Heritage chapter 1

in #steemit6 years ago

Chapter 1
They say heroes live forever, in the words of songs and in the memories of those whose lives were touched by them. But what makes a true hero? Is it the courage? Is it the strength? Or is it something else entirely? All of these questions and many others had a habit of popping up in Erik’s head, day after day without fail for the last ten years or so; it all began with his father, the bastard had left him and his mother (god rests her soul) when she was still pregnant with Erik, so grandfather Alvin took care of her and the baby ever since.
Alvin had been a great father figure for Erik, he had taught him the importance of honesty and hard work, also he taught him a good deal of other useful skills, thanks to his grandfather Erik knew his way around the engine of a car, how to bait a hook, how to hunt, and despite he was taught violence is only a last resort, Erik picked up a few boxing tips from old Alvin.
Right after high school, Erik decided he wanted to dedicate his life to help others, so he made the choice of becoming a firefighter, his family wasn’t exactly rich so he wanted to do all he could to make a difference, maybe it was Alvin’s influence, maybe Erik was a noble soul, or maybe he was looking for a way to prove to his absent father that he was worth something.
After he graduated he moved to San Francisco, there his journey really began, after 20 weeks of rigorous training at the firefighter recruiting academy, Erik was assigned to the distinguished 38 engine company of the San Francisco fire department in Pacific Heights, there he made lots of friends, as they relied on him for being hardworking and dedicated, albeit a little quiet, soon he started to grow more and more accustomed to his work and he finally started to feel he was making a difference, he was becoming the hero his dear mother would wanted him to be. Or at least he thought he was until the fire department started raising funds for a new fire engine, and what better way to do it than pleasing the ladies with a bachelor auction? Every single lady in the fanciest neighborhood of the city was there to bid on the best specimens of the fire department.
Erik was standing there in the backstage waiting for his turn to be auctioned, the voice of the host filled the air of the station now turned into a dance hall, and boy was he nervous, if it was a raging inferno in a tenants building downtown, he’d handle it as nobody’s business, but standing there In the spotlight while a wide variety of female predators disputed the right to his flesh put a whole new meaning to the word “pressure” and to worsen things even more his turn was right around the corner.
-Alright, this is just another assignment, nothing I can’t handle, just a couple of horny rich gals bidding on me, every red blooded guy’s dream…right?-
Erik kept repeating the same thing to himself for a while, until he felt a light tap on his head
-Come on man, you’re up-
The voice of his fellow brought him abruptly back to reality, no time to think, there was only one thing left for him to do, if he was going to sell his dignity to a bunch of needy women, he’d make sure he raised one hell of a sum for it.
-And now ladies, give it up for one of our newbies, this stud is fresh from the bus, but he’ll rock your world tonight, a man of few words, who loves long walks at the beach, piña coladas, romantic comedies, and sexy massages¡ now why don’t we start the bidding with 50$?-
The host’s voice was deafening, and all the lies he kept telling about Erik didn’t seem to have any effect on the women at the event, they just stared at him silently, one or two of them made some polite biddings but none worthy of notice, the spotlight on him was blinding, he started to feel the sweat on his forehead, he only had been there a few seconds but it felt like an eternity, the host continued to run his mouth on the mic trying to get at the very least a decent sum of money for Erik, but he wasn’t getting any luck, the heat of the lights, the stares of the women, the annoying voice of the host, it was too much, Erik felt the world spinning around, he had to find a still spot, something to distract his mind while all that circus finished, by mere chance he looked at one of the windows; and there it was, a huge black bird staring right into his soul, it must have been only a few seconds, but the intensity in the eyes of that animal awoke something inside of Erik, he somehow felt more confident, more… himself than ever.
And right before the host decided to finish the bidding Erik stepped ahead, and in a display of both confidence and dominance he ripped up his shirt, all his muscles seemed to glow with a new luster, he was powerful and he was owning it. The room fell silent for a moment, and right after that the women started to furiously bid on Erik as if their lives depended on it.

