Taking Risks In Life-Why Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone Is The Only Option To Fulfil Your Potential

in #steemit6 years ago

Sometimes in life you have to take a punt, Im not for one second advocating risks that put yourself or your family in harm's way, and of course, they need to be thoroughly thought through. What I am saying is that sometimes we hold ourselves back, we get in our own way so to speak. We prevent ourselves from going after our dreams or living in line with our true purpose through fear.

I love that old saying 'nothing ever grows in your comfort zone' because it is so true. We have this false idea of safety that we have been indoctrinated with since school in that there is only one way to live life. We must get good grades, then a degree, then get married, a mortgage, 2 kids and a picket fence, and then you die. This is what is sold to us as a 'safe life' and one where we will be accepted by the rest of the herd as being 'successful'.

In reality, nothing could be further from the truth because all you're basically doing is going along with societies version of success. It's not everybody's dream to want to do these things however if it's yours then fine. What I am saying is that if everyone was truly honest with themselves then he or she might not want to get married, have kids, or work a 9-5 corporate job because its just 'the thing risks4.jpgrisks3.jpg
Sometimes in life you have to take a punt, Im not for one second advocating risks that put yourself or your family in harm's way, and of course, they need to be thoroughly thought through. What I am saying is that sometimes we hold ourselves back, we get in our own way so to speak. We prevent ourselves from going after our dreams or living in line with our true purpose through fear.

I love that old saying 'nothing ever grows in your comfort zone' because it is so true. We have this false idea of safety that we have been indoctrinated with since school in that there is only one way to live life. We must get good grades, then a degree, then get married, a mortgage, 2 kids and a picket fence, and then you die. This is what is sold to us as a 'safe life' and one where we will be accepted by the rest of the herd as being 'successful'.

In reality, nothing could be further from the truth because all you're basically doing is going along with societies version of success. It's not everybody's dream to want to do these things however if it's yours then fine. What I am saying is that if everyone was truly honest with themselves then he or she might not want to get married, have kids, or work a 9-5 corporate job because its just 'the thing risks.jpeg
we follow our hearts desires then the Universe will offer support to us. Sometimes we just have to take the plunge and help ourselves make that first step. Life passes by extremely fast, and in my view, a life half lived is a waste. I don't have many fears, but one I do have is lying on my death bed with regrets. I don't want to be there thinking I should've written that book, made peace with that person, or lived abroad. That scares me more than anything at all.

I can only speak from my own experience in that if I hadn't one day just given up my old life back in Essex, I wouldn't have moved to London, and I then probably wouldn't be living in Asia. I would more than likely still be there now. We have many different timelines we can shift to at any given moment, some move us more in alignment with our truth and purpose, others further away. It's about recognizing these gateway portals and walking through them without fear.

It's about developing trust that if you follow your truth then the Universe will have your back. At the very least if things don't work out then you can hold your head up high and say that you gave it your very best shot! That is the minimum anyone should ask of themselves. Tune in with your intuition and inner knowing, what is it do you really want and need right now? Is it a new job, a change of location, do you need to heal? Then take the appropriate action to set the wheels in motion.

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