What Kind of Steemian are You? An Asshole, a Too Nice to be True Peep, or in Between??
I have come to the Conclusion that the Community here at Steemit is no difference than the World we live in on an everyday basis.
And in that World there seems to be ...
The Asshole - These are people who are so blunt and who seem to relish in engaging in Conflict and starting them as well. And do it to a degree that some consider them assholes ( btw, pardon the "french" but I used this word to express my point in a poignant manner ;) ). We all know them. They take it farther than the mantra, "I just cal like I see it". They add a toxic element to the equation that ends up bringing down others around them.
Too Nice to Be True - They sugar coat everything. They have a perpetual optimism and tend to go over board with it. To an extent where they almost distort Reality. Their intentions may be noble but sometimes being way too nice can let the bad people have full reign over everything. To the detriment of everyone else. To them Life is just a big "rainbow of skittles ".
In Betweeners - They are the ones who like to look at the cup as being 'half full' but yet they also deem it necessary to analyze the facts and Reality of things. They truly try to give people the benefit of the doubt but if some blatantly try to abuse others or harshly disrespect them..well they have no problem in calling them out. Passive - Aggressive may be a phrase that could describe this group.
No formal science of any kind has backed any of this up. It's just kind of my observations ( with maybe a tint of Tongue and Cheek lol). And what I have experienced over the years. I kind of relate to number 3. I know especially with the passive aggressiveness ( Although many in this group are not). I will give the shirt off my back to most anyone who seems reasonably respectable and sincere. But the moment I see blatant disrespect or abuse well I can really "punch" back.
Anyway, how about some of my fellow Steemians out there ? Any a-holes who are brave enough to admit this ? (Grumpy you reading this lol). Any super sweet people out there who are reading this while chomping on peppermint lollipops and singing kumbaya ? Or are there those out there who take one case at a time and are just kind of cautiously optimistic about the World. Not too cold or not too hot ??

Yes, although this platform brings with it a paradigm shift towards contributionism, it is still occupied by people who have migrated from the old paradigm shift, thus they bring with them their old habits and dogmas.
It will take some time for some people to adjust to the possibilities, by adapting the new paradigm, and of course some people never will.
On the whole though, I have found the trolls who dominated my "really out there" posts on other media to be quite absent here on this platform.
Do you have a shirt in blue? (I take a L too btw :)
Yes very true, @bobaphet. Worlds away from FB and the shenanigans there that's for sure :)
Im in between the too nice and the in betweeners for sure.
I hear ya @leggy23. Same with me too
Half full hahah I am in tge between buddy, what about you?
Same here @azzelarab ;)
We're same then .
Usually the depressed asshole in here . Lol
Thank you @lostandconfused for your brutal honesty :)
Lol you’re welcome
I think deep when ever I see your username. Lost and confused? Only you,? Well this is an in-betweener talking
Lol. Yea when I signed up not to long ago I was really feeling lost and confused about everything going on around me. No matter what I tried to do I felt like I was digging myself into a deeper hole. I have an ex husband to deal with. Let myself fall in love again ( or so I thought) and the man I thought was the love of my life, stepped out of my life. I just feel lost in life. I feel like I’m just getting by some days barely. I’ve been struggling alone with depression. I just have a lot on my plate that was thrown on here recently and I’m not sure how to handle any of it. So I really feel that way. Came on here hoping it replaces my best friend that doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. Lol . I can’t talk to him. I need to talk to someone . So this is my outlet right now. This and my recent weight loss journey ( I’ve posted about both of these issues in my previous posts )
Oh dear! Now I get it. Being separated from a loved one is hard to deal with.
It's not easy for friends talk more of life partners. Please don't keep on blaming or criticising your role about it all. It's good you're here so that you can try and get busy. Life is worth living even without getting our desires. Please be strong.
You already have my support from now on.
Thank you. I’ve been trying not to blame myself but rather the circumstances, but it’s difficult. And no matter the blame it still just hurts. It hurts to imagine the one person you put your love, trust, time into Can walk away from you and cut all ties with you.
Thank you for your support, concern and kind words.
Happy asshole, reporting in!
LOL Thank you @evileddy. Luv the username, btw ;)
When I first started Steemit, I just thought it was this sweet little bubble where everyone got along in the community. Lately though I have been noticing more assholes and negativity. I read a comment just yesterday where one reader was just downright nasty for no reason. He called the women in the post old and ugly just to be a jerk. Then you have whales going after other whales...and the language they use! Oy vay! Also we have the people who just want to argue for the sake of it.
I think I'm the sweet, overly nice one most of the time, but when something really gets under my skin, like grumpy a few weeks ago, I go for the throat lol. Thanks for the post! :)