Some common misconceptions of steemit
Some common mistakes We do on steemit.
Hello there my friends! Here I got some research on steemit to present before you all.
Steemit is extremely complex platform for new user and as I think that this complexion remain with experts too....
Ok! So lets start it....
- Upvote
This is a common misconception on steemit that their votes, are solely responsible for reward value.But, friends, as per the research work I have done this week,It is not entirely true.
Second things is that,On steemit,the rewards doesn't update instantly.So,if we either vote or refresh the page these factor can appear correctly.
It is also important here....
a. Only those votes will appear which was given before we refresh.For seeing new votes. We have to refresh it again.
b. The STEEMIT price keep on varying.I am researching more about it.
2.Undo your own votes
Yes! This was cinematic for me! If you are a new user as I am ,you should knag this, statement ,that once ,you voted,that voting power is gone.You can't undo it.
So, be careful when you vote.
Strictly speaking that it is not that if we vote the trending article we will get good handsome.No! This assumption is false.So, think a bit....
3.paying out
OK! On steemit when investigated I found that the author will receive different amounts then what's appears in his dashboard.
Reality,is that author ,get paid to approximately 80%of visible amount.Here,the popularity play the role.
The more popular the author ,the higher portion of reward usually goes in their hand.
Remaining will be distributed to curator,as it is mentioned in our welcome page.
4..Editing your content
Yes! I admit this.As,a new user, here I done mistake.Steemit has entangled blockchain network.So, remember once your data is saved, it remain here permanently.
In fact a single word, is permanent.
Strictly, saying once, published, It remain forever.So,manage your words, thumbnails, think completely and recheck it twice before you submit a post.
Many people,think that this variable represent, user's content quality and popularity.But, this is not 100%true.
Reputation exclusively represent how much reward a certain user has received.Whatever,the reason may have been.
We can't increase our reputation by voting on our own content.
So, hope this will help you all. These are certain problem that I am facing ,so might be you too.So,I think that we should know about it.I was planning for a short fictious story,but it appears before that.OK! No, problem and once again thanks for your support,
Keep on loving....And keep on sharing......