Modern Day Romances and Feminism

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey guys

The Perception
More and more these days I am noticing that there is so much confusion surrounding what feminism actually is and also how this contributes to how dating and romances work these days. Firstly I am proud to say I am a feminist, I believe that woman can also be successful. I believe that you don't have to be a stay at home mom but at the same time you can be if you want to. I believe that woman are strong and that we can accomplish anything men can. Now that's something most woman would agree with. The problem is that these days feminism is seen as this massive cult that woman are trying to claim they are better than men and through this people tend to avoid or even make fun of feminists. When I mention feminism to both male and female, many picture these woman that walk around topless because 'men can' or these woman that see men as lesser beings or incapable. This idea of feminism changes so many opinions that people would rather avoid the topic completely.

The reality
When I see feminism I see woman that march for Anti-rape causes, I see woman that are not afraid to voice their opinions. But I also see, not expecting men to pay for all the dates, contributing to household bills, treating everyone as equal. Many woman like to claim feminism when it comes to work but not when it comes to dating. I feel that if you want to claim you're a feminist then you need to treat everyone equal and that's what I don't see often. If you expect support and love from your man you need to also give it. And he can't expect support and love from you if he doesn't give it. We as humans are so busy thinking about our own needs or perceptions we need to start having a more open mind. Yes woman are strong but so are men. Yes men can succeed in a working environment but so can men. Instead of spending so much time fighting against each other why don't we build together? I believe that men and woman need each other to grow and learn and putting each other down or having these sexist stereotypes is not the way to do it.

I just felt the need to share my opinions on this, feel free to comment if you agree or disagree :)


I agree in principle with the notion that women can't expect equality in the workplace and at the same time expect to be placed on a pedestal when it comes to dating and romantic relationships. However, you said that, "if you expect support and love from your man you need to also give it." Perhaps some women expect men to show support and love in an economic fashion, and plan to reciprocate in other ways?

Men and women are equals, but they are not necessarily the same.

I agree completely with your statement and note in my comment that I dont state how the love and support is given back as it may not be in the same manner it was given 😊