RE: Ask me anything #003 - The social interaction experiment. 2SBD prize | El experimento de interacción social
Cuando comencé en Steemit, Descubrí que la publicación regular del blog es la clave del éxito.
Desafortunadamente no estoy estructurado.Estaba entrando en competiciones de fotografía y decidí comenzar mi propia competencia. Me gusta dibujar, pero quería ser más creativo.
Necesitaba una idea original. Elegí notas adhesivas porque son comunes, baratas y pequeñas.
Quiero ver ideas de otras personas y entrada fácil para todos.
Si falla, aún podría escribir sobre eso, pero creo que he logrado mi objetivo, la competencia es divertida. Trataré de mantenerlo funcionando durante mucho tiempo.
When I first started out on Steemit, I quickly found regular blog posts is one of the keys of success. Unfortunately I don't live a particularly structured life. It is also difficult when starting out to be noticed. I was entering some fun photography competitions and thought I might try a competition of my own, but I needed an original idea. I have always enjoyed drawing, but whenever I start any project one of my thoughts is how i can expand on it and be even more creative. I chose sticky notes, as they are quite common and I was also interested to see what other creative ways other people would use them. Being small, it also makes it easy for anyone to participate, a simple picture can be made in only a few minutes.
Even if my competition failed, I would still have the experience to write about. I guess I wanted a competition that was unique and easy for everyone to participate. It has changed a little bit since I started it, but I think I have achieved my goal.