RE: [Notice] The TRX Distribution Code has been removed.
What are your thoughts on it's removal?
Personally, I hardly ever used it, so I'm content to hardly ever use TronLink in the future😉.
As a feature for the web site: I could argue for keeping it or removing it. I don't really have a strong preference. On one hand, you're right that it might attract a few new users - and the development cost was already spent. But, on the other hand, Steemit doesn't seem to have a deep developer pool, so it makes sense for them to focus on their core capabilities. After TRX rewards were disabled, the Tron wallet adds unnecessary complexity, because it isn't really a core function any more.
An open question is whether Steemit has development plans, and whether that additional complexity was slowing/blocking them from moving forward on something else. History would suggest that this is unlikely, but there has been some sort of recent github activity relating to bringing back a testnet, so it's not impossible.