"I Follow You if You Follow Me"- A Good Way to be Successful at Steemit ??

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I've seen this tactic used alot lately at Steemit . Is it effective ?

Seems Like a Good Way to Interact and Get Exposure...

In the Comment section of a blog recently, I saw another fellow Steemian saying how it has worked for him . He went on to say how it helped hims gain a lot of Followers this way. And was encouraging others to use the same method.

Why It NOT a good Idea at All :

  1. It's probably just not very ethical. And when you do it, imo, it paints you in a negative light. Thus alienating you from other Steemians where reputation is everything.
  2. It's just not effective in the long run for getting overall Engagement and Profits at Steemit .

Here is the Reason why it's NOT effective :

  • If you just blindly Follow people and they do the same and reciprocate, you end up with a bunch of Followers clogging up your Feed. It becomes a mess and very inefficient. I started to blindly Follow a bunch of people like this initially when I was a brand new Member here. And then I had to painstakingly go through my Feed to see all these people who I had no common interest in and they had no interest in me either. Just a waste of time and I had to go in and delete and 'Unfollow' them.

What Should You be Doing Instead...

Do not overtly ask for anyone to personally Follow you. Let it happen naturally. Let your Content and your Content alone be the driving factor that turns fellow Steemians into passionate Followers of you. Write Blog Posts that are of high quality and helpful and leave Comments that are of substance. And by this alone people will want to Follow you especially if they have similar interests as you. ( Heck, by the same token blindly Following someone else you also run the risk unbeknownst to you of Following a devil worshipper or something crazy like that. You do not want to associate or be seen at Steemit in the company of people with questionable character)

Bottom Line

Just say NO to this blind reciprocation of "You Follow me and I will Follow you"
In the end you, will just waste each others time , and it will make your life as a Steemian very counter- productive.



I think a lot of new people get trapped in that mindset of reciprocation or begging for followers. First off, as someone who produces content, I would not be getting the followers that I would really need to be successful with my content. Now it is nice to have a diverse following, exchanging following does not accomplish that. Secondly, as a consumer of content, blindly following people just creates a ton of noise on my feed and I miss the good stuff that is produced by authors.

Ultimately, this practice creates a ton of noise in the system and dilutes the good content. If you have something to say, people will find you. It takes time and work.

Good stuff!!!

visit my steem, l will follow you, follow me back please

Yeah, I’ve always seen those types of requests and even whole groups devoted to the follow for follow tactic on social media like YouTube and Instagram especially. They have never made sense to me because while the numbers may look good, it’s not real engagement. It’s like fake followers haha. I can understand why some people would do it, but it’s never appealed to me! I agree with you!

Yeah, I’ve always seen those types of requests and even whole groups devoted to the follow for follow tactic on social media like YouTube and Instagram especially.

Yes @donroberts, as well as the group thing for Upvotes. Thats crazy and I will NEVER Upvote blindly either

totally agree. All those stupid follow-me-and-I-follow-you crap is just a complete waste of time and energy. Blogging on Steemit like blogging on a website takes time and energy. I don't think anybody should expect to gain their true fans overnight. If your content resonates with your audience, you will definitely grow your following.

Totally agree with you. Thanks for sharing this!

I'm new to Steemit, but with Twitter, I like to follow people who interact with my tweets. If I were to follow blindly, the quality of my feed would suffer.

Like the blind leading the blind. Thanks @hedgehogscorner

Excellent post!!! I agree 100 percent! I want to follow people that I actually want to read their content and have commonalities. And want those same type of people to follow me! That is why I ALWAYS look thoroughly at the persons blog before following. Who wants a bunch of randos flowing through their feed to never interact with?? Isn't that is what Facebook is for??....lolol

Thank you @fitspace. I also do the same thing. Cannot tell you how many times I double clicked on someone's profile after I enjoyed their Comment...only to find that the Content of their blog was just not my thing. Nothing wrong with it but I just could not relate so did not Follow

Right!! Lol I need to have similar interests and some content that I would enjoy reading. Otherwise, what's the point?? I search for genuine friends first....and followers second.

Oh good! I was worried about that. XD

No, no !! Better to teach him now that he's new with a little tough love so he will know not to do it ever again. Thank you for being firm with that :)

I only follow people that I am interested in their content they post.. but I do like reading a lot of random stuff here on steemit..

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