  • 100, I’ve got 100, anyone offers 120? 120 from the lady in red, 125 dollars from the young beauty at the bar, 150? Do I hear 150? I’ve got 150-
  • 200¡¡- Yelled a chubby lady from the back-
    -200$ Ladies, am I hearing more offers?-
    -225- Said one of the most rich looking gals at the place-
    -240- Interrupted the same overweight woman from the previous offer
    -260- Insisted the woman with the wealthy appearance
    -300- Said the fat lady with a tone of exasperation
    -320- Answered the young rich woman
    It was unbelievable, the two women were practically at each other’s throats just to win Erik’s favor for one night, and none of them was ready to back down.
    -350- Was the next thing to come out of the fat lady’s mouth as to assure dominance, and for a second the room fell silent, and the host started yelling.
    -350$ from the lady at the bar¡¡¡ Going once, going twice…
  • 370$ CASH¡¡¡- the voice of the rich looking girl was like a crash of thunder, there was nothing left to say, she had won the duel and the right to her price. Erik couldn’t believe it, he had raised at least three times more than any of his fellows. But how? He was handsome, that was obvious, but he’d never been the type to rip his shirt off just to get attention, and there he was, standing half naked in front of a crowd of crazed women wanting him as if he was the last man on earth, but bewildered as he was, a part of him was happy he could help his company and get a little confidence boost in the process.
    Compared to the auction the rest of the evening was uneventful, and despite the teasing of his fellows Erik was having a good time, and then, the woman from the auction showed up martini in hand to claim her price.
    -Hi there, sugar- said the girl with a drunken voice.
    Despite her state of intoxication she was a fair woman, smooth skin, auburn hair to her shoulders, and a pair of pretty green eyes that sparkled with a glint of mischief, all draped in a daring black cocktail dress, she stumbled on her heels until she stood up there in front of Erik who was sitting near the bar, and then she closed the distance between them latching herself to him like a hungry animal, her breath stank of spirits so expensive Erik would have to work for a whole month just to afford a few sips, and apparently the alcohol was hitting the right spot, all shame and decorum seemed to be absent of her body, as soon as she made contact with the firefighter, she started drawing his silhouette with her hands.
    -Wow, calm down there, sweets, let’s chat a little, shall we?-
    -You’re funny- she replied among giggles –and you’re hot- she continued as she slipped her hand inside his shirt.
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    -Why thank you… I guess, you sure you’re OK sweets? - said Erik with genuine concern
    -Oh I’m more than OK baby, OMG your biceps are huge¡¡-
    The girl continued fondling Erik for a few minutes as he made futile attempts to bring her back to her senses, it was obvious she wasn’t going to stop, and people were starting to stare, so he decided to cut the awkward off and finish his “date” someplace else, so he leaned over and whispered to the girls ear the words she so desperately wanted to hear.
    -What do you say we ditch this party and go somewhere private? –
    She followed him gladly, they took their coats, and before he knew it he was behind the wheel of a BMW driving to a fancy neighborhood in Treasure Island, upon arriving to the girl’s apartment, she practically dragged him to her room, the place was full of luxury items, designer clothes, fancy perfumes, and enough shoes to supply an army… a very particular army, but an army nevertheless.
    The girl threw herself on the bed, and lying there she started muttering pleas for Erik to join her on the luxurious embrace of her queen size bed, so he went up to her, sat next to the intoxicated beauty, looked deep into her eyes, then he gently ran his fingers through her hair, and gave her a light kiss on the forehead, the girl became ecstatic with the mere caress of his lips on her skin, he them put his hand on her cheek, she felt her heart pounding ready to come out of her chest, it was too much to handle, she had to have him, she needed him, her whole body ached for his touch, the time had come for him to quench her thirst like he quenched wildfires, so she surrendered herself to desire and laid on her back with her eyes closed, like a bountiful fruit waiting to be ravished by a hungry animal.
    Seeing that beautiful woman laying on that bed, so helplessly lost in a drunken haze, dying in lust for him, Erik knew what he had to do, so he came closer to her and once again whispered in her ear.
    -Good night sweets, it’s been a pleasure-
    And it was as if those words had some charm embedded in them, the drunk girl slipped in a peaceful sleep, and even though she snored like a giant boar Erik couldn’t help but to find her cute.
    Despite he’d never hear the end of it if any of his mates found out he left a rich girl on her bed without at least making a move, he couldn’t help to feel somehow Grandpa Alvin would be proud he raised a gentleman, and that put a smile on his face.
