in #steemit7 years ago

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

Yep, I am a little mad right now!

I came to steemit, because in my 30+ years in tech, I always dreamed of such a place. And here it is, in all it's baby glory, just learning to crawl, and with so much potential ahead! I'm so proud to be a part of it in it's infancy.

But we are getting bigger as a community now every day, with around 2-10K new users arriving daily and with the size, comes unwanted attention.

Especially when you dangle out the "free money!" carrot on a stick, right?

I often cruise the #introduceyourself posts looking for new and interesting people to follow and befriend. I am very selective and will often spend an entire evening, reading or scanning through dozens of new minnow posts, looking for the signals in the noise.

Tonight I just found this and issued my first two post flags EVER on the system. I don't believe in censorship and I don't care what you write because if it doesnt suit me, I know how to find the next post and move on. Not my problem to police the world's content.


This is not "content" - this is somebody working up towards something nefarious. There is absolutely no other reason to make two identical introduceyourself posts, only changing the name and the pictures.

The only possible positive reason I could think of for this post setup, was a foreign language couple who had one intro post translated to some broken English and shared it for each of them, which would be fine, but the one guy opens with "Hello Chicas!" and the female one sounds pretty single too. Imagine that!

Judge and... flag... for yourselves. We don't need this false Facebook style bullshit here. Sorry for cursing, but I warned you in my first sentence, I am mad! We who believe in this system work HARD for this system and our community and it's users. I will not stand around and watch it be bastardized by faker foolishess and neither should you.

Watch for this sort of thing, It's going to get worse as we grow. Use your brains, check out your followers now and then and see who they are, and why they might be following you. Don't want to see anyone here get catfished, stalked, or bothered at all so it's up to us the community to work together to prevent it.



Pay attention, and flag when it makes sense to you!

Teem work makes the steem dreem work!

Be safe! I'm starting to care about you guys and gals, and this place as if you were family and this was our home. Because you are, and it is, and this is ours.

Protect the community and each other! Flag scam and suspicious posts!

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!


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Hi, happened across your post on discord/steemgig. It's unfortunate this is occurring - I've encountered "members" who do nothing but copy and paste and get upvotes.

I'm continuing to write my own content, will continue to flag/report plagiarism, and will be nice to new and old alike, hope all will add value.

I've been here 12 days. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Welcome. I'm on Day 20.

I find it funny we all minnow out and introduce ourselves in our number of days. LOL I see it all the time.

Hi, I'm @sircork and I'm a steemoholic. I have 20 days steemer.

I would be pissed too if this turned into the next Facebook. I left FB long ago and just recently found this great replacement. I wish we had a solid way to track the BS and keep people aware.

We do have that way to track BS, and you and I comprise 2/295,000's of that means! Flag the bastids!

I flagged but how much does it take to remove a post or remove an account? I still have so much to learn!

They don't remove accounts as far as I know. No one could really. There is no actual central control for that. It's up to us to flag down poopheads I guess.

The only time I wish I could afford to invest in Steem Power is when I see people bastardizing the platform with their foolishness. Except when it's my foolishness, of course.

Seriously, though, thanks for being vigilant.

Here's one I thought sketchy, in the comment section of a 'small cap coin" article, I spotted a reasonable comment and went to look to see if I might want to follow . I read his first article about a possible up and coming coin. And then there it was: Send money (coin)with his key..No service offered just send $$$, so one more thing to look for. Maybe we need volunteer screeners to spot scams or if it's just language/translation issues...

That's not even a scam, that's just pure begging. I am able to tune that out like the plethora of "homeless" enterprising beggars at traffic intersections. I'm not heartless, but i need to know more before I give. Like the guy in Sri Lanka that stellebelle and I each sent money to so he could build a well in a drought ridden land - instant $50 from me and $75 from Stellebelle. but scammers wont just come out and ask, they will take you for a ride and sell you bullshit.

I think it's probably inevitable given the nature of the internet, but still a good idea to watch out for scammers. Thanks for the tip!

Always be looking out for your neighbors, my friend!

Reminds me I found a profile and the guy keeps having these significant problems where he is asking for money... i think its all BS.

Probably. Be generous, but choose wisely! :D

Of course but its one thing after another! Broken back, eviction and needs $2500, car got stolen needs to be replaced asap. Like geez!

I'm probably a bit oblivious, but I don't seem to notice the scammers. I'm sure there are some here, but either I haven't seen any of them or I didn't notice. It's not like they could get anything from me anyway, I got nothing to spare...

Unfortunately they are on every platform and this is not going to be an exception. But you've just given me some food for thought in regards to my next post! Thanks!

Thinking motivation is always free at @sircork, incorporated! Thank you and please think again! :D

All aboard the flag train!

Woot woot!
Flag Train: "Making Quick Work of Jerks on Steemit since 2017!"

It is sad that there is bad in every walk of life and now it is finding it's way here. I will keep my eyes open and do what I can but I wish there was a way to get rid of them completely.

We the community can shut them down by shunning them with flagging. Best we can do! Be careful out there!

Unfortunately, I think they would just set up yet another account and start over. You be careful too!! How are things on the mountain top going?

Well since steemit entered my life the real thing I need to "be careful" about is not spending too much time at my computer and letting the mountain and forest consume my place while I ignore them :D My grass will grow to 2 feet tall around the cabin in like 20 minutes after a good rain up here. LOL

I have the same problem balancing computer time with work time, LOL. With over 300 followers I want to get to everyone's posts but I simply just can't, it would take all day and I have much work to do. I feel bad if I miss someone, but it just can't be helped. I have to remind myself every day, there is really life outside of steemit, LOL. Best wishes to you my friend!!

Maybe do 40 a day every day all week? I just hit who i see when Im here. which is all the time. but yeah Im almost to 500 followers myself. I get it.

Have a busy productive day of steem!

I try to come in almost every day for an hour at a time and just do the best I can with that. You have a great day!!

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