Three cool things I've noticed on Steemit todaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

ONE. Each time I vote for a post the amount of money going to the author goes up by about a cent. It's like the old days again, and it's a good buzz. I'd forgotten how cool it was to see votes actually doing something, and if all the flagging has brought that about, I can see it's upside.

TWO. There seems to be more people making an effort to do posts. It all seems fresher. Some of the regulars seem to be taking a break, but other people are stepping up. There are certainly a lot of interesting posts on my timeline. Maybe having a bit of a shake up has gotten things moving.

THREE. I'm getting the feeling there is a new attitude of "we can do this" - and that ultimately Steemit is a space for creating things. We can create things.

All that code stuff makes this site work, but ultimately it's not what will bring most people to Steemit or make them want to stay. Content is where it's at, and we can all do some of that.


Now we are all leaping off into the unknown



Because sometimes I like to do short posts with pictures, art, photos, and funny stuff, and then there is bugger all in my post, I need a whopping great signature to put at the bottom of my short posts to give them some beef.

On my longer posts I’m really just including it to go on about myself, but what the hell, we all need to blow our own trumpet sometimes.

@cheetah likes to point out that I’m plagiarising my own signature, but he is also voting for me, and a vote is a vote, so I’ll call that a good thing.

@sift666 is my Steemit alias. As 666 is the number following 665 and preceding 667, and I’m using the number here on my Steemit account, it might mean I’m a worshiper of Satan. Or it could indicate that I have troll tendencies I need to work out with myself.

My real name is Ian Gregson, aka wheels007. I’m a professional sifter from Wellington New Zealand. My interests include photography, conspiracies , web design, writing, nutrition, art, design, philosophy, technology, anarchy, health, computers, humour (humor), gratuitous arse shots, and anything that makes my eyes bulge while I make squeaking sounds (except torture).

Back in the glory days of Steemit (August 2016), I once made $404 for a post and went on a three day bender. It took months to work off the after effects of the hangover and I’m still attempting to understand how that ever happened.

I’m currently developing a new website portal to rival Steemit called where I’m testing out a new feature called “frottage” that may revolutionise blogging and create a global paradigm shift.

Photos and pictures labeled @sift666, or are my own creations, while pictures with no credits are sometimes ones I found in my image collection and have no idea where they originally came from, or might be my own photos that I haven't put a signature on.

Otherwise, due to pressure to conform, I’m having a crack at including an image credit beneath each picture I copy off the internet. I do have opinions on this subject, but am practicing putting a sock in it.

To tell the truth I often have no idea what I’m going to post next, but I will be sure to include pictures. If you are a person who prefers mainstream opinion, my posts may not be entirely your cup of tea. But if you like to dwell on the wild fringes of conspiracy theory, or you are a whale with a massive blowhole, you might like to follow me on Steemit. It would be great to have you on board.


Thanks, much appreciated, you have some spending power now too - pretty cool isn't it? :)

Its great its so much better :)

There is something different in the air and for minnows it's a grand change and I hope the spirit keeps getting stronger. Kudos! Let's hope the walls keep falling and more HQ posts get to be seen instead of the same old same old. Exciting times, indeed. Build the steem and the internet will come > Onward @Ned let STEEMit catch on fire.
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Surf's Up!

Are you surfers, too?!? That would be awesome :-)

Nope - I'm too much of a wimp to surf (all that cold water) but I do have a kyack and we live just down the road from a popular surf and kite surfing beach so I take a lot of photos of surfing

Niiiice picture and location! According to the suit, the water has to be reeeeeally cold, haha
I am living on Canary Islands where we celebrate the so called "eternal spring" - so I don´t have to pack myself like that :-D

I'm feeling hopeful too and preparing new posts with tons of photos!

Regards from Portugal (the New Zeland antipodes)!! ;)

Awesome - following you now and looking forward to seeing your photos.

Ahah, thanks!! Following back. You have a good sense of humor, and I like it!
If you have time you can see my last photos here. I guess i had too many. Promise I'll behave next time ;)

Wow, unless someone just voted with me, I just added twenty one cents to this post. And I'm resteeming, this is the attitude we NEED.

Many thanks - I think that means you must be a whale :)

positive vibration nice

Thanks, I'm really enjoying the switch of hats from "conspiracy theorist" to being more positive - so much so that I'm going to keep going :)

Hey thanks for the positive vibe. I would love to hear more about the website you are developing. I am looking for a place to collect my poems. Something like a portfolio. I have not found the right way to do it. It would be so awesome if I just could link my steemit post to an other place and display them differently.

It may not be what you have in mind but most of what I have online is on WordPress - a really cool system that can be a lot more than just a blog -

I'm getting the feeling there is a new attitude of "we can do this" - and that ultimately Steemit is a space for creating things. We can create things.

Oh yes, I love reading that! :)
I believe it´s not just a feeling - it´s happening for real. Maybe that is what usually occurs after every depression. People stand up and feel the need to power, to spread energy, to build it up again.
Let´s keep that wave up and spread it!
Upvoted, resteemed and following - baaam! :))

Many thanks - following you back - I just realised I up-voted one of your posts yesterday but forgot to hit follow - sorted now.

Cool! Thanks for the follow :) (I just passed the 500 followers mark - wow!)
I will definitely need to have a detailed look at your blog. What I´ve seen so far is really brilliant.

Payouts revisited - now my up votes seem to be paying up to three cents sometimes (not now because I've been on a wild voting spree and blown my budget) - this is a whole new world!

Good article.

I came hello thinking that frottaging in the UK means something a bit iffy. Will have to get my thinking cap on lol

Yes frottage has been taken over and made dodgy!


We get asked this from time to time, and notice that some people are afraid to even utter the word. Maybe they think it means something pervy or deviant. Well actually…

We have been using the word FROT since the mid 90’s, when it used to mean “styling” or “going off” – back then people were just “frotting out” (getting excited about cool things), and getting “frotty” (enjoying themselves).

Rather like the word “gay” was hijacked by homosexuals and deemed to mean homosexual rather than happy, the word “frot” has to some extent also been hijacked by homosexuals and deemed to mean men rubbing their penises together.

Having the domain is probably a bit like the famous NZ brand of ice cream cones “GayTime” – it sounds a bit pervy, but at least it’s memorable, and what the hell, we thought of it over 20 years ago

Frot was actually first used in the pervy sense to describe Japanese train frotters in the 80’s – men who rubbed themselves up against women in crowded subway trains.

Lol , a fabulous answer. Yes, all of those things were going through my mind when I read this! Cool, bring it back and make it yours!