Facebook announces content reward system! Is this the END of Steemit as we know it?

in #steemit8 years ago

Have you read this Announcement from Facebook?


Do you think this is the END of Steemit?

That's it! Just like that your Facebook friends are going to make you rich!

These riches don't have to leave Facebook ecosystem either as they can be used in Facebook marketplace. And the process couldn't be simple!

As the ad shows, you simply link up your account at dollar-faces and you are set!

Facebook’s algorithm will track your Facebook activities and convert them to FDs (Facebook Dollars) and put them straight into your dollar-faces account.

Can Steemit stand a chance with such a move from Facebook?!

As the intelligent Steemians would have suspected, it is obviously a fake, however, it is an idea that has been lingering in my head.

Now, think about, is it not possible for Facebook to just come out and say "we are starting a new BlockChain/decentralized platform that will allow ALL users to monetize their existing activity on Facebook?"

Facebook is a multi-billion dollar company with 1.94 Billion subscribers, that is 99.99% more than Steemit's 250,000 (July 2017 count) users.

Companies like Google, Facebook, MicroSoft are known to EMULATE (fancy word for copying) ideas that stem from disrupting technology ideas from small players, like Steemit.

If Facebook (or any company with resources) throws 10% of its reserves and resources to such an idea then it won't take long for it to gain traction since they have direct access to the major media outlets.

The need to make Steemit BIG is immediate!

There are lot of people in here that are doing a lot to accomplish this (shout out @aggroed and many others that are doing it) but more needs to be done.

I have few ideas, that I was thinking to include in an article titled Steemit Treasure Hunt, however, it seems fitting that I include those ideas in this article that I want to float with fellow Steemians to see if they like them (and help take these into the real world):


Next time you are taking a Uber or Lyft ride or even a traditional cab, give your tip in an Steemit envelope with a simple note like this one:

I earn money because I joined Steemit.

Steemit is like Facebook that pays you for what you already do on Facebook or other social media. Make money during the time you wait for your next ride. You are going to spend that time anyway, why not spend it on Steemit to make some money for your time. Go to www.steemit.com to register today.

Or a wrapped in a page with something like this (I borrowed it from the 10000 template initiative):


These Uber/Lyft guys have serious time at their hand and they are online on their smartphones and they can even use Steemit as a conversation starter with their customers. These customers using Uber/Ola/Lyft are already on smartphones so we open ourselves up for exponential exposure. Talk about leverage.

Apple Store Idea

I heard social media activity is slowest during the weekend. That is a good news, it means people are either watching movies or shopping at malls or living life outside of four walls. More people spend time shopping than anything else. Most major malls have Apple store or other major electronic store.

All we have to do is go in to check their iPads/Surfaces/Smartphones etc. Look around a bit and browse to come to a Steemit page that explains Steemit idea (like the above pamphlet) and leave it on the screens. That’s it.

Best scenario, next person that comes to this device will read about Steemit and joins the revolution.

Worst case scenario, people will register Steemit name subconsciously and that is a good thing for brand in the long-run.


Lot of you know about Fiverr. The service where you can hire help for $5. Next time you need something done - have these projects worked on by folks at Fiverr! Even when you can do it yourself, these guys can help you and it doesn't cost much (especially the Whales who have spare steem $$s to spend.

Why Fiverr?

It has college students and youngsters with access to internet, computer skills and LOT of time on their hands (like Uber drivers wait on their next ride, these folks sometimes wait on next project, and they wait online!).

Not only that, when these folks get on Steemit, because they may already own website/online platforms, they will be more than willing to share their online real estate to promote Steemit.

All these ideas are meant to be 'triggers' for 1000s more.

If you guys like the idea - and if this post garners lot of attention - we can start a new article/thread with these ideas and probably share rewards for people who post pictures of these (or other ideas Steemians share) ideas in action.

We can establish some rules in general (in that post/thread) like these:

  • Do not leave envelopes where not allowed by the local laws
  • If leaving envelopes in a public area, do not write your Steemit handle as this is for general promotion of Steemit not way to find referrals
  • Remember that this is NOT an official Steemit event and your participation is voluntary
  • How much you spend in tips and awareness is up to you and reward is only guaranteed for first 10 individuals (unless other members come forward to sponsor more awards) subject to completing the ‘comment/picture/video’ submission on FIFO basis
  • You must be 18 or over to participate in any of the above ideas

What do you guys think? Any other ideas that we can put to action to make Steemit colossal?

If you like this article and want others to participate, please re-steem so that we can get more attention to this immediate need.

Opinion. Not an advice.


Wowwww... Steemit needs pick up their game if that is the case.

@rkreddy I saw you posted on a post with gift cards for SBD...I was thinking the same thing about it. I like the idead, but the guy has no followers and seems weird to me.

exactly, I don't do business (SBD or otherwise) with someone with 6 followers and zero following?)

You're telling me lol.... Well if you ever are looking to transfer your SBD to someone that is real on this platform, and uses it daily let me know. Not just amazon gift cards, but anything you can really think of.

By the way I like this post....That is why I am always spreading the word of steemit to my friends and family... ^^^UPVOTED^^^

Thank you very much...if it is not too much trouble - plz resteem to get message across and get more ideas!

Steemit will still be a very good crypto alternative.

I can already imagine Facebook bugging people requesting documents and maybe excluding some countries etc.

Being alternative is fine, but we don't want to be replaced!

Yeah I think making a post or thread about the different ideas on how we can spread Steemit's reach is a great idea!

Speaking of great ideas, you had some really good ones in there! I really liked your idea of just strolling up in the apple store and leaving information about Steemit on as many devices we can haha!

