RE: If Steemit No Longer Allowed Bots, Would the Price of Steem and SBD Tank?
Hey buddy, I appreciate your tips, all very good tips. I really don't mean to be negative, sometimes I'm frustrated but honestly today it was more in good fun than anything else. I've really been enjoying @yallapapi posts which are funny and critical of Steemit and that has been kind of an inspiration for some of these posts. Oddly enough the more I critique Steemit the more engagement my posts get and honeslty from the very start its been that way. I'm never going to make big money doing it because these posts don't cater to whales but I think as the upvotes and comments show I'm expressing the frustations of the masses and to some extent at the end of the day without us the whales have no power if the platform is dead so they should keep that in mind.
I completely understand I could put a lot more effort into Steemit, learning the inner workings, making more connections, spending more time on formatting and like you said having kind of my own custom page break like you and @stackin and many others have.
I also realize it's not impossible for someone to make their mark on here. @stackin started around the same time as me and has just killed it on here. You've always been great but especially recently have been making a ton of traction on here so to some extent it is whining and the people who really make their mark on here can and do have succeess like you @kenanqhd and @stackin. That said there is some legitimacy to the complaints.
Anyhow, always thoughtful commentary from you I really do appreciate it and I am going to go ahead and make my own custom page break. What did you do to make yours?
@yallapapi can be critical of Steemit, but to me the novelty has worn off. I do like to read his posts, but I don't pay as much attention to him like before.
I made my footer just using canva. You can choose the dimensions you want and then try and and see what layouts you like. Once you make it and it looks nice when you post it on Steemit/Busy, then you can save the URL link for the picture in a text file on your computer so that whenever you make a post, you can open the text file, copy and paste the link again and voila.
@amritadeva wrote a post here about making a logo, footer and page break. This is her page break and I think it is really nice. It suits her style.

You could probably make it on Canva. I haven't made my own page break yet but I will probably make one today.