
One of my biggest problems is when an account posts the same comment "Followed and Upvoted", on countless posts, but when you look at each of the posts, you don't see the upvote, and you don't see the follow.

These are the users who I want to seriously punish. Because I'm finding that so many new users are falling for this "trick" and upvoting the Spam comment, and actually following this Spammer!

We need to band together and be more aware of those who are commenting and voting on our posts. I know that it's exciting to see a comment, and someone praising your content. But.. BE SURE THAT IT'S TRUTHFUL!

Advocating "Flags" is one thing, but I think the most important thing we need to advocate is Self-Awareness of your own content and those who are visiting your content.

If everyone managed their own blog/comments as intently as they focused on earning rewards, Steemit would be a much more Original and Spam-Free Place!

Oh man. Yep. Those types definitely are asked to be flagged into oblivion. No rewards for outright lying.

I'm an example , I mistake doing this error that I think 99% are doing , and thanks to @rok-sivante all of us must understand the STEEMIT rule : BE ORIGINAL ,don't SCAM , post QUALITY posts , and all of us we'll be a big special community : a STEEMIT COMMUNITY :)

Thank you @rok-sivante

Bring value, Bring value, Bring value :)

That's the name of the game. 😎

Hahaha I've seen that all too many times on here. I notice that you have a killer reputation, and I assume that's why they were dropped so low with your flag. Each point up is 10x more upvotes than the last reputation score.

Also, IMO they deserve it.

It's a tough call sometimes. (Deserving it.)

As the case with this story, the kid was quick to humbly his acknowledge his error and change course, respectfully. Thus, deserving of leniency. I wouldn't want to hit him that hard, when he recognized he was out of line and communicates that he is committed to righting his wrongs.

Though for other cases, where it's not even clear whether there is a real, conscious, intelligent human behind the account - that it's more likely run by a bot dishing out straight bullshit, than yeah, time to lay the heavy hand because it's outright abuse and there's no way of arguing it.

Discernment is essential to assess what's appropriate in each individual case.

I think first what need to do is need to define inappropriate activities in very detail to avoid any unfair situation

I second that. So the question is.. Are these clear expectations presented to every newcomer, or are we expecting them to actively seek out "keepers of the code"? Those who do are desirable but what is the (or where is the..) one page that we are all on - from which to express ourselves, share and engage? I guess a rebuttal question might be.. And with what we have to work with.. do we need one?

Mostly the wild west. Community sets it's own norms. You'll get yelled at if you are too far out of mainstream.

But there is a lot of courtesy for extreme wild positions without a lot of yelling, so the community is in general fairly tolerant of all sorts of behaviors and opinions.

Except "raping the rewards pool". LOL. That is always a touchy subject. With no commonly agreed definition,

The kind of "spam" comments you speak of are the very things people do in conversations in real life everyday, and in either case they are annoying.

Someone asks you 'Do you like my dress?' or 'What do you think of...(insert movie, tv show, etc.)' and people say something like "Yeah, it's great." or "It's good." Saying a meaningless "I love you." is the worst. If you haven't shown the person any practical love, it's just like spam that's been sitting in the sun for a week.

People have meaningless "spam" conversations all day long, and nobody gets upset. Don't get me wrong! I am an introvert, one who appreciates the idea that when one speaks, it should always be a meaningful comment

My point is that it seems to be a universal bad habit that we all fall back on sometimes. I don't like it either! Also, one of my personal pet peaves is what I call the "tin-can" post. This is a post that is over 80% self-promoting links and crypto addresses. Maybe it's just me, but that seems even more tacky than a trite, meaningless comment, or a beggar's "upvote me"--the type I hear in everyday conversation--the "white noise".

I love you, I love you too ... and Your beautiful inside and out. makes me want to puke ... ALL Fakebook sheeple.

