Solved! Don't upvote this post!
Solved! It was just an issues with the view of the site! It was because the resteemed of an NSFW content appear like written by another author if you have checked you don't want to see similar content in your feed. Sorry!
Maybe could be useful to solve this sort of bug, because everytime someone resteemed an NSFW content it looks like really a strange mix between 2 different account (if you, like me, checked the "safe" box in your profile ^_^)
This sounds like hacking ans phishing to me :(
I think the same. It's really really strange, because all other posts (by different authors or reesteemed) are normal, this is the only thing really strange. :(
Solved, it was just an issues with the view of NSFW post resteemed :(
i didnt know this as well..
doesnt sounds like a bad thing than in the end!
very useful post