
Ok, here goes biting the bullet. I don't think I am ready to post it as a post, so apologies now for the too long comment. I spent too long trying to work out what was taboo to me, but decided that was getting too personal. So I went with a story of someone you should under no circumstances have sex with

The Palpable Restraint

Her heart was pounding in her chest, her soft pink cheeks slightly flushed. She stepped closer, she could almost taste the electricity in the air between them. It was just a hug…

They were almost touching, she breathed deeply of him, drinking in his intoxicating smell. A weakness swept through her and she yielded to his arms as he pulled her closer. His body pressed against hers, his arms wrapped around her waist, she could feel the tension in his every muscle. The palpable restraint. His breath danced across her neck, raising every hair. Every inch of her was touching him. She couldn’t move, she knew she needed to stop this, to pull away, to leave right now. But she didn't.

She clung closer to him, her hips pressed against his. His hands shadowed down her waist, tracing her outline, his breath growing faster. His grip tightened, she couldn’t pull away if she wanted to. She could feel his heart hammering against her chest through her thin t-shirt. With her breasts pressed up against him, each beat reverberated through her nipples inside the coarse fabric of her laced bra. Her head lay buried in his shoulder, the world began and ended here, lost in the scent of him. She was almost shaking with each entranced exhale.

Time seemed to swim and distort, each exquisite moment was like sweet, dripping honey on exposed skin. She couldn’t think, she wanted him so badly, she could barely even speak. She lifted her head, and stretching slightly on her tiptoes, went to whisper in his ear. As she rose, his hands drifted from her hips, catching on her skirt. His rough fingertips brushed against her bare skin beneath. He couldn’t stop himself, his hand slipped under the soft fabric, sliding up and around her leg. His fingers caught the lace edges of her underwear. A soft gasp escaped her barely parted lips, as his hands firmly grasped her haunches. Her mouth could hardly form the words, she pressed into him as they finally escaped her “I want you,” she murmured softly, her last echo of self control slipping away, “I want you to fuck me”

Something in him gave way, he had held back with every bit he had, but this was too much. He pushed her away from him, up against the wall. His left hand landed hard just above her head, the tension ribboning every muscle down of his trembling arm, and he towered over her. “Are you sure..?” He wasn’t sure if he could hold himself back if she said no. “I… I won’t be able to stop”

She bit her lower lip, she couldn’t make the words, she looked up at him, vulnerable eyes under dark lashes, and nodded. His right arm swept under her waist, lifting her into him. His kisses fell hot and frantic down her neck and he pressed her body against his once more. This time it felt different, the rigid tension, the restraint, that had filled him was gone, a hot, hungry need possessed him in its place. He pushed into her, she could feel how badly he wanted her, the throbbing between his legs was electrifying. She lifted her face to him, and for a moment, his consuming passion gave way to adoration as he gently kissed her, his lips tenderly grazing hers. It was like entering a daze.

Hands she barely registering as her own were tugging at her tshirt, pulling it up over her head. His rough palm chased the rising hem up her warm, soft stomach, to her dark lace bra. Her breath came fast and ragged now, her pale, cream breasts rising and falling with each gasp. For a moment, as the tshirt slipped over her head, the world slipped to white, and all there was, was this feeling bursting inside her. The world did not return, only he did, his shirt discarded with hers. He pressed his bare chest against her, his hot skin flushed with a passion he couldn’t restrain.

He kissed her again, hard and heavy, pushing her up against the wall. His hand slipped back down her bare torso, plunging under the skirt. He groaned into her, his hands slipping under the lace edge of her knickers to hold her bare buttocks, lifting her up. She could feel his hardness pushing into her, her hands traced his silhouette as he loomed over her.

Jeez... Just continue would ya?

Lol, heated story this is... Great work 👍

But now that beginning got me curious... What is that taboo that feels too personal? 😁😁😁

Thank you, I was a bit uncertain about writing it down, let alone sharing it so really appreciate that, hopefully I will write more 😊

Well taboo is a general thing, but telling people where you draw the line yourself maybe gives too much away 😉

Very sensual, I agree I would like more of the story too. Well done.👍👍

My entry is finally ready... @porn-watch jope you enjoy it


Here is entry. I hope it blows you away.

What sort of level are you after here.. more impressionistic or more explicit? I have a few things and am wondering which would be, erm, most appropriate lol

Porn-watch here, it is a very open brief. So here are the two words to be inspired by.


Combine and submit
You can get as crazy or not crazy as you like.

Um...a little scared to share freaky deep darks...I feel so vulnerable...

Throw all that sh!t out into the void! PURGE.
But only if you decide you want to. ☺

Hmm, @porn-watch you're at it again, lurking in the corners of people's dirty minds...

Well, let me go get my entry ready

I don't have a post to share this time around, but I do want to hear people's honest answer to this taboo question:

Is oral sex off-limits for vegans?

I'm being serious, as I am not a vegan myself. I've never had this conversation before, so I'm curious!

I went vegan for a year and I think the whole idea is to reduce cruelty to animals and that all life is sacred and should be considered before harvesting their lives.

I think oral is an act of kindness and something we do consentually within our own species devoid of death, so hell to the ya, on that vegan oyster or hot dog whichever. The only meat they are really allowed to suck on, when you think about it.

Agree with @artwatch...Hell to the yeah! Technically not eating but providing pleasure. Where's the harm?

I'll bet grass-fed clam is delicious!
😛 🌮

I understand the idea of not contributing to animal cruelty, but there are a few items I am on the fence about as far as veganism is concerned. I've already aired the first, the second is honey. What harm is caused to bees through stealing their honey? Is it truly stealing, or is it more of a trade-off/symbiotic arrangement? Another non vegan-approved item that I am 'ehh' on is unfertilized eggs, for the same reasons as the honey. The birds needn't be harmed to harvest eggs already laid. Let me say here I have zero chicken or bee keeping experience. I'm an extra average layman consumer tossing around ideas.

Riddle me this: is drinking the flower's nectar or sipping the salty brine akin to taking products from the bees and chickens bodies? Is consent the key difference distinguishing the acceptance of oral sex/shunning of honey and eggs in the eyes of the vegan community?

To be honest I don't think about veganism too deeply anymore because I think they are a type of extremist-- lol. I think the idea is that as far as the honey goes commercial extraction means that the honey the bees have worked to produce for their winter ration store from the nectar they collect is being replaced with a sugar water solution. With less nutrition means weakened emune systems. Some worry about colony collapse disorder and the crisis with the bees is part result of our agriculture/horticulture.

I think some vegans would argue if we could of just stayed out of anothers species business we could of avoided the problem kinda deal.

What would a cannibal say to oral sex, I wonder? Disturbing way to interpret the phrase eating out.

Lmao...this question has been bothering me for weeks now....i thought I was the only one that thinks about things like this

Apparently you've come to the right place.

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