Critical Update! Abusers will be punished!

in #steemit6 years ago

A few users thought they could game our system. They figured out a way to delegate the majority of their Steem Power away from their account signed up with us and still get credit for this. One particular user @suggeelson we have to call out personally! They asked us to endorse them for witness months ago which we did, only to violate our trust by delegating 3,993.093 or their total 4,231.898 SP! They were gaining credit for nearly 4,000 SP they were not giving back to the pool! This is why you may notice a slight drop in the total pool's SP.

Thanks to our critical update we now are able to determine when a user is delegating our their SP and NOT credit them for it.

EVERY user who was gaming us will be dropped to 0 or 1 Shadow Rank! Those who SHOULD have told us and known better will go to 0 rank.

IF you are effected and believe you were unfairly penalized you may either power up your account (or revoke your delegated SP) OR you must plead your case to us and we will determine what the fate will be.

Thank you to all the GREAT steemians and casters who DID NOT try to abuse our system. We work together to learn and earn! ANY user that takes more than their fair share is not in this system for the right reason and is not welcome with us!

Thank you to everyone who helped identify and track these things down!

PS. You know who you are, you know what you did, you run a witness and should have told us this was going on. We will not support abusers! Play fair or leave!


So I just saw this Post and I just want to be Upfront and say this that I currently have 1975 SP of which 1374 SP has been delegated to communities like Qurator, Silvergoldbot and some other plus I have delegated around 250 SP to a friend of mine. To get him started.

But I also took a lease of about 36000 SP making my total SP at 37000 SP.

@shadowbot I hope I am not counted as an Abuser.

Not even remotely close! We know there was a bug, the big time abusers had a network of accounts and were delegating out their SP while getting credit for 99 of every 100 SP they had. We are not in the game of punishing anyone, we simply had to remove this "network" of abuse that was brought to our attention and patch the system to ensure it can never happen again! Thanks for being such a great steemian and caster!

I do enjoy shadowbot program a lot apart from the Upvotes I am happy to get nice Curation rewards too.

That is the reason that I am a Shadow Caster.

Glad you appreciate the system! We work hard to make everything better every day for us all! If you miss a week or even a few days our system ensures you are still earning just by up voting automatically. Our next release is going to open up a whole range of features and control to our members that will completely change the playing field!

I removed my account from shadow bot and still my account is being used by you guys to upvote posts, please stop this

still not working

Dashboard is broken votes are still being cast we will have our new release out asap! Everyone will see the huge advantages on this next release!

Very strong words like - abusers.
First, i publish 1 or 2 articles in a week some weeks less.
Second, i don't have a problem to remove my account i do not need this upvotes as well.
Also, you can contact me at discord to discuss it before blaming me.
I promote this system and join it because i love it not because i want to profit i have enough money and profit from other sources ... so i wish you good luck and good bye folks.

Please explain to the public why you delegate over 90% of your SP away as a witness and have effectively not even enough to make fractional votes? What Witness doesn't have at least 1,000 SP built up after 7 months (since you joined).. WHERE do you send all your funds? You are not supporting US or the Steem community in our eyes and after detection by multiple users we had no choice. If you believe we are wrong then simply answer the question of why you delegate so much of your SP away when you should be using it for OUR pool (if you want to be part of it). Pool Priority is meant to benefit those who work hard and invest back into OUR pool. We all work together not to up vote someone FAR more than they should have gotten.AS a witness we voted for you should have been defending yourself all along and talking to us about this. So to conclude, PLEASE answer why you delegate almost all your Steem Power away and are a witness. Most witnesses have over 100,000 Steem Power you barely have 4,000 and delegate most of it away.. Please explain that to OUR community here publicly.

I stopped my server because I realized I could not change anything in the current system even if I wanted to.
You obviously have no idea how much a 80 rank witness earn it,if you think is thousands of sp power you are fools ...

I do not know what it is bad to delegate your power in case I'm not active

Do not try to make me a crook or a sacrificial lamb, unless you have programmed your things properly is your problem, I do not claim anything. Fix your bugs do not let this happen programmatically and tell current people not to do it.

If I wanted to exploit the system I would have to post posts every day and not 2-3 weeks or less.

This delegation is from the last 2 months I have personally worked ranked for these 8 months since I joined the shadow bot.

There is nothing more to go into a discussion with you, You act impulsively without contacting me. Personally, I do not need you so I wish you success if you can manage your system and make it better, i like your idea but your performance is lame.