    Erik then took his jacket and left the apartment, it was around 2 am, and he could ride a bus home, however he would have to walk all the way to the bus stop, it was a good thing, he could use the walk to clear up his mind, it was after all a very crazy evening, the whole auction situation, the women at the station howling and bidding for him, and that crazy rich girl, and suddenly it hit him, he hadn’t even asked the girl’s name, apparently it was going to be “sweets” from now on; he then wondered how his father called his mother, for all he knew he could have been conceived in a similar situation, drunk girl, lonely night, it was the perfect scenario for a guy looking for an easy lay, but he was different, he’d never be like his father, he’d never take advantage of a woman, and even if he never got to meet the bastard he’d die knowing he was 10 times the man his father could ever hope to be.
    Finally he was getting closer to the bus stop, just a few strides and he’d make it, but suddenly 2 things caught his eye, the first was the cold, it started to chill from one second to the next, it wasn’t typical for San Francisco to be that cold that time of the year, Erik tightened his grip on the jacket and walked a little faster when the second thing caught his eye, it was the same black bird as before, the thing was huge he’d never seen a crow that big, it was almost as big as an eagle, and it wasn’t alone, there was another bird just like it standing there, the both of them looking straight at Erik with those piercing eyes, Erik felt his soul stripped naked under the look of those ominous creatures, after a moment that lasted an eternity he shook his head and kept walking trying to ignore the two birds, and as if his silent prayers were answered the two creatures took flight getting lost in the night, Erik took a sigh of relief and resumed his march, without knowing that the true danger still lurked around the corner.
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    -Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Pretty boy in person, aren’t I in luck?-
    The voice sounded like ice being crushed under a rock, deep, dry and cold, colder than winter, colder even than death, so cold in fact that mist started spiraling around the tall figure shrouded in the shadows standing in front of an astonished Erik.
    -What is it kiddo? Cat got your tongue? - continued the strange as his heavy boots made echo in the air of the night, by the moment the “person” made his way out of the shadows Erik couldn’t give credit to his eyes, the stranger was at the very least a head taller than him, and despite having human-like features he had bluish skin, a crooked nose and sharp teeth like those of a piranha, and instead of hair he had a Mohawk made of what appeared to be icicles; the mere presence of the creature somehow made the air even colder, it looked like something out of a fairy tale, or a horror movie, as it continued his march to a speechless Erik.
    -What… are you? – were the only words Erik managed to pronounce trying to snap out of the illusion somehow he got himself into before he felt a sharp blow to his chest; the impact made him stumble backwards gasping for air, that thing was definitely not an illusion, and if he was going to make it out of there he’d have to fight for it, he tried to regain his feet as fast as he could and put his guard up, whatever the hell that creature was it was not the talking type, Erik was still shaken for the last blow, but still he managed to dodge a second punch thrown at him, he then ducked to avoid yet another attack, he could barely believe he was using all the boxing techniques his grandpa taught him against this… thing.
  • Looks like the pretty boy’s got some fight in him- said the creature with a twisted smile drawn on his nightmarish face.
    -Listen, whoever… or whatever you are, you’ve got the wrong guy, I don’t even know you-
    It was as if Erik’s words ignited some sort of sadistic streak in the creature, who started laughing maniacally upon hearing his prey trying to appeal to his reason.
    After mere instants the thing resumed his assault upon Erik, but something was different, he was faster, stronger and definitely more vicious, Erik was against the ropes, he could only block the creatures blows one after another as the damage started to dent his stamina, if the creature kept attacking him like that, he’d lose the fight, no, even more he’d lose his life, and for the first time ever, Erik felt the chill breath of the grim reaper on the back of his neck right before his defenses fell helpless under the overwhelming strength of the unnatural horror before him.
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    The strength of the blow sent Erik flying against a wall, the first thing he lost was his hearing, his head was filled with a loud ringing like that of a church bell, next his sense of touch, all his body felt numb for the immense amount of pain, he couldn’t even lift himself from the floor, and finally his sight started to abandon him as he helplessly observed the heavy leather boots of his attacker walking ominously towards him, and then just darkness.

Well my fellow Steemians, I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter of my story "Heritage" as much as I enjoyed writing it for you, as you can see it's my first attempt at writing something for this awesome community, please let me know what you think, I'd really love some feedback in order to improve and grow as a writer and illustrator, I promise I'll post more often and I'll make sure to add some more content about this and many other cool stories, in the meantime thanks a lot for all your support, see you soon ;)

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