Making 400$ from Plagiarism and Why The Cheetah Bot needs to Upgrade (Giveaway Free Steem T-shirts)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I made a post on Steemit, by copying on Reddit and made 400$ from it to show you how easy, you can take someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

The cheetah bot couldn’t detect it because I change a few words. But this was just to test the system and I would like to thank everyone who report my post and I am going to use the 400$ to give it back to the community by doing a giveaway. So I decided to make a cool T-shirt to give it to my fellow steemians who found out about my plagiarism, 1 t shirt is 25$ so I could only give it to a few people, all you need to do is comment on this post, I will choose the winners later. 

I would like to thank you and congratulation this user for being the first  finding out about it 
You can read all the story here :




The exploit is pretty clever and cynical.

Not just from a plagiarism standpoint but indeed social engineering the hole can of worms that is "gender politics". If someone downvotes or publicly criticises an article about rape or abuse, however politely, they can be very quickly jumped on by various people invested in the story. Said persons may have the best intentions, or may indeed be in cahoots with the OP.

I recently posted a comment on an an article in the minefield that is the #introduceyourself tag - I politely suggested the OP should provide some verification, considering their introduction to the whole platform was a rather grave tale. I was quickly met with a barrage of hate from, for want of a better term "white knights". They went as far as going to my profile and downvoting most of my recent posts.

So, I backed off. I tried to do the right thing, and I got my ass harassed. So, from now on... I'm done with being mister principled. People can vote for stupid shit if they want. They can make some scammer rich, it's none of my business.

Anyway, kudos for coming clean and being cool.

And this is the second layer of the exploit where she feigns innocence.

She didn't come clean, she was BUSTED

nonsense. you was caught plagiarizing and now you're trying to save your reputation. the 11 downvotes brought your post from 400 to 0 . the post can be found here.
"dont upvote this is a test" that's all edited in later. something you just added after being caught and only after seeing you wasn't gonna make any money on it anymore.
The original post was all well presented with pictures and everything to make as much $ as possible. then after someone posted the link to the plagiarized content (the rediit story!) the downvotes arrived and when you saw the profit falling to 0 you pulled the plug on it. with this damage limitation post & a few tshirts you might fool some , but not anyone who saw the original unedited post. clearly was not a test.

I think you should stop bulllying her, She is not an identity theft, here is a picture of her

I never said identity theft! by cheated I mean the plagiarized content (the story took from reddit).
I'm just pointing out that the post she made wasn't the one you see now. she edited. there was no "this is a test" and the post was all well presented with pictures and everything to maximize revenue.
but she got caught....and from 400$ the downvotes brought her post to 0 (you can see for yoursefl the 11 downvotes). this site is her livelihood so of course she has to do damage limitation. I upvoted all her previous posts btw . I thought she was cool (wrongly). and I'm not "bullying her". I'm done here. if u wanna be her fool be my guest.

No It was really a test, how can I produce a high quality T shirt design to do this giveaway so fast then?? I was already planning to do this before posting it. And Also I am using the money that I earn to give it to the people here so I dont think that I am a liar..

the whale tshirt infact has nothing to do with the plagiarizing post . you could have been making those tshirts already. if it was a cheetah bot tshirt maybe it would have made more sense.
anyway good luck.

Give back the money and maybe someone will believe you.
Money talks

Im the one who exposed the con with the help of @antizvuk,
you can send me steem dollars, not interested in tshirts.

You have no idea how angry I am with you right now.

You scammed people and now you are trying to scam them again to get them to upvote for a T shirt?

You have no shame?

This may sound mean, but I am not sure I trust you to give you my address if I did win... You did just admit to playing with peoples emotions

It doesn't sound mean

How can anybody upvote this crap

wow... maybe it's just the cynic in me, but can I ask if you really used copied redit articles to test the system? If so, clever idea!

I copied and change a few words, it is more like clever plagiarism than Copy-Paste

Wow you are really intelligent Layla, Congratulation for exposing the weakness of the system!

you really are an idiot milk, Congratulation for believing her shit

I'm sorry, I do not mean to call you an idiot, it is just a wake a up call, ok?

You can't possibly believe that