I feel like if we all do our part, we can get our total user count well over 1 billion. I'm currently starting with my close family and friends, and have gotten five total people to sign up! One of my buddies @jay-alpha is doing pretty well on here after about a week, so check him out if you get a chance!

Great post my dog!

Thanks mate!

Yea, that Apple idea, last time I was in the store, I did do it and saw elderly gentleman stare at it for few seconds before closing...at least the Steemit name would have stuck to his subconscious!

Consider re-steeming so it can reach more people!

You may have noticed, based on the reactions in the comments, you should probably not write articles this way. It's a major click-bait headline, and most people will not read more than a few lines. You should have posted it as a what-if or hypothetical, and you might have gotten some useful interaction.

More on point, if Facebook did this, I'd think it would be a huge admission that Steemit was a threat. Further, they couldn't really offer to pay it out in fiat as the post suggest since Steemit doesn't either, it just pays Steem. They'd have to create a market for FacebookBucks and get people to buy them, since Steem is also determined by the float price. Doubt they'd try this before it was too late.

Your suggestion is noted and I will implement it in future posts! Under 50 days on Steemit, so am learning the etiquette/ropes! Thank you for the feedback.

I want them not to try or try when its too late for them (and others like them!)

I agree with you there. I suspect they are far too cocky to risk legitimizing Steemit's "model" by copying it.

I struggle with making my posts too long. People just don't want to read too much here, so you've got to be clear and concise.

Noted and will be implemented, where possible!

I think this will work perfectly with the next hard Fork (0.20.0 "Velocity"). As User sign ups from then on will be easier than it is now.

For about $15 I can make about 200 pieces of such name cards. Definitely manageable!

awesomianist - yes...and if we use Fiverr, then we are creating more brand name and still get services relatively cheaper! Thank you for your feedback.

Please consider re-steeming to garner more ideas from other Steemians!

Whenever I see the word Facebook I get a nauseating feeling. People are still too stupid to realize how they're being used by Assbook. The company is worth $350 billion, do they give anything back to their users? NO. All you get is those silly "Likes" to reward your brain. And how much are the DF dollars worth? Maybe a few pennies? They still laugh at you and collect more from your privacy. I'm afraid we haven't seem the last of Assbook's tactics to suppress Steemit, because they know it's a threat to their empire. But in the end, blockchain will rule.

Yes and that was a hypothetical scenario and call for action here is to make steemit colossal before assbook tries to suppress!!

Love that ass book reference! Has a punch when used in the response!

I call it Assbook, because in french, Facebook sounds a bit like FesseBook. And fesse means ass or butt in french. Therefore, ASSBook 😆

Haha good to know to have a basis!

If we mention money again as a reason for users to join it will happen more often what is already happening with all this follow me i follow you and so many ridiculous posts (color change, meme change and so on) done by people is the rush of "money".
The idea with the envelops is cool and original i have to admit so well done thinking about this but again we shouldn't have "money" as a main motto to promote Steemit.
Just a thought!


My thought was, for those who would leave tip anyway, just leave it an envelope so people are aware of this opportunity! Messaging can be different, it was just the idea that I wanted to run with Steemians...we can always tweak and go in a different direction.

I will actually try few times your idea with the envelope for tipping but i will see exactly what message i will add to promote Steemit! Your idea made me very curios now :)

That would be a success of this article, thank you...if you can, post an update!

I will actually after i will try it few times and i will let you know for sure since it's your idea!

thank you...also consider resteeming this article so it can reach more people! :) thank you in advance!

These are good ideas for promotion. I agree that a move like that by Facebook would be devastating to the platform. Still, why would they engage in revenue sharing when they already get all of their content for free? Good example, though. Perhaps if there was some kind of affiliate system or reward for recommending Steemit more people would actively cultivate recommendations. I sometimes post links to my Steemit articles on facebook, but that's about it.

Like one other comment here, Facebook continues to be a great platform for Steemit promotion (lol)...however, as we have seen numerous projects sprout around Steemit concept, I felt that we need to make Steemit as the first thing people think about rewarding blog (like we think of BTC when someone says crypto)...thank you for stopping by and providing the feedback...

If it is not too much to ask, please resteem, that is more valuable as it helps spread the message!

The idea of Blockchain will never get stupid people interested. I already pulled a lot of my friends out of FB and they are doing really well.
I actually promoted STEEMIT on FB and it worked awesomely. Why don't just do that? Who ever is meant to join will join.
I personally will hate to see STEEMIT full with meaningless selfies, cats, food, buzz, drunk peoples pictures and millions of meaningless and destructive comments. Let's leave the FB crowd alone. Every one of us is where we're supposed to be, with the crowd that we deserve.
No need to panic, the STEEMIT team got us covered 😘

Thank you Melip.

Those cats/dogs/food people are already swarming Steemit...and as bonus we have the NSFW gang! So that is already out of the bouts!

My point was: to be able to come face-to-face these giants if they were to enter this market (there are already Akshara/never die/etc in works) - we should be big (and these dogs/cats/porno will be a %% of that without our control)...at the end of the day - it pays to be BIG in this space!

True, but sometimes it pays better to be a "David"

Yes after we get recognition for our marksmanship! Not when Steemit itself is a minnow! Dont you agree!?

I guess am overzealous!!

I love your idea and intentions , I'm spectacle of the quality of people that join. Should we take the good, the bad, and potentially ugly curators that might be encouraged to join?

It is at the end of the day, a number game.

How many people on facebook are actually contributing good quality, the answer is very few...we have to risk that kind of 'number game' to stay relevant if some BIG companies decide to compete/steal the idea.

When our 'numbers in general' increase, the probability of finding good quality Steemers goes up as well. I have been here less than 50 days now. I already like the community although there are some pure shtloaders here.

Consider resteeming to help this reach more like-minded people!

You said it all when you said it is a numbers game, well played!

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