You are so right that it is important to flag this stuff, even if it sometimes feels weird to do so. The worst case scenario is for a spam commenter to actually profit from doing it - that means Steem rewards are being allocated to spam, which jeopardizes the whole system...

We gotta work together to keep this place moving. Well said.

It felt weird for me too until I realized that there was only so much Steem available and that their spam was hindering my progress as it was taking stuff away from my posts.

I'm grateful to those of you educating new users like myself on this! Steemit takes a desire for community, and i think because of the older users there are many available posts to teach us. In my first few days I left spamy comments like "nice post! Followed." and was able to correct my behavior before I annoyed anyone too much- luckily!

This is a great place, with plenty of incentives to be genuine :)

Your feedback is appreciated. Great to know stuff like this is still serving those newer to the platform.

You might find some gold in this curated piece - a lot of content, though a pretty thorough rundown to help shorten the learning curve and navigate the maze with some fundamental principles to up one'/ game here:

The Dirty Dozen: My Top 12 Most HIGHLY Recommended Posts For Steemit Noobs To Accelerate Your Success...


I raised this problem 5 days ago. Beside just "nice photo, please follow my" I started to get a shit like under giraffe photo:
@allfabeta I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth

@allfabeta This demands somewhat more time and energy to Consider in excess of. Wonderful you provide it from a unique angle. Mhhh not really easy... and it had been previously Very hard. Many thanks for allow us to Consider.

and I start to flag these.

To repeat from another comment reply above: I'd suggest adding a comment when you flag letting the user know why.

Otherwise, the offender may remain clueless. Best give them a heads up to make sure they realize the consequences of their actions.


thank you for the suggestion. I'll put my comments with explanations why

Cool Rok i hear ya !

and yes agreed with all above :) lets not spoil this beautiful social media with dumb comments like u said above :)


we are stronger together !

lets not spoil this beautiful social media with dumb comments like u said above :)

So your post in bold and headline fonts is not spoiling the post? Your stupid meme is not spoiling the post? I mean really what does that meme have to do with this post at all?


Do that before u write dumb comment like that .. and


Thank you for that oh so kind and wonderful comment.

seeing more thoughtful, courteous, genuine, engaged, personable comments in the dialogue rather than the weed-like bullshit described above that's been running rampant lately.

have a pleasant day.

U still didn't resteemed tho!

Nope and I am not going to. If you think I do not agree with the post just because I did not do as commanded:

If you agree, resteem this.

You are wrong. My blog is my blog, Not you nor any other poster is going to tell me what to resteem, who to follow, nor who to like. I am an Individual, and I will do as I see fit. I will not be made a lemming by anyone. I am not an in crowd follower. I follow what I want to follow, I read what I want to read, and no one tells me I must do something. You are free to follow, post and do as you want. As am I.

im not telling you what to do, what bothers me is that u trying to be smart under my comment and tell me what to do and how i should write my comment.. u see where is this going... ur not showing support for Rok and his work ur just one of those smart a$$es who is trying to prove his point..telling me that my comment is spam because i put giff inside and put bold latter..

And that is the problem trying to define Spam. I guess we just need to agree to disagree.

I posted a video last week and the comment was "nice writeup" -_-

We definitely need to do something about this. We don't want newcomers to come here and see this place as spamland. We don't want them to think that it's the right way to be good at Steemit too.

Even if/when comments like that aren't spam - which surely is sometimes the case - it's really not adding much anything of value to the dialogue.

Maybe it's just my personal opinion, but why comment anything at all if it doesn't say something more than such a generic acknowledgement. Why is it a nice writeup? What about it do they like? What did they takeaway from it? Etc...

Perspectives like those might add something worthwhile to a dialogue and enrich the flow within the community...

I was hesitant to use the flag, but there has been so many spam comments that it makes reading comments difficult. On other platforms I do enjoy reading the comments, sometimes they are hilarious and other times have insightful information.
It's annoying when every post you visit has the same comment, generic versions of "Follow me" or "Buy my product"

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