[Poison]Custom made headphone(CM)/ [毒物]客制化耳機

in #steemit7 years ago

Headphone Hearing/試聽記

前天與朋友在街看到一間賣耳機的店,入到店後最吸引我的是玻璃櫃裡一些比平常大的耳機,老闆看到我已經笑嘻嘻的問我: 用甚麼耳機聽音樂,我一口說 : 用買手機時送的那個,老闆頭也不回拿了一個耳機(牌子好像是FINAL AUDIO) 還拿了他身上自己的播放器叫我坐下試試。

I with my friend  went to a shop which selling headphones in the street yesterday, into the store the most attractive to me is the glass cabinet in some of the larger than the usual headphones, the employee saw me and smile with his ugly mouth asked me: what headphones do u use to listen music? I said: it was attached to my phone when i bought. The employee didn't look back and grab a headphone(seems to be Final Audio) also he took his own player told me to sit down and try it. 


I'm listen 張學友(Singer) song. My friend and I was like daaaaaamn, it was good, it was good. It's like the singer is singing near your ears. That strong feeling is in my head right now. And at that time I know that I  can't keep up with society, but I hold back and don't show that I'm surprised by a headphone. The employee saw that I treat it like nothing, so he bring me to the glass cabinet to try some high class headphone and I'm not afraid, I love to try! (In the glass cabinet the headphone is bigger. (And I was told that these are Universal Series, it's mead that it matches with most people ear type. When u really buy their product. They'll inject some mixture in your ear and wait a few min and send to manufacturers for production)

老闆拿了一隻8單元給我,我完全沉浸在音樂裡,它包圍了我,我也不知道如何形容了....... 最後尾聲時我看到了標價寫著 : 1萬 ,我和朋友都頭也不回各自歸家去。人生中希望也可以擁有一個屬於自己的客制化耳機。

The employee took an 8 unit headphone to try, and I was suck in to a music world and the music surrounding me like Whole. And it's hard to describe. At the end I saw the label write $10000 when I was listen, so me and my friend just go home.  I wish that I have a CM in my life. 


You tried? What's your first time trying headphone experience. If you interest in headphone I suggest you should go try it! I believes that they'll welcome. 

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