper is very useful. I want resteem so my friends I invite to join will keep the spirit.

Thanks for the resteem! Happy to tell you that Steemit probably isn't dead (for now)

Steem to the moon!

I went to a fortune teller the other day and she drew this for me

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