Crypto Prophet meets Crypto Rich - Steemit as a career

in #steemit6 years ago

10 Tips to be Successful.png

Sometimes I think about the last few months in the Steemit community and I can not believe how much progress I have made in my professional life thanks to it. If back in December of last year someone would have told me that thanks to Steemit I would be a Community Manager for a serious company in Switzerland, would also be part of a great project as SmartSteem, meet great aliked minded friends like @felander who would ask me to help out setting up a crypto Association in Zug, ... and many more anecdotes (Check about @cryptoworldzug)

Well, I would have said "dream on", but it actually happened, many doors opened thanks to start blogging about my passion, finance and cryptos. There is a cliche phrase which says that to bring success to your life, you just need to do what you love the most.

I think that is the key element of my fast-paced story here in Steemit, from 0 to 100 in just a few months. I am not yet a Witness, I still have a lot of work to do, even more when talking about my Steemit followers, I have yet nor reached the 1000 mark. I have done it yes in Twitter, having a dormant account there, which I accidentally re-opened when Steem was on an outage of SP (yes, that annoying message of your Steem Bandwith is too low to post), now I have a small community of 1.7K following my Twitter @foxxrex account. Still, I can not compare to great people in the community with thousands of followers.

It seems like one year ago when I was wishing for a 0,01 STU up vote on one of my Posts, recently I have appeared many times in the Trending page and received really nice organic up votes. To out things in perspective, this happened just in December 2017, less than six months later it is a completely different story.
Yes, I will not lie, there is an investment part into it which is needed to make it a little faster, otherwise it would have taken forever.

When I accepted the role as Community Manager for Steemit for @smartcontainers I have not foreseen the many doors it would have opened. From meeting a great team of inventors, marketers and IT within the company to be next to important people from the Crypto Valley community in Switzerland (Zug).

People keep knocking on my door asking for help, and I will not say no until I have physically no more time to do it in a good fashion. But is like an addiction, Steemit made me realise that doing what you love the most is the most satisfying way of spending your time. Even though I do not make enough money to resign to my normal job, I am making a small side money which is giving me a foundation to maybe support other hobbies, reinvest into other crypto projects, etc. But, who knows, maybe sooner than later I will let you all know that I took the decision of being a full-time crypto entrepreneur or work for a Blockchain company in the Valley.

The way we live through this experience is completely different for each of us, not making any more or less valid. We all see success in a different way, and sometimes is enough to be happy with small accomplishments.

One of the last persons I have met while going down this path was @cryptorich a great Youtuber who is chasing the best stories on the crypto space and uploading great interviews and videos on his YouTube channel. He made an interview to Richard Ettl, Ceo of @SmartContainers, which I liked a lot, and while discussing about it on Telegram, he asked me if I was interested in doing an interview to further discuss about the ICO.

I said yes, just like I like to do, even when doubt and fear to make the ridiculous could be clouding my mind. As I love this Steem blockchain project I suggested him to start trying DTube and Steemit, which he accepted (now just waiting to have his account approved).

I hope you like our video, and please start following him on YouTube, and why not be ready to support him with many up votes when he joins our community.

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Let's be honest, not all of us will make it to the top, but doing what you really like will eventually put you in a better circumstance than before. You may not be able to resign to that hated 9 to 5 office job, but at least it will be a new reason to wake up full of energy. I believe personally, that more than the money it could bring, the latter is the best reason to invest your time into Steemit. But, please do it only if you want to be part of a community, no place for lonely wolfs here, that's the truth. Even a successful guy like @therealwolf know that there is no working product without a team to support your endeavours.

Blockchain is bringing a new era for many people, from low income people in Africa making a living out of small up votes, to Whales making unthinkable passive income out of the platform, to poets, graphic artists, etc. There is room for everyone, just visualise it and work for it. Believe me, is possible.

It's being a while I do not write about my Steemit path, I have been quite busy, imagine my last post was eight days ago, and I do not want to pass three days without making a new post.

