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RE: Steemit Anarcho Capitalism: Killing The Ignorant - Very Short, Very Readable - 1 min #steemit - #anarchism

in #steemit8 years ago

As insane as the current system is, pretty much any of the anarchist ideologies would be a step in a favorable direction


Could you explain your reasoning?

Part of the bedrock of anarchism is the aspect of voluntaryism, that we shouldn't have to be coerced or forced at the end of a gun to be a part of the system. We don't currently have anything close to voluntaryism so my reasoning is that almost all of the anarchist ideologies would bring the State and its' monopoly on the initiation of force to an end. I personally would prefer to live in a decentralized, insurance based voluntaryist society, but what I would prefer and what I would accept are two different things, as evidenced by my participation, albeit hesitant, in the current system.

There are certainly other issues that would fill the vacuum that the end of the state would leave. Anarchism isn't utopia, but it's an honest shot at an honest life.

My goal is to live a comfortable life, so exchanging it by definition goes against my goals.

haha yes! Quick devils advocate though: what if the exchange is your comfort for a fixed amount of time, after which you'd be well off and comfortable for the rest of your days? Well you're on Steemit, so that's prolly gonna happen anyway with the content you put out ;) And my goal is to accept that no human has legitimate power over another human who just wants to do their thing non violently.

I agree with than in principle, in practice I feel it'd make my life harder for no reason, and won't exchange comfort for an ideal.

how Would it make your life harder for no reason? exchanging comforts for ideals is how we level up in our dreams and goals.

If I could expect to be sufficiently more comfortable for the rest of my days beyond a point, then I guess I would be willing to exchange comfort up to that point.

well keep on posting, brave OP, you're well on your way ;)

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