As a witness we expect you to be held to a higher standard. You obviously have no interest in being one so we corrected your account after supporting you for so long. If you want to leave after our community rewarded you so highly for so long that is your choice but if you really support your fellow steemians and casters you would have announced replies to this:

They tagged you yet you did not reply to them..

IF you were a real Shadow Caster, and not active you would earn like @grandpawhale 100% powered up and earning curation rewards. You played the system and got caught by multiple users. You chose not to respond to accusations made against you until we made an entire post about it.

Try is our discord. (I edited this link with a working link.)

@jonbit the discord has expired, i need to talk to someone to get clarity. My 100 % votes are going out whereas I am receiving null for the last few weeks

And what about with upvotes? I commented your previous post that I haven't received any valuable upvote from your side for weeks but you're still using (rather wasting) my 100% voting power for such a 'remarkable' two-sentence post like this. No reply.

You had a great idea but the current situation makes me think. I joined you four month ago, and I hardly get anything back, although I post every single day.

To be honest those punishment seem slight. But fair enough

Banning them takes nothing from them. Dropping them to 0 rank means they literally can't earn anything since 0 times anything is 0. Their Shadow Rank at 0 forces them to give back to the pool while literally getting NO votes. They can either leave or clean up their act and earn back some rank over time!

Bravo! Fair system is best for everyone.

@shadowbot, guys having problems for a loonngg time now! Shadowbot not upvoting regularly on my behalf, nor am I receiving upvotes. Please could you guys reply? Don't know what's happening here

@shadowbot I have noticed another concern, my 100 % upvotes are going out from my shadowbot account, whereas I am hardly receiving any...Last few days i received only 2 or 3 upvotes at 3.3%, i do not seing any scope to continue further with Shadowbot.

is delegating forbiden or delegate most of sp is forbiden. I delegate 2 people from my community to support them and its not much. You need to say a number like %20 and more or something. Because delegating to someone is not always for abusing you know. But its good to hear a protection for abusers. Thanks for that.

I agree with @zoltarian. It is not only for abuse reasons that someone delegates. I also delegate, but it is OK for me to have upvotes after the remaining SP that I have and I can contribute you folks with. But to have 0 shadow rank? well,​ it seems a bit cruel... I am with @shadowbot for a long time and I really like it, I had and still have absolutely NO intention to abuse it.

We so far have only identified 1 user that we feel abused our system. As a witness delegating away the majority of their Steem Power it felt right to call that to attention. Why should someone who effectively has delegated 90%+ of their SP to "game the system" not be punished? We are VERY cautious to do this that is why it takes so long to in the first place, false punishment is not our goal! Our goal is identifying those who attempt to abuse us. If you delegated 100 SP of your say total 10,000 that is not something we even would dream of being trying to abuse us. IF however you delegated 9,850 away what are we supposed to think when you KNOW you are getting rewarded for the full amount? If you wanted to delegate all your SP away you should know you are cheating our system.

A solution can be in my opinion to reward everybody after the ACTUAL SP (remaining after delegations) and not after the total SP. This way this type of abuse is cleared out.

That is the design from day 1. Your REAL effective usable SP is what should have been counted. An oversight in our system allowed users to abuse this and effectively send more than 90% of their SP away to others while still getting credit for the total amount with us. This was NEVER meant by design and MOST users never tried to do this. It was not until a few members decided to delegate 90%+ of their SP away and other members noticed and reported it to us that we fixed it. This is patched, and can not happen again, HOWEVER, we feel as a witness doing this to us, it was not a mistake. They KNEW they were abusing the system and got caught doing it.

All right, this system is fair in my opinion.

Delegating SP is fine, but when you run a witness and delegate over 90% of your SP away having less than 500 effective SP you should not be rewarded. Our system had a bug and a few users were intentionally abusing that. Those who were will be detected and dealt with.

Thanks for the answer. That was a relief. I'am using shadowbot more than 2 months now and love it. But I've got upset when I saw that abusers and it's good to hear everyone will take what they deserve.

@zoltarian lately a lot changed in shadowbot and hardly it put any impact. My 100 % voting are going out to many accounts, whereas I am receiving null, hardly 2 -3 upvotes ocassionally

I can see in casters there is lots of people with less than 30 SP and more than 5 pool priority. I think thats another problem. We need to think about that too.

@shadowbot I wanna talk with some owner about this problem . You can find me in discord ''Beck" . if you want to join discord and chat with us. Remember to use your steemit name, you can change it when you get in the Shadowbot server.

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