So, keep it up, head up and continue writing and improving your material over here. Most of all, do not forget to visualise where you want to be by being here, as the image above, your mind works as a huge magnet, calling to the Universe to work with you and make your goals come true.



Blockchain Evangelist - Blogger


"I believe Blockchain technology will bring a new era of wealth, justice and transparency to mankind"


Awesome...everyone who take steemit seriously would definitely be influence by it. May i say congratulations to y' for your new role as a community leader... When we love what we do and keep doing it rightly doors unexpected would open up. There is no magic in success, its all about what y' give in...which y' would receive too. Thanks, enjoyed your post

Can not be more in agree with what you say Peter. Indeed, only good things can come back when we do the things with love and passion. Thanks for your comment!

Same here, thanks...appreciate your reply. You awesome...

Great to hear that all is working out for you in your quest to become more than just a blogger and now have way more interesting things on your life path due to steemit. Even if you think you might not make it to the top, I say that would depend on what you consider the top to be. I see you as reaching far higher than most on steemit, since most steemians just post and make great friends, but you get hired by any company to work for them, which to me would say that you are on your way somewhere others are not.

Keep up the good work and thank you for your post, It can give others a reason to keep posting and hope that they too can move up in the world if they apply themselves.

Thanks a lot for your kind words, indeed is a matter of perspective as everything in life. I am quite happy with what I have achieved so far and look for even more reasons to keep working here in the community.

Great post. I hope to do more with this platform myself. It's a great opportunity.

I will just encorage you to keep posting and improving, only good things can come out of persistance (unless you persist spamming like some other people hehe)! Cheers and the best of luck!

well bro after reading your post i am quiet satisfied with steemit community. your achievements encourage me as well. last night i decided to quit this platfotm, i am trying to share quality artical and post beside that i am laking behind.

This post is great tonic for me and hopefully will continue my jouney with steemit. I am much obliged to you for sharing this gorgeous post

well wishes for you and your family

stay blessed

Hi, there love, sorry for the late reply, I was actually on holidays while writing this. I am more than happy that my post helped you out to put your morale up, that was one of my goals, to open-up to the community and show them that is indeed possible to make a difference in here.

Keep posting about your passions and I wish you all the best!

i am much obliged for honor and appreciation from your side. I would like to ask one question please. Randomly I am sharing Post but response is much weaker then I expect. What is the reason behind it?

@santana33 Great post! Steemit is the place to be! Wishing you much more greater success :D - @splendorhub

Thanks nora for your kind words, indeed Steemit is a great place to be, I just hope for the best for all of us and this great platform!

Excelente e inspirador post amigo @santana33 Una de las cosas que más llamó mi atención de esta plataforma, es que el crecimiento se da en equipo. Me alegro que usted lo esté logrando y que además comparta su experiencia. ¡Que sigan lloviendo las bendiciones para su vida! Saludos desde Venezuela.

Muchisimas gracias Erik, un gran cariño a la comunidad Venezolana, en si una de las primeras personas que contacte por aqui ha sido @venuss23 de Venezuela, excelente persona y poeta.

Gracias por tu comentario, saludos!

¡Gracias a ti! Saludos retornados...

Obsolutely right sir @santana33, thanks a lot. This is very inpiring me be better again in writing next time. Excuse me to reblog. Keep sharing us. God Bless you.

Your enthusiasm and gratefulness to Steemit and the community flow in your post @santana33. Glad that Steemit has helped you in many big ways.

This post, with over $50.00 in bidbot payouts, has received votes from the following:

minnowbooster payout in the amount of $84 STU, $177 USD.

For a total calculated bidbot upvote value of $84 STU, $177 USD before curation, with approx. $21 USD curation being earned by the bidbots.

This information is being presented in the interest of transparency on our platform @santana33 and is by no means a judgement of your work.

Hello, Great post! Very interesting to have discovered your journey on the platform. I wish you a lot of success for the future!

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