Great New Exchange on the Horizion!! We are in Pre-Private Beta Stage!!It has been a LONG journey!!

in #steemit8 years ago


It has been a long journey , many challenger's , many late night's and many headaches, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the day !!

This Journey started almost 2 yr's ago for me , I started this project as i was getting dis-heartened with exchanges and the lack of safety , see friends getting ripped off , scammed and the like .

We started of with a basic frame for a exchange , it worked but there was many flaw's in the code .

We spent money to improve the layout,security and functionality of it , it improved , but we came to the fact that this would be a long road , much testing and development , time and also money on our part. 

The following are screenshots of development Stats, Security Updates, Performance Fix's and Other Improvement's to the latest version that will be part of the Private Beta Stage..

Development Stat's

Security Fix's

Performance Fix's

Other Improvement's 

As you can see many hour's have been put into this project and many more will be .

So where doe's STEEM & STEEMIT fit in to this ?

Well after using the Steemit platform and internal market , the positive's that Steem and Stemmit bring to the Crypto realm as so many and a Awesome addition .

We will look at adding Steem as a pair market firstly and then in the future give Steem it's own native market.

We are looking at the best way for it to be integrated during Private Beta testing stage.

What I would like from the Community!

Well with any development , the community that it will be servicing should have input into what the community wants!

So what i am asking is what sort of feature's you guy's and gal's would like to see , there will be the normal things, market's, trollbox, ability to give coin's to other's and the so on, idea's on things you would have like to be seen on an exchange that isn't on any exchange .

There will be reward's for idea's that are implemented for the person or person's (I will post more on this SOON) and all idea's and suggestion's will be noted and looked at .

So post your idea's below !!


We will be requiring people for the closed Beta test , around 50 or so , we will be getting these from current user's that have used or site that will be coming down and all user's will be transferred to the new site automatically and also looking for people from the general crypto public, we aren't looking for just tech-head's and crypto geek's (although they are more than welcome), but we want the average Joe or Jane, so we can see the normal public's reaction's, concern's and feed back as we want it to be easy to use for everyone.

So if you would like to be apart of this test please post below and I will get in contact with you as the time draw's closer.

All Beta tester's will be rewarded for there time and effort with what we are calling EPT (exchange profit token). Basically there will be a fix amount , and every week,fortnight or month (yet to be determined) each token will be paid a % of the profit pool . These token's can be traded on the exchange like any other market and there will be an opportunity for the general public to get them thru that market.

So please support us , so that we can support the wider crypto community, to help make a safe,secure and alway's developing exchange platform for all!!


I am interested in the beta, i'm currently using Coinigy, Poloniex, bitfinex, and Coinbases GDAX I also still use Bittrex, Bitfonex...It depends on my mood to be honest, all exchanges have there Pro's and Con's.

Yes I agree , hence me asking for community input, to try and have more Pro's and less Con's !!

So are you still gonna open a centralized exchange, where real decentralized ones are already waiting in the wings?

There will always be a place for exchanges , if they be centralized or decentralized, people will use both. Some people feel comfortable with what they know. Yes groups are working on decentralized exchanges , but at the moment they still need human checks and balances , they will evolve as will normal exchanges . I am looking at one market , but that is not to say that as it evolves move's wont be made down those lines in the future . As it is at the moment and like i said this has been in the works for nearly 2 years , I am creating a exchange that is functional,easy to use and understand and also asking for input from the community in what they would like to see and have integrated to add to there use of the platform, like any site should do for the benefit of there user's!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 58786.64
ETH 2309.42
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49