Help Noob @molypap Fix Her Broken Camera

in #steemit7 years ago

A big hello to all those Steemit people reading! May you have a great weekend! 

This post is coming out in order to introduce you to a newcomer from Thessaloniki (μου, μεγάλη φτωχομάνα), a cool καρντάση (kar-da-si, a Greek word for fellow, used in Northern Greece mostly) who recently joined the platform thanks to @dimitrisp...


Aimilia is currently unemployed (you don't say, an unemployed Greek? They are really hard to find these days)

Aimilia was introduced to Steemit as an alternative to make her free time "pay off" (once her posts reach "pay out").

Aimilia has a hobby...

She loves photography! 

And here comes the bummer:

Her camera is broken! ☹

Image from:

So, I figured we could help her a little fix it sooner than she expected and have her post her new photos on Steemit. This post is for her as all reward SBDs will be sent to her wallet. Your vote would be much appreciated, guys! 

If she can do this with her smartphone:

Image credits: @molypap (Awaiting the storm...)

Imagine what she can do when she has a camera!

PS: I don't really care if this seems like begging and picking up the crumbs. If you can and feel like helping, your upvote, resteem, comment or extra tip to @molypap is welcome! If you don't on the other hand, that is still cool!

Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!


We left the camera at a repair store, the owner said it is a very good camera and it is a shame it needs a repair. Anyway, he will call tomorrow after thoroughly checking the camera and we will know the cost of the repair :)

Here's an update to the story:
Thank you all of you who donated (with your upvotes and your STEEM/SBD)!

ε οχι και begging ρε Ruthie....πραξη ανιδιοτελειας καθαρη...πρωτα απ'ολα μπραβο που το σκεφτηκες.... ποιος θα το σκεφτοταν??...εγω παντως οχι.... και υστερα ακομα περισσοτερα μπραβο που ασχοληθηκες προκειμενου να συμβαλλεις στο να λυθει ενα προβληματακι γρηγοροτερα.... μπραβο γαμωτο ... αν μπορουσαμε να το κανουμε ολοι, πολλα πραγματα θα ηταν διαφορετικα στην Ελλαδα μας... ξεχασαμε να κοιταμε διπλα μας...κοιταμε μονο τα δικα μας
...τωρα για τον @trumpman τι να πω..χαχαχαχαα.. αδερφε εχω ενα κιλο πατατες Νευροκοπιου....πρωτο πραμα....που να σου τις στειλω...αχαχαχαχααα

Ευχαριστω! Ειπαμε να βοηθησουμε το κοριτσι μας, μιας και δεν εχει δουλεια, τουλαχιστον να ασχοληθει με το χομπι της. Ισως η φωτογραφια να τη βοηθησει κι οικονομικα καπως... Εγω πηρα μηχανη χαρη στο Steemit, αρα και η Αιμιλια μπορει να φτιαξει τη δικη της χαρη σ' αυτο! :)

Καλα ο @trumpman ειναι καφριλοθεουλης, γι' αυτο τον αγαπαμε! <3

σε στελνω μύνημα με διευθυνση :D

Though I don't know @molypap, but I felt a need to send some tips to her wallet to help out too (which I've done already).
We can all do the same - that's what family do.
I've also resteemed this post for visibility

Sammy, you are wonderful!!! :D

Thank you so much!

I'm a lover of photography, that's one....
She's done something this great with her smartphone, that's two....
She's unemployed, three....
..and then, my friend think she needs my help :blush:...

I should be on my way to her wallet now, :P

Thank you very much @pearlumie!! You have such a generous and kind heart!

You have such a kind heart and this a good cause, so I will give my meagre vote, but I have a feeling it will all come together and pay off. That is what i love about steemit currently (and I hope it stays that way) is that it is like a small town where people look out for one another and if a problem needs to be solved we can turn to one another instead of wondering why doesn't the world just work for me :)

I hope a new camera is soon affordable!

Once we helped some fellow Greek Steemians save their house from the bank, we were quick and well-organised and managed to raise the money they needed (I think it was about 1000 euros, a little more than 1000 $). I think fixing a camera will be a lot easier ;)
It is amazing what this place can do as long as its people use it for a good cause. Steemit is a medium, it can be used either for good or bad depending on what we do with it. I choose to use it for good :D

απο την πρώτη μερα που σας γνώρισα κατάλαβα οτι είστε ψυχουλες κι εσυ κι ο @trumpman...
μακαρι να μαζέψεις πολλά..

Μακαρι για να την ξαλαφρωσουμε λιγο την κοπελα! Καλη μας Κυριακη, Νικο! :)

μακάρι... καλό μεσημέρι

Now in every photo that @molypap will make with a refurbished camera will be a part of us. Long live Steemit !!!

And does the Greek economy not settle things? In my news, they say that everything is fine in Greece.

Yeap! Every click will be partly thanks to Steemit! :)

Hmm, I doubt things are as fine as they say... :P

Another couple of the same challenge from people like you. And Aimilia will become a happy owner of a new camera)))

"If she can do this with her smartphone:"

Pffffff, that's nothing. I can produce similar results with a potato. Too bad my potato is broken too :(

Potato fundraiser for @trumpman!

You can do everything with a potato! You are a Potato God!

The rest of us, common mortal beings, rely on technological equipment...

French fry patato it suits best for his needs!!!

Perhaps @trumpman meant potato puree? )

Hi @ruth-girl! Apart from my upvote which doesn't worth much at this moment of time, I am sending you 2 STEEM as well just as a helping hand for Aimilia. 😊

Hello @star-vc!! Thank you so much for your help! I am sure she will get all shy and overwhelmed by the support we are getting here!!
Thank you once again!

You did a very great job!! In today's time mostly nobody shows interest in helping the needy which I feel is really sad. But god has created you beautiful both from appearance as well as heart!! I really appreciate it. ♥

It's always a pleasure for me to help others! In my place also I donate my 30% of the earnings from #Steemit to the orphanage!! Helping others always provide me strength and peace of mind and I am sure it will do the same for you too!! 😇

There are many great initiatives even here, as some people are far more giving. But when a friend is in need, I will surely help out :)

That is a wonderful gesture, @star-vc!!! Hats off to you for that!!! I believe karma, God, life, fate, call it whatever you wish, will bring this good back to you! ☺☺

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