Judge Spares Muslim Pedophile Prison Term Because Of His Religion

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


A judge has caused outrage after letting a Muslim pedophile off without a prison sentence because his religious education had not taught him that raping 13-year-old girls is wrong.

OK before you read on understand yes this is cut and pasted from www.yournewswire.com http://yournewswire.com/judge-muslim-pedophile-prison/
and at the bottom you will see my own post about it.

Adil Rashid, 18, who was educated in an Islamic faith school in Britain, told the judge that he had been taught “women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground” and that he was reluctant to have sex with the 13-year-old girl, but he was “tempted” by her after she “seduced” him.


Judge Michael Stokes of Nottingham Crown Court, England, found Adil Rashid guilty of child rape, but only handed him a suspended sentence, stating: “It is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters.”

Earlier Nottingham Crown Court heard that such crimes usually result in a four to seven-year prison sentence.

The Daily Mail reports the judge said that because Rashid was “passive” and “lacking assertiveness”, sending him to jail might cause him “more damage than good”.

Rashid, from Birmingham, admitted he had sex with the girl, saying he had been “tempted by her” after they met online.

They initially exchanged messages on Facebook before sending texts and chatting on the phone over a two-month period. They then met up in Nottingham, where Rashid had booked a room at a Premier Inn.


The girl told police they stayed at the hotel for two hours and had sex after Rashid went to the bathroom and emerged wearing a condom.

Rashid then returned home and went straight to a mosque to pray. He was arrested the following week after the girl confessed what had happened to a school friend, who informed one of her teachers.

He told police he knew the girl was 13 but said he was initially reluctant to have sex before relenting after being seduced.

Earlier the court heard how Rashid had ‘little experience of women’ due to his education at an Islamic school in the UK, which cannot be named for legal reasons.

After his arrest, he told a psychologist that he did not know having sex with a 13-year-old was against the law. The court heard he found it was illegal only when he was informed by a family member.

In other interviews with psychologists, Rashid claimed he had been taught in his school that ‘women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground’.

When Judge Stokes said Rashid ‘must have known it was illegal, unless he was going round with his eyes shut’, defence lawyer Laban Leake said reports suggested Rashid had a ‘degree of sexual naivety’.

‘The school he attended, it is not going too far to say, can be described as a closed community and on this occasion this was perpetuated by his home life.

‘It is not too far to say that he may not have known that having sex with a 13-year-old girl was illegal.’ Judge Stokes sentenced Rashid to nine months youth custody, suspended for two years, along with a two-year probation supervision order.

Describing Rashid, the judge said: ‘He’s had an unusual education, certainly in terms of the sexual education provided. Comparing women to lollipops is a very curious way of teaching young men about sex.’

But he said that Rashid knew what he was doing was wrong.

Addressing Rashid, the judge said: ‘I accept this was a case where the girl was quite willing to have sexual activity with you. But the law is there to protect young girls, even though they are perfectly happy to engage in sexual activity.


First may I say by no means am I blaming any Muslim for his action but rather focasing on how this has been allowed to happen.

People have become scared to say anything against minorities for fear of being called rasist which is wrong no matter your colour religion or sexual preference the law of any country should be upheld by all that live or visit it.

for examples

  1. According to Singapore Statutes Online, the first-time penalty for the selling of gum can be as high as $100,000 or a prison sentence of up to two years
    Penalties are subject to rise with each conviction, but certain chewing gums that have medical benefits will be allowed.

  2. Drinking Alcohol Is Illegal Yemen United Arab Emirates (In Sharja) Sudan Somalia this list goes on and they do not allow you to say I didn't know I couldn't do this

If anyone goes to another country they are expected to follow the laws and not to say oop's sorry I didn't know better as thats just not going to work.

By British law if you are jailed in a foreign country nothing will be done to get you out of prison.
Every person within the UK and every country in the world must follow the laws of the foreign country they are in no matter if you agree with the laws or not.

If this was to be allowed someone from holland could buy marijuana and freely smoke it while sitting outside a London bar or someone might come from the USA with a gun well it's legal there.

now heres the kicker Adil Rashid, was educated in an Islamic faith school in "Britain" and has lived there all his life claims he didn't know sex with a 13 year old girl was agaist the law.
Well after speeking to my neighbours that are "Muslim" and good friends they are out raged by this total lie and feel it is only going to breed more hatred towards Muslim's and that it is only the most extreme Muslims that would even consider treating a woman the way he spoke about them. "‘women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground’."

So my question here is if he thought so little about women and "he was reluctant to have sex with the 13-year-old girl"
Why did he go on facebook and talk to this lolliepop that had been dropped on the floor and give this lolliepop his phone number and talked for over 3 months then booked a room in different city to which they both lived.

The truth is he knew what he was doing and he was smart enough to use I'm just a poor stupied Muslim card and the judge ate it up or was too scared to do the right thing either way I call for the Judge to stepdown and he be resentanced by a real judge.


Hey @sirwizalot, gotta love Steemit! Still awesome platform and community and it's nice having great people contribute so we all benefit. Keep up the good work! Cheers!

I can't believe this happend I haven't been to church in over 20 years and I don't remember once being told rape was a bad thing yet common sence told me so and if some christan was to say just that they would be locked up faster as possible.

isn't there something in the law that ignorance of the law is no excuse well this show if you can prove you didn't know something was wrong then you can walk thanks judge.

I know of a father that got 6 months for trying to steal some food so his kids wouldn't starve and this bastard gets away with rape of a 13 year old girl.

please consider resteeming

Well, sirwizalot? You make some interesting points in your article about the law and how it is supposed to be applied, and I am just as anti-pedophile as you are. However, unless you're adhering to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition (ICD-10), the defendant described in your article would fall short of being a pedophile. There is a provision in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) that stipulates that a man in his late teens who takes an extra-Platonic interest in a 12- or 13-year-old girl does not qualify to be a pedophile. Other factors also play into determining whether or not he is a pedophile. For example, whether or not the girl he had intercourse with was a prepubescent child. I'm not trying to make this guy out to be a goodie-two-shoes, but I'm just clarifying the fact that he would not be deemed to be a pedophile from a clinical standpoint by the same token that one would not accuse someone of armed robbery for sticking a slug in a gumball machine or parking meter.

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